
Waiting For Your Love

Lucretia and her family moved to the states when she was only 4years old and settled in Washington DC. One day, Lucretia was playing with her puppy in the garden when a young boy her age walked in and introduced himself as Philip, a next door neighbor. They became friends afterwards, doing almost everything together. As years passed by, Lucretia became attracted to her best friend but dared not tell him with the fear of losing their friendship. What will Lucretia do with her feelings for Philip? Will this love be a one sided love? Find out more in "Waiting For Your Love." Disclaimer: Picture not mine. Credits to the owner Follow me on IG@Henrietta_Otu

Henrietta_Otu · 若者
74 Chs


Crystal had been stealing sceptical glances around ever since lessons began for any sign of Jayden but couldn't see him anywhere around. She drew closer to Mimie who was busily putting down some notes on the board and nudged her. "Have you seen Jayden?" She whispered.

Mimie instinctively paused what she was doing and deftly threw a quizzical gaze at Crystal who wore a sceptical look with a raised eyebrow waiting for her response. Mimie ignored her, swiftly turning her gaze to Jayden's desk for the first time ever since the lesson began and to her surprised, it was empty. "I–I haven't seen him." She glanced back at Crystal, keeping her voice under tone to prevent drawing the teacher's attention to themselves.

"Where could he be?" Crystal grumbled. Just then, the bell rang for break. "And here is where we end our lesson." The teacher announced. "Don't forget to read ahead before the next lesson."

"Okay–ma'am." They uttered in unison and the teacher staggered out of the class. Not long had she stepped out that Jayden walked into the class to meet it in a rumpus with everybody finding their way out. He sauntered over to his desk to meet Mimie and Crystal also packing their books.

"Where have you been Jay?" Mimie asked on setting eyes on him. "You shouldn't be missing class you know?"

"Yeah, I know that." He hastily replied. "Why? Did I make someone worried?" He glanced at Crystal with a mischievous grin and she in turn scoffed. Mimie threw sceptically gazes between the two totally lost. "Wait, wait." She softly chuckled, "What's going on here? I'm totally lost."

"Nothing." Crystal hastily exuded with a high pitch and quickly strolled off, picking her bag. Jayden also shrugged with a sly grin picking up his bag and followed after Crystal. Mimie was left in a confused state. "Something fishy is really going on between this two." She grumbled mentally to herself. "I've got to find out." She quickly snatched her bag from her desk. "Hey guys– wait for me." she shouted and went after them.

Daisy and her friends were the last to walk out of the classroom. "Is your father still against you transferring schools?" Nelly queried as they walked into the partly empty corridor.

"Yes." She let out a deep sigh. "Philip is even still avoiding me. This is really killing me." She gave a weary cry.

"To talk of Philip," Nikita snapped in. "I didn't remember seeing him in class. Did you guys....?"

Both Nelly and Daisy glanced at each other and frantically shook their heads. "Where could he be?" Nikita grumbled.


It was around 10am when Philip got to his neighborhood panting out of breathe. Luckily enough for him, his parents had already left for work and that was sure enough, a good thing saving him from their nags and also from throwing a fuss.

Philip hurriedly rushed over to Lucretia's house. He knocked on the door but there was no response. He quickly glided over to the window and true to Jayden's words, the house was empty. "No, this can't be." He grumbled mentally to himself. "The airport. I have to get to the airport now."

Without waiting for another second, he raced out of the compound into the main street and stopped a taxi. "To the airport." He uttered as he settled in the back seat.

"Okay." The driver replied and speed off.


It's already been 30minutes since Lucretia and her parents got to the airport. Lucretia waited with her mother in the waiting area as her father went to do a final check of her documents, flight and other necessary arrangements.

"Are you alright dear?" Mrs. Angelica questioned, seeing the brooding look on her face.

She tried to mask the look on with a smile so her mother would feel less worried knowing well she was already feeling unease letting her go but then, her mother couldn't be deceived.

"You don't need to pretend to be okay if you're not dear." She uttered. "You can tell me anything, you know?" She brushed her hands through her daughter's hair.

"I know mum–" She leaned into her mother's bosom with a meaningful expression on her face. "I know how you're feeling mum but don't worry, I'm going to be okay."

Just then, her father walked in. "Let's go dear." He muttered and they both sprang up. "Here is your ticket." He handed it over to his daughter. "Lindsey and Anita will be waiting for you at the airport. And don't worry, I have talked to Lindsey's parents. They will take care of everything when you get there."

"Okay Dad–" She smiled and hugged her parents. "I will miss you guys so much." A tear dropped from her eyes.

"We will miss you too dear." Mr. Gilbert brushed his hands through her daughter's hair as they broke from the hug. He smiled, drying the tears with his thump on noticing it. "Come on, let's go."

"Okay." She sniffed with a nod, smiling. "You guys should be good too." She picked her pink mini bag from the seat, shoving it over her shoulders. "Help me tell Mimie and Crystal that I will give them a call when I get there."

"Alright dear." They chorused and Lucretia chuckled softly. "Can we go?"

"Sure." Mr. Gilbert replied and they both draped their hands around their daughter's shoulders and they strolled off chatting wittily with Lucretia dragging her travelling bag along.

Not long had they left that Philip stormed into the crowdy and busy airport. He sent his eyes lurking around for any sign of Lucretia but she was no where around. "This is not going to do." He grumbled.

He glanced around once again and seeing the whole place busied up, decided to ask around if he is to find her in time. "Excuse me please....." He instantly rushed to the next people passing by, describing the features of Lucretia and her parents but they couldn't help. He continued for several minutes which yielded nothing. Feeling so exhausted, he slammed himself into the next seat beside him, still lurking around.

At that moment, he saw Lucretia's parents walking out of the crowd. He quickly stood up and rushed over to them. Mr and Mrs Woods instinctively stood in their tracks seeing him.

"Phil–?" Mrs. Woods mumbled surprised.