
Waiting Time Rewrite!

"I was told and directed to follow a fixed path throughout my life. Yet, I failed and was discarded, but was that a bad thing? I've obtained something in return..."

ImBoredSoMehl · アニメ·コミックス
15 Chs

Arc 1 - Oh, Fuck My Life: Chapter 10

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.



Arc 1 - Oh, Fuck My Life: Chapter 10

Four days later*

Lawliet sighed after siping his hot tea, warming his body from this fine cool morning.

"Hey, Lawliet." Lala calls for Lawliet's attention. "What do we do with this thing?" She points out an unconscious form of Genma with a large bruise covering a third of his face and black eyes.

Yes, it seems that Genma has tried once again to do something against Lawliet due to finding out that Ranma has started, slowly but steadily, becoming independent from his father and learning more about things outside of martial arts. And Genma did not like that one bit, which led to him trying to sneak into the clinic and 'accidentally' trigger one of Lala's inventions she left lying around the place in areas that just seemed to be perfectly fit for a defensive formation.

Therefore, Genma is currently severely injured due to bad luck.

Of course, Genma didn't become unconscious from triggering one of Lala's dangerous inventions. He toughens it up and barely stays conscious.

Instead, Lawliet uses the Charyeok: Hypnos, where the appearance is unknown in the canon, but that doesn't matter as its ability is Sleep Inducement. Given that the Charyeok is the God of Sleep himself, this Charyeok allows the contractor to induce someone into sleeping with an only verbal command and eye contact.

This is among the many Charyeok Lawliet uses nearly every day because Sleep Inducement makes it easy to treat patients by putting them to sleep before the treatment. This only applies to patients that can't stay still when awake.

Lawliet has many Charyeok to use to deal with Genma, but seeing how severely injured he is right now. Using Hypnos seems to be alright. Sadly, this didn't solve the problem of sending the unconscious Genma away. Sure, he could have used another Charyeok, but he is still resting from staining his body after another training session.

"If possible, just throw him outside, and as far as you can throw him." Lawliet said to Lala after thinking about it for a few minutes and doing an inner monologue a bit.

Then, Lawliet watched in amusement as Lala easily picked someone heavy as Genma single handed and actually threw him outside—no, she sent him flying and soared to the sky with a height that many people on the ground stopped to see an unbelievable sight happening before them.

"So, it has already been over a week. How is life treating you so far ever since you came here?" Lawliet asks Lala, then take another sip from his hot tea. Feeling very peaceful right now, even if there aren't any customers in the clinic.

"Slow." Lala didn't even hesitate. "I'm still getting used to not being in a rush so much."

Lawliet hums, waiting for Lala to continue.

"But, I find it peaceful taking my time making my inventions. I can also carefully work my way into it and not ignore all the important things to take note of in the process like usual." Lala smiles while she takes her time arranging the materials and tools around her. "I bet you've noticed how some of my latest inventions didn't have many usages in combat."

"I have." Lawliet nods. "I didn't have to dismantle them into raw materials."

This made Lala smirk.

"I-" Lawliet was about to say something when he channeled the Charyeok: Jin Taejin—then he appeared outside his clinic with a knee attack on Ryoga's umbrella that nearly crashed through the front window—shattering the umbrella.

Floating behind Lawliet is an old man with a muscular build and "X" shaped scars all along his right arm, revealing his left arm is missing. He dresses in loose-fitting, casual martial arts clothing with the sleeves ripped off.

Jin Taejin is the adoptive grandfather and solo master of Renewal Taekwondo. He was also considered a candidate to become the God of Combat. And through Lawliet's imagination, he can make that happen, but his body can't handle the strain. Therefore, this version of Jin Taejin was before he was killed.

One of the strongest Charyeok Lawliet can use without much strain as he doesn't push his imagination beyond what his body can handle.

In front of Lawliet's clinic Ranma and Ryoga fight, where the latter is causing more damage to the surroundings than to the former.

"Should we do something about this?" Lala asks Lawliet as she holds what looks like a futuristic claymore.

Lawliet blankly stares at the claymore in Lala's hands as he recalls how she is quite skilled in swordsmanship in the canon series. Thereby, the Lala before him could be a master in wielding swords.

"As long they don't-" Lawliet was cut off when Ryoga threw one of his trademark bandannas, used as razor-sharp missiles, straight toward his head. That would have nearly taken someone's head off; however, for Lawliet. He still has Jin Taekin channel throughout his body. Allowing him to grab the bandanna before it could touch his face.

Now, Lawliet is patient and sometimes willing to give out many second chances, like with Nabiki, hoping she would see the error of her ways. Unless it's Genma, then all bets are off, and he will do his best to knock him out for the most part, barely giving him any time to do anything or say a complete sentence.

However, that doesn't mean he will let this pass, even if Ryoga didn't intently aim at him. Yet, this was twice now that Ryoga had attacked him.

