
Waiting For Your Love

Lucretia and her family moved to the states when she was only 4years old and settled in Washington DC. One day, Lucretia was playing with her puppy in the garden when a young boy her age walked in and introduced himself as Philip, a next door neighbor. They became friends afterwards, doing almost everything together. As years passed by, Lucretia became attracted to her best friend but dared not tell him with the fear of losing their friendship. What will Lucretia do with her feelings for Philip? Will this love be a one sided love? Find out more in "Waiting For Your Love." Disclaimer: Picture not mine. Credits to the owner Follow me on IG@Henrietta_Otu

Henrietta_Otu · 若者
74 Chs

Parents Love and Support

Lucretia was totally out of breath when she got to the bus stop. The only thought running through her mind was to get home and clarify things out with her parents. Having them misunderstood things and getting disappointed was her greatest fear and the last thing on her mind.

She glanced expectantly on the streets for any sigh of the bus but it was no where in sight. She sighed impatiently, ruffling her hair in the process. Wishing she had some superpowers to which she could just vanish home and avoid the waiting but it wasn't so in her case. She glanced at the street once again, impatiently moving to and fro as she kept fidgeting with her hands nervously with lots of thoughts and assumptions running through her mind.

It's been like 10mins now but there was still no sign of the bus. "Oh God, what is this?" she grumbled mentally to herself. At that instant, a cab pulled up beside her. "Crystal..." she exuded on seeing who it was.

"Hop in." she uttered, ignoring the exciting in her friends.

"Thanks so much girlfriend." she muttered as she glided to the other side of the door, pulling it opened. "You're really a life saver." she settled beside Crystal in the back seat and the driver sped off. "So how did you find me?"

Crystal sighed, slightly sitting on her side as she waved her phone mid-air. "GPS?" she mumbled sceptically, shaking her head with a scoff. "What era are you even in?"

Lucretia gazed at her friend and chuckled, relaxing her back on the seat. Crystal also smiled and relaxed back. "Anyway, I called Jay after school, asking him if he was still with you and he said yes so decided to come over. Almost getting here, he called back that you rushed off so I tracked you."

"Oh, I see." replied Lucretia indifferently. "By the way, where is Mimie? Did she leave already?"

"Yeah." Crystal murmured hastily with a sigh. "She had an emergency at home but she said you should call her if anything. She've been very busy at home lately."

Lucretia let out a deep sigh as she glanced into space. "Poor Mimie." she grumbled sympathetically.

Crystal who had her head leaning back on the seat, slowly turned, staring at Lucretia. "You should think about yourself Luc." She sat up with a deadpan look. "We saw your parents when they walked out of the Principal's office. Their expression was blank. Didn't know what went on though but I'm sure Daisy took advantage of the fact that you weren't in at that moment."

"I can bet on that." She looked away, staring through the window as the car drove through the streets. "I just hope my parents don't just jump into conclusion and get so disappointed in me." she let out a deep sigh which left Crystal very worried.

"I know Luc.." she scouted closer to her, draping a hand over her shoulder, making her turned to glance at her. "I'm sorry for making you guys so worried about me but I promise you one thing." She took out the pen drive containing the footage from her pocket. "Today is the last time Daisy gets to make a fool out of me."

Crystal's face brightened with a smile, snatching the drive from Lucretia in the process. "You finally got evidence." she uttered wittily.

"Yes." Lucretia chortled.

"I'm so–glad for you Luc..." she hugged her friend.

The rest of the journey home continued with the two chatting and giggling which made Lucretia for some minutes, forgot all the issues going on around her.


After the long drive, the cab finally pulled up in front of Lucretia's house with Crystal's side facing the gate. Lucretia took her bag and shoved it over her shoulders and glided over to the gate. Crystal rolled down the window. "Do you want me to come in with you?" she queried.

"No Crystal. Don't worry I will be okay."

"Alright," she shrugged. "if you say so but don't forget to call me if anything okay?"

"Okay." she nodded and the driver sped off with Crystal waving at her friend. Lucretia waved back and pulled the gates opened, sauntering into the compound. On getting to the corridor, she took in a deep breath before pulling the door opened.

Both Mr. and Mrs Woods turned deftly to the door at it's creaking sound.

"Lucretia?" Mrs. Angelica jolted up from her seat and rushed towards her daughter with Gilbert staring at them with a sympathetic look. "Where have you been dear?" She pulled her into a hug. Lucretia was a little thrown off guard as she wasn't expecting such reaction from her parents. "You guys aren't angry with me?" she questioned over her mother's shoulder.

"Wait, what?" she pulled her from the hug. "Why would we dear? she gazed worriedly at her daughter's face. Tears round down Lucretia's cheeks on noticing the sincerity in her mother's eyes. "I didn't do anything mum– someone tried to frame me." She mumbled amidst tears, glancing down on her feet.

"It's okay dear. I know you didn't do anything. My baby is not that kind of girl." Mrs. Angelica encouraged her daughter as she held her shoulders. "Come on, come with me." she draped a hand over her shoulder and took her over to the living room. They settled down with Lucretia sitting in between them, staring down on her feet.

"It might have been hard for you dear." Mr. Gilbert started, "We heard everything from your friends and Principal when we got summoned to your school."

Lucretia looked up, drying her tears. "I'm so sorry for not telling you guys earlier on. I thought I could get it resolved before it gets out of hand but...but..."

"It's alright dear." Mr. Gilbert passed a hand through his daughter's hair. "What do you say about getting you transfered to a new school?"

"Really?" she sniffed with a grin on her face.

"Yes dear." Mr. Gilbert nodded with a smile on his face. Lucretia deftly glanced at her mother who also had a smile on and she slightly nodded in support. "Thanks so much." she chortled, pulling then both into a hug. "I love you guys so much."

"We love you too dear." They chorused, stroking her back. She giggled, letting go off them. "But before I get transfered, there is something I need to take care of."

"And What's that?" Mrs. Angelica questioned.

"Let's just say I have got my name to clear." she gave a sigh of relief as she jolted up to her feet. "Anything there to eat? I'm starving."

"You should go and change first then join us later." Mrs. Angelica replied.

"Al–right." she exuded and rushed up the stairs to her room. Both her parents stared with a smile on their face as her back faded to her room. Angelica glanced at her husband and chuckled, "Thank you." she grumbled.