
Wake up in parallel earth after exhausted from non stop gaming

Story about young man pass out from exhaust of over gaming and wake up in the parallel earth as unfamiliar body and his new life full of adventure are start (Warning!! it my first time writing so have some Mercy on me Ok English is not my first or second language properly bad grammar for sure) (What can you expect from this story well you can get cool and intelligent overpower mc without struggling or tragedy No drama No Bullshit I try to make My mc enjoyable after many hour of reading and research the type of mc people will be like) Thank for reading my story

JohnMoeSatt · アニメ·コミックス
19 Chs

Life is not too Bad After all

" did I just get isekai, at least not reborn as a baby or medieval era , can not live without internet or video game can I, ok let get some information about where am I, or what kind of this world is,it look modern but what year?"and he open his MacBook and start googling about the history event and compare to the earth he know.

"So it definitely the earth,the history event are almost the same, but I never heard the Mahogany family before look like they are more popular than the kardashian, wait I forget the most important ting where is my golden finger, you cannot ieskai without a cheat can you, my system are you there please respond me come on"he suddenly remember the most important thing in fanfic he read.


"look like no goldenfinger but hey that not bad after all,I have super-handsome look,mega rich family,6.2ft tall healthy athlete body with 8 abs,10inch little brother,Son-Con Mom and over doting aunt,cousin,and other member of household who spoil me the most because he is the only man so they are obsessed with him" he think.


"Who's there?"

"I get some breakfast for you boss"

"Alright come in"

After the staff left he start filling his empty stomach.The staff is hire with the advice of the coach from his academy to balance his diets after all he is a new wonderkid of hale end or Arsenal academy.

This Ilberis guy is not different from other Englishman, charm by the beautiful game in early age he desire to become one is glow bigger and bigger, Joining academy which is 20% private own by his family at th age of eight, Ilberis spend his most time in Arsenal acedamy and practice to become the best.

All his hard work aren't go unnoticed,select in u18 where he play 5 game score 15 goal and promote to u23 where he play 20 game and score 30 goal, he is just a pure striker with great vision,work rate and finishing skill.It not to long to he get catch in the eye of Arsenal Manager Arteta ,get invited to train with the first team and he performed very well and not take to too long to get his first debut ,but the only problem is in this year Arsenal are so good and they have a huge chance to win the league so Arteta did not dare to start him yet,they cannot afford to lost when formar champion Manchester city are follow them very closing.

But he have high expectation in him especially after main player Gabriel jesus is injured and eddies nketiah is not in stable performance , so his chance is coming, the team really need a quality striker , So he can make his debut in next game with Oxford united in FA cup.

After eating breakfast ,as a guy who have obsessed with video game he move to his lasted gaming setup and opening the pc without notice something change in his body."you have a nice setup buddy not bad ,what the hell only have football relate game FIFA,PES,footballmanager , shit how the hell this guy obsessed with football this much not only attempt academy but play fifa all day and night , I impressed we share a lot of similarities and almost have the same personality ,so no need to worrying about people will notice I am not you ,haha last play some match" he said himself with a obsessed smile.

"Damn it just you or am I can be that good ,it that even legal" Iberis stare the monitor screen with speechless.The moniter show 100-0 the result which is unbelievable and suddenly Ilberis notice his body is become very strange and he feel like playing football for hundred of thousand of years and feel like a true god of football.

Quickly he grab a ball and go down to his mini training field and start playing for a few minutes ,go up and open utude ,watch some height lights of famous footballer who play like a newbie in front of him.

"I know it, I know it Lord have mercy I know it I cannot go isekai without cheat HaHa but what is that ,some kind of instant learning or can get ability by playing videogame or may be both , well it did not matter now, after all no one can understand the usages of the ability than me , i read countless time in powerlifting.fandom.com about ability and potential" he scream with excitement and jump with joy which make him leviat and hit the root.


And fall, but somehow he don't feel any pain and get confused again " what just happen a human body cannot jump this height and feel no pain from falling from 20ft, Wait I remember something"

Before he died he play the game call Tale of Wuxia ,a Chinese old school Martial art game which not modern Xianxia but still a lot of inhuman ability.

"If i can gain ability from playing video game that mean I get all my skill in tale of Wuxia and other countless game by replaying again, man that shit it overpower, I not even need a system now, let make some test" and he go down again.

" Ok let start with character creation ,in my last game I choose some talents , you can choose three ,so I choose the first one is Smart which is make you smart ,not surprise I feel my memory are so good and remember even tiny details ,the second one is Casual and elegant bearing, I pick it because I want harem ending and this talent is overpower which increase 50% affection to the ladies when you flirt or give them gift ,which this I can make girls fall for me easily ,such a good ability, the third one is even better this talent call "we are good bro" and it increase 100% affection with men when you hangout or help them, this ability give me a lot of friends and less my enemy in the future"he said to himself agian.

And he go to the pool to test "internal style" and jump down to the pool.

Ilberis come back to the ground after thirty minute and think" as I expect I can live without breathing for hours in underwater ,internal style check"

After that he test his sight ,now he can see from a few mile with 360 degree mode which it extremely cool and test his hearing and now he can hear any sound clearly in a few mile away his toughness is already text by falling from 20ft so no need to say ,he also test his flexibility by opening music and doing break-dance, his body are inhuman and flexible like a cat.

Before he cannot enough admired his body and start performance some martial art move he hear the melody from the his old classic clock while showing 9.am.

" Fuck i forget I have training section in 9 half damn ,if I late Arteta will probably skim me alive even I have toughness hehe but I have "we are good bro", so I definitely make Arteta my best bro and other my teammate too"

"Alright the world just forget Ronaldo,Messi,mbappe,Harland because The greatest Goat are coming Hahahaha"he lough like a mad man before move his own ass to barthroom take shower and prepare to go Arsenal training center in hertfordshire.

(Chapter 2 done, in this chapter he mostly found talking himself because he developed low level antisocialpath and he treat his new found body like a best friend because he never have one)