
Waiting Time Rewrite!

"I was told and directed to follow a fixed path throughout my life. Yet, I failed and was discarded, but was that a bad thing? I've obtained something in return..."

ImBoredSoMehl · アニメ·コミックス
15 Chs

Arc 1 - Oh, Fuck My Life: Chapter 7

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.



Arc 1 - Oh, Fuck My Life: Chapter 7

Hours later*

After Akane showed off her forms, where Lawliet fixed a few problems in no time, afterward, Akane left for school and Lawliet headed to the clinic for work.

As much as he wants to leave Lala behind, he doesn't trust her enough not to tear down his house for parts. So Lala is forced to come to work with him.

In hindsight, he should have realized how beautiful Lala is compared to the locals. Nearly the entire morning was filled with so many customers that if he hadn't trained himself in endurance in the past. He would have long by now to be exhausted to the point of being unable to move a finger. All because Lala's appearance caused others to become too curious and decided to waste money to see her beauty with their own eyes instead of just trusting the words of others that had seen Lala in person.

By now, everyone in the area should know about Lala. Especially how helpful she can be in fixing people of their stuff that would require them to go somewhere further to fix their things that a mechanic would take some time to repair, while Lala barely took a few minutes to do so.

Moving into the afternoon, all the customers were sent off after treatment, and those that just idled around were forced to leave by Lawliet for not wanting to crowd the clinic when paying customers were trying to come in for actual treatments.

As for those trying to get Lala's attention by getting her to fix their things, they even go far as to find stuff to break as an excuse to get Lala to repair them.

Lawliet had to put his foot down and get Lala to raise the repair fee to the point barely anyone could pay her. Of course, many grumpy people couldn't get their way, which he solved too by threatening to blacklist them from his service. That alone scared them off quicker than they rushed in to see Lala.

Just to show how famous Lawliet is for treating people with acupuncture. No one wants to be blacklisted by him as his fee is cheaper than the hospital, and how fast the treatments are without having to take days off from work due to the need of their body to recover after returning from the hospital for their illnesses to be treated.

"So, do I get to keep all this money, or do I have to share it with you?" Lala asks Lawliet, who is reclining on a chair, completely exhausted.

"As you can help pay the bills, you can do whatever you want with the money you were paid for your repair services." Lawliet said tiredly.

"Is that it?" Lala looks at Lawliet in confusion. "Don't you want me to work for you and take nearly all my money?"

"I can make my own money. I'm just not letting you live off me like a freeloader. So casually do repair works and earn your keep, then we won't have any problem whatsoever." Lawliet let out a yawn. "I'll provide meals too, so you don't have to pay for takeout."

"So you're one of the people that don't care about money much." Lala starts seeing Lawliet in a better view, especially how she doesn't have to worry about him taking advantage of her inventions like the people back in her universe. Nor does she has to be concerned about him secretly trying to manipulate her to invent something for him. She can tell that he doesn't place her anywhere as a main priority in his eyes.

"More like I have enough money that I've long stopped caring about money, in general, other than making sure I've plenty to spare in the case of an emergency." Lawliet replied. "So, as someone who isn't a local of this universe. I'm willing to help you since I know how hard things will be at the beginning alone without much help."

Of course, what Lawliet didn't mention is that the reason why he didn't have much help is due to him already having so much support in the form of Charyeok. Thereby, the need for help from others had never lasted that long in Lawliet's mind.

The things Lawliet could do now would easily make him rule the entire world with an iron fist, and no one could do anything about it.

Lawliet uses the Charyeok: Na Bongchim and starts hitting the pressure points over his body for stress relief, with a bit of change here and there in a different area of pressure points to cause a chain reaction to make his body recover faster than usual without any side effect in doing so, before dismissing Na Bongchim afterward.

Afterward, he uses the unique breathing method to continue developing his body to become stronger.

"Y-You're willing to help me out just because you don't want me to experience something like you did in your early years in this universe?" Lala's voice shook in the beginning before she managed to control herself.

But it was too late, as Lawliet knew Lala must have come up with many excuses for why he helped her. Plus, he had already checked most of Lala's background and knew how much of a trust issue she has while growing up. Her little sisters and mom could not help her against their father/husband, which made Lala's bond with them distant over time.

"Yeah, but only if I find your attitude to my liking. Otherwise, if you piss me off enough, I'd have thrown you out immediately." Lawliet didn't outright say it, but he would even go far as to use one of his Charyeok to send her back into her home universe. Sure, he could kill her, but making her return to her universe would be a fate worse than death. Well, at least in his opinion.

