
Wakanda Forever

Random black dude reincarnated as his one of his favorite superheroes in the dc universe. I am a native English speaker, from the U.S Prolly not harem.

Jaquaviontavious · アニメ·コミックス
23 Chs

The Justice League Part - 1/?

3rd POV———

[There was a time when the world didn't know what a superhero was.]

On dark and rainy day in the city of Gotham, police helicopters are swerving in the air, following a chase, between a man in a costume and a cloaked figure.

"We have Batman in our sights!" In the helicopter, GCPD is aiming at Batman as he chases the cloaked figure.

[There was a time when the world didn't call the the greatest superheroes.]

On the radio the GCPD are communicating with each other.

< He's running after someone. >

< Man? Woman? What? >

< I can't tell, The face is covered. >

< Is it one of them? >

< The way they're leaping, twenty feet at a time? I'd say yes. >

A voice interrupts with authority, < Then take them both down. >

The GCPD in the helicopter look at each other. "You heard the commissioner." The pilot says.



The helicopters start firing at Batman, however his training comes in hand as he leaps out of the way.

Because of his leap, when he lands he starts to roll. Tossing smoke bombs after coming to a stop and then looking back at the cloaked person.


A grappling hook finds its way in the figures leg, piercing through it.


Rocketing to the figure, Batman tackles the figure. "What were you doing at the docks? Talk before I-"


Red energy burst outward from the cloaked persons body, blowing Batman back.


From the rubble of the attack, the previously cloaked figure stands up and once the smoke dissipates, it is revealed to have a monstrous appearance. Green skin with a mouth of jagged and sharp teeth lined in a fearsome snarl.

"REEEEE!" The monster rears its armored fist back and strikes Batman in the face, making blood spill out of his mouth. Preparing another strike, bright emerald light suddenly illuminates from above the monster and Batman.

"What?!" Batman exclaims.

A green firetruck rams straight into the monster, launching it into a wall of bricks.

Batman, now hanging off the roof because of his need to dodge the sudden truck, looks up at the bright light. A humanoid figure floats down in front of the hanging Batman.

"Batman?" The man asks.

Batman notices his features, Caucasian male with brown hair wearing a green half mask and a full body suit with green and black torso and legs, while his hands are white.

"You're real?" The glowstick asks.

"And you're too damn bright. Turn down the light before they see it."

"Before who sees us?"


The helicopters begin shooting at the superpowered people on the roof.

"Put my hands in the air? So they can just shoot me?" The green man raises his hands and constructs of swat with riot shields block any bullets from hurting the duo.

Batman takes cover behind the green swat men. "Welcome to Gotham, 'Green Lantern'."

"They're waisting their bullets. This force field can stand up to…well anything!"

"I've read about your 'conflicts' with the Air Force out west so I know you know the drill."

"Yeah, I know the drill, they dont like us."

"The world's afraid of us."

"You say that like it's a good thing."

"..It's necessary."

Immediately after Batman gets done saying that, the monster from before, whips out a pair of wings, hitting Green Lantern in the back, pushing him forward into his constructs while Batman dodges.

*KAAAASSSSSHHHHHH* the monster shoots a beam of red energy from its mouth, hitting the helicopters and sending them into a spiral downwards.

"Move." Batman says, about to save the survivors.

"No need, Green Lantern's got this!" Giant green constructs of bats grasp on the helicopters and carry them down safely.

The monsters jumps from the building onto the ground, crushing cars from its weight. The monster morphs into a 6 legged monstrosity and rushes into the city.

"What is that? A transformer? It just changed into some kind of dog."

"Take your flashlight and go home. Gotham is mine. Coast city is yours."

"No this entire space sector is mine."

Batman launches a grappling hook to chase the dog monster.

Green lantern flies after him.

"Space sector?"

"Its my beat. Im not the only green lantern out there. There's thousands of others patrolling the universe. A whole corps-"

"Uh, huh."

"I'm serious. I was alerted to a unauthorized extraterrestrial presence in Gotham."

Batman follows the thing into the sewer with Green Lantern behind him.

"Extraterrestrial? Witnesses spotted this thing trying ti plant some kind of bomb downtown. When the cops confronted it, it spewed fire from its mouth."

"Yeah don't worry about the fire. Note to self, Batman: Green Lantern can handle anything. What are your powers anyway, you can't fly?"


"…Super strength?"


They continue traversing the sewers with Batman leading.

"Hold on a second…You're nog just some guy in a bat costume, are you?" Green Lantern asks Batman.

Batman looks at him and gives a small smirk on his face.


"Whats this do?" Batman holds up Green Lanterns ring in his hand. Startled at this, the now NOT Green, Green Lantern says, "My ring?!"

"I dont see any buttons so im guessing concentration."

"How the hell'd you get it off?"

"You weren't concentrating." Batman gives another small smirk.

"You wont do that again!" The ring flies back towards the now green, Green Lantern.

"Unless I want too."

"You really want to pick a fight with someone who can make anything he thinks of?" Green Lantern becomes a little mad.

"I'd be worried if I thought you could think." Batman effortlessly shoots back.

"You're about to see exactly whats on my mind-"

"Quiet!" Batman hushes him.

"What?! What are you-"

Batman points behind him, looking back Green Lantern sees the monster fusing something to the wall.


"Het did you hear that, if thats a bomb, he just armed it." Green Lantern rushes at the monster.

"Lantern, wait-"

"FOOOORRR DARRRRKSEIDDD" the monster growls out before-


A mass explosion goes off, blowing up the large room that the 2 superheroes were in.

The smoke clears and a green bank vault is revealed to be the reason the heroes are safe. "Dark Side? What is that, a band?"

"It sounded like a death cry."

"But it combusted into fire."

"On purpose."

"How do you know that?"

"It was trying to take us with it."

Green Lantern walks over to the box fused with the wall.

"Ring! Scan and Identify."

{Unable to Identify.}


"It doesn't look like a bomb. More like a alien computer."

"Alien..maybe that guy in Metropolis knows about this?"


"Yeah..they say he's an alien."

"He is, and he's dangerous."

A surprised look shows up on Green Lanterns face. "You've meet Superman?"

"No, but I've…researched him..his power-"

"Wont be a problem for me!" Green Lantern states as his ring glows brighter.


"Come on Batman, we have a alien to meet."


Over in the advanced city of Wakanda, T'Chaka is holding a meeting with some advisers. When someone enters the room a little forcefully.

Dora Milaje all immediately rush to protect the king.

"Hold! I knew she was coming."

The startled member of the Wakandan spy force apologizes and gives the king a report. "My king, we have word of multiple extraterrestrial beings on the planet."

"….Any in Africa?" T'Chaka asks, a little surprised.

"No my king. Only in America."

"…Send out the sky probes, we'll watch and intervene if it comes down to it. We're on this planet too."

The woman nods and rushes towards the military center command.

'Is that why T'Challa went to America? Did he know of this?'


T'Chaka turns to the advisors, "-meeting over. Someone get me my armor, and call N'Jadaka. We'll go and help my son, if he needs it."

(New 52 version for appearances. Hope you like it. Sorry for copy and paste, the next chapter will be T'Challa meeting the future 'Justice League'. Goodbye for now.)

(I already have the next chapter written, I might release it later today idk.)