
Waiting For Your Love

Lucretia and her family moved to the states when she was only 4years old and settled in Washington DC. One day, Lucretia was playing with her puppy in the garden when a young boy her age walked in and introduced himself as Philip, a next door neighbor. They became friends afterwards, doing almost everything together. As years passed by, Lucretia became attracted to her best friend but dared not tell him with the fear of losing their friendship. What will Lucretia do with her feelings for Philip? Will this love be a one sided love? Find out more in "Waiting For Your Love." Disclaimer: Picture not mine. Credits to the owner Follow me on IG@Henrietta_Otu

Henrietta_Otu · 若者
74 Chs

Summer Is Almost Here

The rest of the semester continued with no special happenings. Daisy, always being the crazy arrogant bitch she was whiles Lucretia just couldn't stand her. For Philip, he just wouldn't stop being a jerk and Jayden doesn't seem to meet eye to eye with him. Mimie and Crystal are always being supportive friends to Lucretia not forgetting Eugene and Mike for Philip.

Soon, summer break was here. Mimie, Crystal and Lucretia sat in the library studying for their exams.

"Oh...God..." exhaled Mimie.

"The exams is just tomorrow and I don't even know what I've learnt. I think I'm going to die anytime soon." she remarked as she laid her head on the table.

"Stop exaggerating Mimie." chortled Lucretia.

" You're going to be fine." she added.

"Tell it to the dogs Lucretia, this is so exhausting." she mumbled, slightly lifting her head from the table.

"I wish there was another way out probably like just flicking your fingers then everything will be done." she added sarcastically.

Crystal chuckled slightly shaking her head.

"That's so like you Mimie. I think you would probably even wish for a no exams policy if you had some kind of supernatural powers." commented Crystal wittily.

Mimie shrugged with a grin whiles Lucretia sat smiling.

"Who wouldn't want that?" replied Mimie.

"I would have graciously obliged for the heavenly beings to grace me with those tempting qualities." she mumbled dreamily.

"Mimie..." exclaimed Crystal and Lucretia in unison, laughing.

"What? I'm I wrong?" she uttered, giggling.

They were still chatting and giggling when Crystal saw Jayden enter the library.

"Hey Jayden..." she whispered, gesturing him over.

He smiled and strolled over to their table. He put a hand around Lucretia's neck as he sat beside her.

"So you girls were here." he murmured with a smile.

"Yeah right, were you looking for us?" queried Mimie.

"Hmm..., so how is studies going? With the look of things, I bet you girls will be topping the class see all these books here." he muttered.

"Huh..? It's more like hell." commented Mimie.

"Here we go again." said Crystal, rolling her eyes. "Don't mind her Jayden, she has always been like this." she added.

"Hmm.., I can see that." he replied nodding his head.

They studied together for a while with Mimie still ranting about how exhausting it was. All this while, Philip kept glancing at them.


The bell went off.

All the students in the library snuffed their books into their books and strolled out of the library in groups laughing and giggling. Lucretia and her friends were no exception.

"Oh God, please...save me from this exams." uttered Mimie prayerfully as they hiked to the bus.

Lucretia and Crystal glanced at each other surprisingly on hearing Mimie's words and roared with laughter.

"God..Mimie, you're really something." remarked Lucretia still laughing.

"Um...girls?" muttered Jayden, chipping in.

"I think you girls will go first. I need to pass by my mother's shop to help her." he added.

"Sure, see you tomorrow then." replied Lucretia.

"Okay, bye..."

"Bye...,take care." exclaimed Crystal and Mimie in unison as they glided into the bus together with Lucretia.

Lucretia found her favourite spot in the bus and sat down with Crystal and Mimie joining her. The bus drove off with them chit chatting.

"So is Philip still not talking to you?" questioned Crystal.

"Yeap and I don't even know what his problem is. He just wouldn't even give me the chance to know the reason behind his sudden behavior."

"Well..., don't think too much. I think he will come around soon." muttered Crystal.

"Oh spare me Crystal, he is just being a jerk. I say you should just forget him Lucretia. Who does he think he is?" remarked Mimie.

"Mimie...., aren't you overreacting?" queried Crystal.

"Enough guys, let's not argue about this." uttered Lucretia.

"Okay.., let's change the topic." mumbled Crystal with a smile.