"Then... Is it possible for me to take the backyard-" Lala didn't even get to finish her sentence as she was being glared at by Lawliet the moment she mentioned the backyard. The intense glare froze her in place; never before had she felt so afraid for her life, even compared to being glared at by her father in the past. It felt like she was stared at by an army of godlike beings, waiting to devour her without leaving a single piece behind.

"Backyard. Is. Off. Limit." Lawliet growls, nearly letting the urge to attack Lala set in, but suppresses it and removes it with help from one of his Charyeok. "Sorry, the backyard is important to me. I've been using it for years and have made lots of memory of the place. It has become something of a precious area that I don't want others to be in. Having you appear in the backyard wasn't something I could control."

Lala quickly nods, not daring to argue, nor does she want to anger Lawliet any further.

"Anyway, other than the backyard, the bedroom, and the kitchen. Anywhere in the house, you can use for whatever as long you don't destroy the house." Lawliet said to Lala gently, resuming using the unique breathing method as a mean to temper his anger and calm himself. "So, while we're at home. You can do whatever you want inside the house beside the two rooms I've told you not to touch."

"I-Is there anything else I shouldn't touch?" Lala asked now because she rather not find out the hard way when she accidentally touches something she wasn't supposed to while in her focus state of inventing.

Lawliet thought about it a few minutes before answering, "If possible, leave the bathroom untouched unless you can upgrade it to become better than it is now. Otherwise, you're fine with anything else."

Lala slowly nodded, then sighed in relief as she thought she would die momentarily. Also, on another note, she feels at ease now. Because now, she no longer has to worry about anyone trying to influence her in a way to create something for them, especially for her father's need for more weapons. Although, she will keep her doubts for those around Lawliet as she slowly adapts to her new environment.

"If you don't mind me asking, but do you have a lover by any chance?" Lala asks with a hint of concern and hope.

"I don't have one. Why do you ask?" Lawliet narrows his eyes at Lala, causing her to blush and look away.

"S-So, the main reason why I left for my world, not the universe, which isn't bad; however, the fact that I left must have made you wonder why." Lala starts. "My father has been trying to get me married off to anyone so he can step down as king and go around doing perverted things. Honestly, I would have been fine with that, but the suitors he keeps setting me up with just want me for my background and my ability to create nearly anything as long I put my mind to it and have the resources to use."

Lawliet nods, letting Lala explain her situation while wondering if this was a canon thing about why Lala's father, Gid Lucione Deviluke, wanted Lala to be married so badly.

"So what I'm trying to say is that. Please marry me so that if there is ever a case of someone from my universe were coming here to get me. I would have someone like you as my husband would make all those suitors of mine back home to stop harassing me for my hand in marriage." Lala finally said what she has been on her mind since last night after meeting Lawliet and gaining information about her present situation. "I know we just met, but please help me. I'm willing to make anything for you as long you give me the freedom to make anything else when I'm free from any assignments you give me."

"Okay, first off. As you said, we just met. I know a bit about yourself, not the whole story but enough. And you also know about me since I made sure it's part of the knowledge package for you to know about your situation in this universe and not your own. However, unless someone in your universe has the same knowledge and experience as you in inventing, where they manage to recreate the device to send you out of your universe and into this one. I don't think there any chance of seeing anyone from your universe anytime soon or at all in the future unless you are willing to put effort into returning to your home universe." Lawliet said at a steady pace.

Lala is speechless to find someone that doesn't want to marry her straight away, and many suitors back in her universe would throw a grand party just for her to show up to the meeting to see if they were compatible with each other before tying the knots for marriage. Yet, Lawliet didn't even have any intention of pursuing her. In fact, she could see in his eyes that he didn't have any interest in her at all other than wanting to help her out.

For what has been a long time. Lala has no idea what to do. The other time she ever felt like this was when she didn't have a solution to her problem when her father told her about the marriage and becoming the next queen. It took her a bit of time before she came up with a small plan to delay this problem until she found the best answer to the problem, which wasn't much. Still, it gave her a couple of years before her father decided to become stricter and no longer care about her opinion.

Lawliet continues to read Lala's thoughts and goes through her inner monologue. He finds himself speechless and wonders if it's due to Lala being older and more mature than her canon version. That made it harder for Lala to deal with problems that her invention couldn't fix and maybe knowing how she is forced to think up more plans instead of just moving with the flow until the issues are resolved on their own somehow.

The last thought made Lawliet pause for a moment.

Is this why most of Lala's inventions in the canon have so many problems going on with them?