
Wakanda Forever

Random black dude reincarnated as his one of his favorite superheroes in the dc universe. I am a native English speaker, from the U.S Prolly not harem.

Jaquaviontavious · アニメ·コミックス
23 Chs

Itumente Icandelo 1

I walk towards the training grounds with little Shuri. On the way talking about math with her, she's extremely gifted in all things nerd.

There I find my father along with my teacher. Not a unusual sight, he sometimes had time to watch.

"Hello Papa"

"Hi papa! Bruh bruh taught me mafs."

He smiles at Shuri's mispronunciation. "Its 'math' Shuri, now T'Challa, in a weeks time you will be fighting against your cousin and Asira. This will prove how far you've come along with your cousin and the princess."

I nod, not surprised at the news. Shuri looks up at me with big eyes and looks towards father. "When I get strong and fighty papa?" She asks innocently.

"Awww, my princess you'll begin in 2 months." He gets on one knee and begins to squeeze her cheeks. Aneka, the captain has a small smile on her face although, as soon as she sees me looking at her she instantly banishes it away.

'Hehe, Yeezy moment'

Aneka is a mysterious person to me. I dont know what she likes, dislikes or anything. Since Wakanda has multiple languages, she talks to me in Xhosa, Wakandan and Swahili, I suppose to make sure I can speak them fluently.

As a ploy to piss me off, I think, she only speaks to my mother and father in Yoruba and Hausa only. I dont say anything about it tho', standing at like 6'1, with muscles visible through her Vibranium weave mesh garment and tribal tattoos on her face, she was a very intimidating person. Yes, we even got a mound of Vibranium.


The day of the bout, the day imma bout to beat some African booty in front over other Africans, lets go.

I step out of my room in a garb of tribal etched warrior clothes. Purple and black, because purple is my favorite color.

A group of 4 Dora Milaje lead me to the training grounds, refitted with some ritualistic designs.

Sun in the air with a cool breeze, in Africa? Today is gonna be a good day.

I step into the group of dancers. The dancers moving all parts of the body. Angular bending of arms, legs, and torso; shoulder and hip movement; scuffing, stamping, and hopping steps; asymmetrical use of the body; along the effortless fluid movement is astonishing.

They use a medium that embodies the experiences of life, pleasure, enjoyment, and sensuality. The bodies of the dancesr overflowing with joy and vitality, it trembles, vibrates, radiates, and it is charged with emotions. No matter the shape of a dancer—thick or thin, round or svelte, weak or muscled, large or small—expressions are not repressed or stifled.

They direct the true language of the body to assert itself, to be joyous, attractive, vigorous, and magnetic.

This dances along with the vibrant colors and animals all doing their trained moves.

Eventually it all dies down to them on a knee before my father. "Today..We Celebrate Our Childrens Lifes In A Fantastic Tournament, Let It Begin!" He announces to the collective group of tribes watching.

Children of tribes come forward to enter the tournament.

"The Golden Tribe(Royal Family) present T'Challa son of T'Chaka and N'Jadaka, son of N'Jobu!"

"The River Tribe(Fishing and Agriculture) present Amari, son of Tiombi!"

"The Merchant Tribe(Commerce and Trade) present Kwame son of Adisa!"

"The Border Tribe(Border Security) presents Wakabi and Zuri, son and daughter of Imani!"

"The Mountain Clan(Jabari) presents M'Baku and Asira, son and daughter of Akambe!"

Once the tribes finish, my dad announces the start of the tournament.

The first is a regular race. From here to a mountain some way off in the distance.

"Start!" My father exclaims. I shoot out first, already gaining a lead. On my way there I was beset on all sides by problems and hurdles, stemming from physical and mental, however I made it first up the mountain.

Followed by my cousin, Asira and then M'Baku.

"H-how can you beat me all t-the time? I dont get it." N'Jadaka asks me. He's always been like this, hungry for my defeat. However he must be the one to do it, I guess its the pressure getting to him?

In the future I must manage this correctly or he'll turn out like his MCU version, then I'd have to kill him before he becomes a threat to Wakanda.

Lately I've been having thoughts like this, who I need to kill. The main one is gonna be the Joker, the first chance I get, i'll put my panther claws through his chest. The next is Vandal Savage, I need a way yo kill him, if lush comes to shove, ill send him to the sun.

"Don't be like that cuz, if you're fated to defeat me, it'll come." I see him begin to pout before coming back to his senses, looking past him I see M'Baku staring into my soul, probably envisioning himself as King of Wakanda. It seems I have to bully a couple kids.