"Okay.." replied Mimie and Lucretia. Soon, they were laughing and giggling throughout the rest of their journey home. Among the three friends, Lucretia was the last to get off the bus. She put on her earphone listening to music as she strolled home. She was about to get into the main gate of her house when she saw Daisy's car pulled up in front of Philip's house. He got off and gently closed the door and the car drove off. He was about to turn to the gate of his house when he met Lucretia's gaze. Lucretia raised a hand to wave him with a smile on her face when he walked away. She slowly dropped her hand, the smile fading away and sighed.

"I guess I tried." she mumbled and dashed into the house.

"I'm home mum..." she exclaimed to her mother who was in the living room as she glided the stairs.

"Welcome sweetheart, how was school?" she shouted.

"Good mum.." she replied.

"I'll be studying in my room. I don't think I will come out. I've exams tomorrow." she added.

"Okay dear but what about supper?" questioned Mrs. Angelica.

"I'm okay mum..., goodnight." she mumbled and went up to her room.

She changed herself and studied for a while passing the night away.


It was a bright morning, Lucretia was still sleeping in bed when the alarm went off. she groaned and drowsy reached her hand for it, turning it off.

She lazily and forcefully shrugged herself from bed and shuffled into the washroom. Within few minutes, she was done. She strolled to her wardrobe, took out her uniform and wore it. She picked up her bag and checked if everything was set.

"Good to go." she mumbled with a sigh and picked up her bag from the bed.

She sauntered downstairs to meet her mother setting the table.

"Good morning mum..." she uttered as she sat down, picking up her glass of milk with sliced bread and cheese.

She quickly dug into it satisfying her angry stomach.

"Time to go now mum..." she muttered.

"Okay dear, good luck and have a nice day."

"Thank you, see you later." she replied and glided out of the house. She stood quietly for a while starring at Philip's door and then trotted away.


It was already 7:30 am when she got to the school. She got the classroom and was surprised to meet Philip already in school. She strutted to her seat and sat down with a sigh.

"Are you okay?" queried Jayden.

"Yeah..." she replied with a smile.

"Lucretia..., Lucretia..." whispered Mimie

She slowly turned to Mimie, smiling.

"Were you...." uttered Mimie but was cut off my the teacher walking in with the exams papers.

"Oh shit..." she mumbled.

"All bags and books in front." exclaimed Mrs. Lordina.

All the students crept out of their seats with their bags and books and dropped them on in front of the class.

"Now, everybody settle in your seats and get ready for the exams." she added.

The students sat in their seats all ready and set. Mrs. Lordina gave out the papers and sauntered forward.

"You have an hour and a half to complete this paper. Now start work." she muttered and the students went on with their exams.

The time slowly and lazily passed by with everybody's attention fixed on their papers. Mrs. Lordina shuffled in the class keeping a keen eye around to prevent any exams malpractices.


The bell soon went off.

All the students sighed in relief. Mrs. Lordina went around and took the papers.

"See you after the summer holidays. Enjoy your summer." she muttered with a smile and dashed off.

As soon as she stepped out of the class, the students spring up in excitement.

"I'm so excited Lucretia..." exclaimed Mimie.

"So am I Mimie, so what are your plans for this summer?" she inquired.

"Well, I'll be going to visit grandma in Brazil together with Kikie and our parents." she declared with a smile.

"What about you?" she queried.

"My friend will be visiting from Australia, where I used to live before we moved here."

"That's cool.., too bad I won't be around. Anyway..., I'm going to miss you." she added.

"And what about you Crystal?"

"My mum and I will be visiting dad at Tokyo. He moved there because of business and I missed him so much so mum promised to take me there this summer." answered Crystal.

"Really..?" exclaimed Lucretia and Mimie.

"I've always wished to visit Tokyo. It's really a nice place, I head." muttered Lucretia.

"It's is Lucretia, from what I hear from my dad." replied Crystal as they chuckled in excitement.

"And Jayden..?" uttered Mimie as they all turned to Jayden who was packing his books into his bag.

"Um..? Are you girls talking to me?" he queried quizzically.

They all nodded as they stared at him expectantly.

"Hmm..., I will be helping out in my dad's hotel in Korea." he swiftly replied turning back to what he was doing.

"Wow...., that's cool..." they all exclaimed.

He swiftly turned back to look at them glancing at him in bemusement.

