
Waiting For Your Love

Lucretia and her family moved to the states when she was only 4years old and settled in Washington DC. One day, Lucretia was playing with her puppy in the garden when a young boy her age walked in and introduced himself as Philip, a next door neighbor. They became friends afterwards, doing almost everything together. As years passed by, Lucretia became attracted to her best friend but dared not tell him with the fear of losing their friendship. What will Lucretia do with her feelings for Philip? Will this love be a one sided love? Find out more in "Waiting For Your Love." Disclaimer: Picture not mine. Credits to the owner Follow me on IG@Henrietta_Otu

Henrietta_Otu · 若者
74 Chs

Turn Of Events

"Mum..., I'm going to the ice cream shop with Philip" she exclaimed to her mother who was batching cloths into the wardrobe.

"OK...dear.., don't keep long"

"OK..mum.., I won't."

She dashed out of the house and met Philip leaning over the fence with his back facing the entrance of the house.

"Phil..." exclaimed Lucretia as she approached him.

He turned and smiled softly to her. Lucretia smiled back, her heart skipping a bit.

"Damn...Phil..,why such sweet expression. Doesn't he know it's so not him? Doesn't he know it murders my poor heart?" muttered Lucretia to herself mesmerized by Philip's cute smile.

"Oh...you're here. Can we leave now?" she was brought back to reality by Philip's question.

"Yeah....,we can" said Lucretia slowly, still admiring Philip.

Lucretia and Philip walked to the bus stop, reminiscing their childhood moments.

"Yeah...,I missed those times."

"Such a naughty girl you were by then. No..wait.., you are still naughty." he said skeptically, ruffling her hair

"Hey...,you'll mess my hair." she chuckled a little, shaking her head.

"Uhm...I know..,I know..,let's hurry." he said with a grin.

They got into the bus and soon arrived at their destination. They went into the shop and the waiter came over to them.

"Can I please have your order?" he said handing over the menu to them.

"Which one do you want." asked Philip.

"I guess the chocolate will do." she said with a smile and handed the menu back to the waiter.

"I will take the same thing." he added.

The waiter took the menu and soon returned with their order. The sight alone was enough to make ones mouth watery.

"Hmm...., yummy" said Lucretia in delight as she took the ice cream from the waiter.

"Such cravings you've always had for ice creams." said Philip.

"I know right?" she said teasingly and dug into her ice cream.

Daisy was driving by in one of her family's luxurious cars when she saw Philip and Lucretia in the ice cream shop, laughing and giggling.

"What..?" she muttered to herself in anger.

"Please, pull over. I need to put someone where she belongs." said Daisy in disdain.

"Yes..., ma'am." the driver replied and packed the car.

Daisy got off and walked over to the ice cream shop.

"Oh..., Daisy..." Philip exclaimed over Lucretia's shoulder.

"What...?"murmured Lucretia to herself and turned to the direction of Philip's gaze.

He stood from his seat, went over to Daisy and hugged her. She smiled smugly at Lucretia over Philip's shoulder.

"Bitch.., such a mood spoiler. Her sight alone is even enough to make one lose appetite." said Lucretia indignantly to herself.

"What are you doing here Daisy?"

"I just came to buy ice cream and saw you two over here so I came over."

"Oh.., that's so wonderful of you." said Lucretia sarcastically.

"Oh..Lucretia, aren't you happy to see me?" she asked, smiling mockingly at her.

"Yes.., I am. I'm so happy that I don't even know what to do. I guess I should even hug or give you a standing ovation." said Lucretia ironically.

"Luc...., what has gotten into you?"

"Nothing..., I think I need to give you two some space." she said, gave Daisy a venomous look and stormed out of the shop.

"Luc..." Philip exclaimed after her.

"Don't worry Philip, she will be fine. I think she needs some time to come around. It might be one of those of her mood swings."

"You think so?" asked Philip worriedly.

"Yeah.., trust me."

"Okay..., let's get you some ice cream before leaving."

"Okay.." she replied with a grin.

"Mission accomplished" she muttered underneath her breath.


In a daze, Lucretia walked to the bus stop and got on the bus. She sat in a seat by the window and plugged in her ear pins.

Looking through the window, she broke down in tears, hurt. She unknowingly drifted off to sleep but was suddenly awoken by a passenger who accidentally hit her whiles alighting.

She drowsily opened her eyes and realised the bus was about taking off from her stop.

"Oh shit....." she muttered underneath her breath.

"Sorry....sorry....,sir..., I will get off here." she uttered stammering as she rushed to the entrance of the bus.

The driver pulled up and gave way for her to get off.

"Thank you." she replied with a sigh and continued her walk home.

She was unlocking her door when her mum slightly opened hers.

"Back already?"


"How did it go?"

"Well, I had a great time." she ironically replied, faking a smile.

"Goodnight mum.." she uttered as she went into her room.

"Goodnight dear."


Lucretia was leaning on the balcony when she saw Daisy's car pulled up in front of Philip's house. She quickly hid herself to avoid their notice.

"See you tomorrow, Daisy." said Philip, getting off the car.

"Okay..., see you" she replied with a smile and they drove off.

Philip stood for a while starring at Lucretia's balcony. Lucretia noticed him and quickly sneaked to her room and switched off the light.

"Is she still awake?" he murmured to himself as he walked to Lucretia's window.

"Luc....,Luc...Luc...." he called.

Lucretia was her bed, pretending to be asleep when she heard Philip's persistent call.

She shrugged off bed and went to the balcony.

"What is it Phil...? she asked with a curious look.

"Can I come up?"

"Sure...., you don't need my permission anyway." she said going back to her room.

Philip chuckled slightly, shaking his head and climbed up to the balcony into Lucretia's room.

He sat beside Lucretia on the bed glaring at his feet's.

"What is it Phil.....? You look like there is something on your mind."

"You see....Luc, you know how Daisy's lifestyle is. She wants her driver....." he said lifting his eyes to Lucretia's face.

"I understand Phil..., you don't need to worry about me." said Lucretia, cutting in.

"Sure?" asked Philip worriedly.

"Yes..." she replied, faking a smile.

"Okay.... then..... see you in school tomorrow. I'll will take my leave."

"Sure...." she replied, seeing him off to the balcony.

She returned to her room and slammed herself on the bed, hurt. She felt lonely and broken.