
Waiting For Your Love

Lucretia and her family moved to the states when she was only 4years old and settled in Washington DC. One day, Lucretia was playing with her puppy in the garden when a young boy her age walked in and introduced himself as Philip, a next door neighbor. They became friends afterwards, doing almost everything together. As years passed by, Lucretia became attracted to her best friend but dared not tell him with the fear of losing their friendship. What will Lucretia do with her feelings for Philip? Will this love be a one sided love? Find out more in "Waiting For Your Love." Disclaimer: Picture not mine. Credits to the owner Follow me on IG@Henrietta_Otu

Henrietta_Otu · 若者
74 Chs

The Regret

Mrs. Angelica looked expectantly over Philip's shoulder, surprised to see him at the airport. "Are you here alone?" She sent her eyes lurking around.

"Yes." he hastily snapped in and Mr. and Mrs Woods exchanged glances. "Has Lucretia left already?" He sounded curious which was obvious enough to Lucretia's parents.

"Guess you guys didn't talk." Mr. Gilbert muttered and Philip dully shook his head. "Were you two still having some misunderstandings which you failed to resolve?"

Philip nodded his response and Mr. Gilbert sighed. "Why are youths of these days so difficult to deal with?" He clicked his tongue, slightly shaking his head but that wasn't what Philip was in for. This was really not the time to be lectured. Moreover, his initial question was yet to be answered and he was starting to feel impatient.

Mrs. Angelica noticed and instinctively felt bad for him. "Come on," She pattered his shoulder as they walked pass him. "we'll drive you back to school." She uttered over her shoulder.

Philip's heart instantly sunk in disappointment at Mrs. Angelica's words. Without being directly told, he knew what it meant. He felt regret, he felt hurt, he felt like his whole world had come to an end. "No," He grumbled mentally to himself, slightly shaking his head. "This can't be happening."

He deftly turned his gaze to Lucretia's parents who were some few paces ahead of him. "S–She is going to come back right?" He questioned, making Mr. and Mrs. Woods stopped in their tracks; lost for words. "S– she can't just leave me like this right?"

They slowly turned to face Philip who by now had unshed tears glittering in his eyes. "She's coming back right?" He sniffed with a slight chuckle, staring straight into their eyes but then, their expression were blank.

"I'm sorry Phil–" Mrs. Angelica muttered and Philip stumbled.

"Come on," Mr. Gilbert mumbled. "Let's take you back." He draped his hand around his shoulder, encouragingly. "She wouldn't like you missing class." He added and they strolled off.


Crystal and Jayden got to the canteen with Mimie tailing after them; being persistent to find out what was going on between the two. Her obstinate determination and persistence was so unbearable that Jayden couldn't stand it anymore. It was starting to get irritating that he halted in his movement with a scoff, instinctively pulling Crystal to a stop too.

Mimie who wasn't expecting the sudden turn of events also stopped right behind them. Jayden slightly looked up, briefly staring into space. "I really didn't want to do this." He grumbled to himself before slowly turning to face Mimie."

"Will you guys...." Before Mimie could finish what she was about to say, Jayden drew Crystal in, engaging her in a deep kissed. "Ah–" Mimie gasped as her eyes flew wide opened in shock. Crystal was also taken aback, being caught off guard but the surprised look in her eyes instantly changed into a pleasing one as she took into the moment.

There was no way she was going to let it slip away without enjoying it to satisfaction.

"Oh–shit." one of the boys exuded. The entire hall was thrown into a rumpus as the surprised students started to murmur and whisper their shocks among themselves but Jayden and Crystal just ignored them.

After some seconds, they broke from their kiss. Jayden held Crystal's gaze before turning to a surprised Mimie with a set smile on his face. "Do you get it now?" He queried and without waiting for an answer, strolled with Crystal to get their meals.

Mimie stared unblinkingly at their back befuddled. "What just happened?" She mumbled sceptically after finding her voice. "When did they....." She paused and hurried after them.

Just as she got to the counter, Jayden and Crystal took their trays of meals and sauntered off to find a table. She glanced at them before turning to the canteen staff. "Omelet please–" she hastily uttered.

"Coming right– up." The staff replied.

Mimie waited impatiently as she went to get her order. There was no way she was going to get off their backs without any explanations. She snickered with a mischievous expression on her face.

"Here you go Mimie." The staff returned with her meals. She hastily took it and rushed off. She initially couldn't see where they went but then spotted them in the left corner of the hall. She smiled and hurried over to them. She slammed her tray on the table and settled down, directly facing them. "So–" she picked up her spoon, ready to dive into her meals. "How did it happen?" She slitted her eyes, looking at them as she slightly leaned over the table; waiting expectantly for their answer.

"Don't you think you're being too nosy?" Crystal questioned, filling her mouth with a spoon of rice.

"No, I...." She was about to reply when Jayden swiftly put a spoon of salad into her mouth. "You should have more vegetables." He added.

Her mouth was so filled, making it impossible to say a word. She crinkled her nose in disgust as she threw daggering eyes at him.

Crystal noticing the expression on her face, softly chuckled; continuing with her meals.

After some few minutes drive, Mr. Gilbert pulled up in front of the school. Philip thanked them and got out of the car, looking doleful.

"Don't be too hard on yourself dear." Mrs. Angelica exuded and they sped off.

When they had left, Philip sauntered into the main entrance. Fortunately for him, it was still break time. He took up the corridors through the hallway to the canteen. Just as he was about to glide into the hall, he walked into Daisy and her friends who were coming out of the canteen.

They instinctively halted in their movements. "Hi Phil, I...." Daisy muttered but then, Philip ignored her and shuffled away, spotting Jayden and the rest. Daisy felt hurt, almost near tears but then sniffed in her unshed tears and hurried of with her friends following after.

Jayden, Mimie and Crystal were giggling with playful chatters when Philip walked up to them and slammed himself beside Mimie with a sulky expression. He looked pathetic and unyielding. Both Mimie and Crystal glanced at each other stunned but Jayden looked indifferent as he understood what was going on with him.