"Hey..girls..., stop exaggerating. It's quiet hectic you know." he added, picking up his bag and the books on his table.

"Let's get going."

"Okay..." they answered, took their books and bags and trotted after him. They walked away chatting and giggling.

"See you girls outside." uttered Jayden over his shoulder as he dashed off to his locker.

"Okay..." they muttered and also went over to their lockers. They dropped their books in and strolled off to the bus stop.

"At least we'll not be seeing that arrogant Daisy for a while." remarked Mimie.

"Hmm..." replied Lucretia. Soon, Jayden joined them and they boarded the bus home.


It was around 5pm when Lucretia got home. She raced to her room in excitement dropping her bag onto the bed. She sat behind her laptop and flipped it open. Just then, her mother slowly pushed the door opened.

"You're late today dear, what kept you." she queried as she stood at the entrance of the door, half opened.

"Sorry mum.., I went with my friends to the ice cream shop."

"Okay dear, just want to inform you that Linsey and Anita's parents called to verify their coming so we'll be welcoming them at the airport."

"Okay mum, will they be coming with their parents?"

"No dear, just Linsey and Anita."

"Okay, mum.." she mumbled, smiling.

"Okay dear, I'll be in my room."

"Okay." she replied with a nod, smiling.

Mrs. Angelica smiled and left, closing the door behind her. Lucretia went back to her laptop and slowly Wait's as the line connects. Soon, Linsey and Anita came on.

"I'm so excited Lucretia.. I just can't wait for tomorrow." mumbled Linsey.

"Same here girl, I'm super excited." responded Lucretia excitedly, giggling.

"Just the thought of it is giving me sleepless night." replied Anita joyfully.

"At last we'll get to meet ourselves once again." commented Lucretia.

"You can say that again girl.." added Linsey.

They continued chatting for a while ranting about their excitement of meeting each other again until it was almost midnight.

"I need to catch some sleep now, see you girls tomorrow." uttered Lucretia.

"See you..." they mumbled with a wave and the line went off.

Lucretia strolled to the bed and slammed on it. The excitement of meeting her friends kept her up for a while until she slowly drifted off to sleep.


"Lucretia...., Lucretia....."

She heard a heavy knock on the door with a voice loudly calling and jolted up from her sleep.

"Lucretia..., get up. It's almost time." shouted Mrs. Angelica.

Lucretia slowly turned to her watch and her eyes flew wide opened.

"Oh my God." she mumbled and jumped up from bed.

"Okay...mum...I'll be out soon." she shouted and dashed off to the washroom.

"Okay dear, hurry." replied her other and left.

Lucretia quickly washed down and trotted out of the washroom. She went to her wardrobe and brought out a sea blue short skirt matched with a white top with blue stripes at the edges. She smeared some pomade on her delicate skin and wore her cloths. She swifty went to her mirror on put on a slight make up and loosen her hair behind her. She looked herself in the mirror and smiled. She dashed off to her bed and put her feet into her brown simple foot wear. She picked up her mini hand bag and dashed out of her room.

"I'm ready mum..." she exclaimed.

"Okay dear, I'll be right...out. Your dad is waiting outside in the car. Go join him." she answered.

"Okay mum..." she replied and left.

She went to meet her dad in the car and took her seat at the back seat.

"Are you excited to meet to friends?" he queried.

"Yes dad..,I'm super excited." she muttered with a smile.

"That's good." he commented, smiling.

"Shall we go now?" uttered Mrs. Angelica as she took her seat in the front seat.

"Sure." he replied and zoomed off. After about an hour of driving, the car pulled up in front of the airport. They got off and strolled in. Lucretia looked around for her friends but there was so sign of them.

"Maybe the plane hasn't landed yet." remarked Mr. Gilbert.

"Okay dad..." replied Lucretia as she sat impatient , looking around.

"Calm down dear, they will be here soon." uttered Mrs. Angelica.

It has been almost 30mins and there was still no sign of Linsey and Anita. Lucretia was busily chatting with a parents, laughing and giggling as they wait when she heard her name from behind.

"Lucretia....?" a voiced called.

Hi, thank you all for the views and comments. They mean a lot to me. Please keep supporting me with your reviews, comments and collections and I promise not to disappoint you. Thank you, love you all.

Henrietta_Otucreators' thoughts