
Waiting For Your Love

Lucretia and her family moved to the states when she was only 4years old and settled in Washington DC. One day, Lucretia was playing with her puppy in the garden when a young boy her age walked in and introduced himself as Philip, a next door neighbor. They became friends afterwards, doing almost everything together. As years passed by, Lucretia became attracted to her best friend but dared not tell him with the fear of losing their friendship. What will Lucretia do with her feelings for Philip? Will this love be a one sided love? Find out more in "Waiting For Your Love." Disclaimer: Picture not mine. Credits to the owner Follow me on IG@Henrietta_Otu

Henrietta_Otu · 若者
74 Chs

I'll Be There For You

Jayden was was starring down at his feet when Lucretia glided out of the gate. He swiftly raised his head to meet her gaze, slightly smiling.

"You're here."

"Hmm.." nodded Lucretia with a sheepish grin.

Jayden reaching for Lucretia's hand, "Let's go." he mumbled.

Her face lighting up with a smile, she took his hand and they sauntered off.

"Where would you like to go?" queried Jayden.

"Anywhere you would like to take me."

"Okay then, how about we go to your usual ice cream shop."

"Sure, so far as there is ice cream." she mumbled sheepishly with a grin.


At this time, they were already at the bus stop. After some few seconds of waiting, the bus pulled up in front of them. They both glided in and Lucretia took her seat beside the window whiles Jayden sat by her. There was an awkward silence between them as Lucretia kept looking through the window. Jayden briefly glanced at her and pulled out his phone. He loosened the headset attached to it and plugged the left side of it into Lucretia's ear with the music "Fight Song" playing.

"It's your favourite song." he mumbled with a smile.

She swiftly glanced at him and smiled,

"Thank you." she whispered.

Jayden slightly titled his chin up, nodding with a smile. They both relaxed their back on their seats, enjoying the music. The journey continued with Jayden consistently stealing glances at Lucretia who stayed relaxed in her seat with her eyes closed, enjoying the music.

After about 30mins drive, the bus pulled up at their stop. They got off and strolled to the shop. Jayden slowly pushed the door opened, showing Lucretia in.

"Thank you." she murmured.

He smiled, slowly closing the door behind him as he followed Lucretia in. They found a seat just two steps from the door and rested in it.

"What flavour do you like?" queried Jayden.

"I will go with the chocolate flavour."

"Okay, I will be right..back." he answered, raising up from his seat.

Lucretia nodded in response and he sauntered to the counter. She stared at him from where she sat as Jayden spoke to the waitress, taking their orders. Soon, he saw him returning then she quickly stared down on the table, fidgeting.

"Here you are." he uttered as he neared her.

Lucretia lifting her head as she took her ice cream.

"Thank you." she mumbled, digging in.

"You're welcome." he muttered as he sat down.

After some few minutes, Lucretia paused with her ice cream.

"Jay, I...." she mumbled, drawing Jayden's attention."I want to....."

"I know Lucretia." mumbled Jayden, cutting in as she stared at him, bemused. "I know you don't feel the same way I feel about you. I know you have feelings for Philip from the way you look at him but I'm not going to give up on you."


"Yes Luc, I'm not going to let go until I see his genuineness or seriousness about you. I'm not going to let him treat you like a piece of garbage. I love and care about you. Your happiness is all I look for Luc." he uttered, reaching for Lucretia's hand as he stared keenly at his face.

"I'm not going to let go if he keeps acting like a child. He doesn't deserve you with this kind of attitude."

"But Jay I don't want to end up hurting you. You're a person and kind friend who understands me better."

"I know Luc, trust me." starring keenly at her.

She glanced quietly at him for a while and nodded in agreement, faking a smile.

"Here, enjoy your ice cream."

Lucretia took a deep breath and dipped into her ice cream once again.

Soon, it was getting late.

"I'm coming Luc..." uttered Jayden, sauntering back to the counter. He had a small talk with the waitress for a while and returned back to where Lucretia sat.

"Let's go."

Lucretia, standing up from her seat.

"Is everything alright?, I saw you having a chat with the waitress."

"Yes.., just went to settle our order. Let me take you home, it's getting late."

"Okay." she murmured and they scrolled out.

They both strolled along the pavement to the bus stop, chatting.

"Thanks for everything Jay, I'm really gratefully." said Lucretia.

"You don't need to thank me Luc, I will don't anything to see you happily."

Lucretia glanced at him for a while and smiled, starring down for a short while as they continued their walk. They were almost at the bus stop when Jayden noticed the bus about to sped off.

"Wait!" he shouted, gently dragging Lucretia by the hand.

"Let's go Luc."

They both ran to the bus giggling as it came to a stop.

"Thank you sir." uttered Jayden as they both glided in with Jayden holding Lucretia's hand as she followed from behind.

They took their seats and the bus sped off.

After some few minutes of driving, the bus pulled up in front of Jayden's stop and a passenger got off but Jayden stayed glued in his seat. Lucretia stared at him, surprised. Just then, the bus took off.

"Ow, aren't you getting off?" she queried.

He turned his gaze to her, smiling. "Oh, thought I told you I'm taking you home." he replied amidst chuckles.

"But I can go by myself."

"No way Luc, I will take you."

"Whatever." she replied, relaxing back into her seat.

"I saw you with Daisy this afternoon." she uttered out of the blue.

"Oh that." he answered indifferently. "It's not something I wish to talk about now, maybe some other time."

Lucretia gazed at him suspiciously but only nodded in response. "Okay"


Linsey sat upright on the bed with her legs stretched out, reading one of Lucretia's novels as Anita stood looking through the window for any sign of Lucretia.

"What says the time, Linsey?"

"Well..." mumbled Linsey as she swiftly glanced at the clock beside her. "It's almost 10pm."

"Why is she still not back?" whispered Anita still looking through the window.

Just then, she saw familiar figures approaching from the entrance of the main gate.

"Oh, they're here Linsey." she murmured.

Linsey quickly jumped out of the bed and joined Anita at the window, both gazing at them.


"We're here now." mumbled Jayden as they stopped in front of the gate with Lucretia's back facing it whiles he stood in front of her.

"Yeah, I think you should also get going now. It's really getting late."

"I will after I see you get into the house."

"Okay, then...., I'm going." she murmured, slightly pointing to the house.

Jayden smiled and nodded in response, "Bye."

"Bye.." replied Lucretia with a waved, slightly smiling. She turned to opened the gate but a call from Jayden stopped her.

"Luc..." called Jayden.

"Ah?" she replied, turning instantaneously to the call and the next thing she could see was a kiss on her lips. Her eyes quickly flew wide opened.

All this while, Anita and Linsey was looking at them from the window. They both gasped, surprised.

Philip had his ritual of starring at Lucretia's window for a while before heading to bed. He was about to his ritual when he noticed them from his window. His face quickly flew up in rage.

"Jayden." he mumbled.