So the moment Ryoga leaped into the air once more with a battle roar. Lawliet jumps up high to hook one of his legs around Ryoga's neck while spinning at high speed, then bring him down onto the ground head first, resulting in a crater.

Lawliet landed safely away. After the dust cloud has cleared up, everyone can see Ryoga is out cold with a painful look, but he is still alive, with his chest still moving up and down.

Ranma stood in shock just a little from the side, which slowly turned into fear when he saw Lala glaring at him and wielding a huge sword almost as tall as him without any problem holding it up like nothing with just a single hand. Then again, Lala has shown how physically strong she is.

"Now, did you have to fight near my clinic?" Lawliet asked Ranma calmly; however, the way he had his arm wrapped around Ranma's neck was the opposite of being calm. Almost choking the poor cursed boy, but he knew there might be a slight chance that Ranma wasn't the one that led the fight here. Hopefully; otherwise, he will have to give Ranma a good talking.

Ranma's forehead covers in cold sweats and he can see his life flashing before his eyes. Which is really bad now that he saw everything, making him question why he should listen to his pop's words at this point with all the trouble he went through because of that excuse of a man that is his father.

"I'm going to give you a warning, a final one. Because this is the second time you and your friend over there nearly destroyed my clinic." Lawliet reminds Ranma of when he and Nabiki discovered Ryoga's cursed form of a piglet. Both almost destroyed the place if they managed to start fighting, but they were quick to take down before they could do anything. And now that this is happening, but outside of the clinic was not making much different other than the damage would be different.

Ranma suppresses the urge to gulp in fear.

Lawliet continued, "As long you make sure all your future fights from this point on are away from my clinic and house. We're good. In fact, I'll throw you a benefit to motivate you to ensure this never happens again. I'll spar with you to help you redevelop your martial arts into your own instead of continue following the same direction as your father's martial arts. Becoming a true honor martial artist. I won't make you learn my martial arts; instead, you use some of them as references to add to your new martial arts."

"Really?!" Ranma looks at Lawliet in disbelief but with eyes filled with hope. "You won't get mad at me for learning some of your martial arts techniques?"

"You're a martial artist, not a medical practitioner." Lawliet replied dryly. "Unlike Nabiki, you're trying to develop more of your martial arts for the sake of your honor as a martial artist, while Nabiki sees my own as a method to make money."

"I understand." Ranma slowly nods, "So when can we spar, and how often would you spar with me?"

"It depends on my mood. But I'll let you know beforehand so you can prepare yourself. I rather not face you when you're injured before the spar begins." Lawliet replied, then released his hold over Ranma's neck, causing the latter to sigh in relief. "Anyway, why are you and Ryoga fighting so close to my clinic in the first place?"

"Ryoga blamed me for 'revealing' his curse to Akane, causing Akane to beat Ryoga up for tricking her by pretending to be a normal piglet. Only for Nabiki to be the one to change Ryoga back into his original form, which he was naked and before Akane at that, so you can easily guess what happens afterward." Ranma explained the reason behind the fight and why so close to the clinic.

Simply, Ryoga blames all the problems on Ranma without thinking about it, especially when Nabiki reveals his curse when Ranma was just nearby at the time and tries to warn Akane about it. Therefore, in Ryoga's mind, if Ranma wasn't trying to warn Akane. Nabiki wouldn't have acted, not realizing that Nabiki still cared for her sister.

Overall, Lawliet can say that Ryoga is dumb as he is in the canon and in this world. But, then again, there must be something wrong with Ryoga's brain for keep on blaming most of his problems on Ranma even if some of the problems might be Ranma's fault somehow.

Lawliet shakes his head, then head inside with Lala following right behind quietly. Ranma stood near the crater with Ryoga in it for a moment before letting out a frustrated sigh and dragging the unconscious Ryoga inside the clinic as well.

"Do you want me to treat pig boy?" Lala asked Lawliet as she held up a syringe with the needle very long that it was almost her own arm's length.

Ranma quickly drops Ryoga to the ground and leaps away, far away from Lala as possible, staring at the long needle with fearful eyes.

"What does that do?" Lawliet tries not to show it on his face, but he is freaking out upon seeing a needle that long and wary of the liquid medicine if it's for medical purposes, that is.

"It increases the person's body's natural healing by fivefold but at the cost of feeling pain from the slightest touch tenfold." Lala happily explained.

"Is that so." Lawliet sweatdrop. "If you don't mind me asking, but what made you make that?"

"It's something I came up with when I have to deal with prisoners to ensure they don't end up dead while their families try to redeem them from me." Lala said this with a bright smile, but her eyes were dull and cold. "It was annoying having to deal with families wanting my life after I dealt with those that wanted my hand in marriage."

"I... see." Lawliet wondered how he missed this detail when he was looking through her background at the time.

Lala lets out a giggle while Ranma begins to whimper.