
Waiting For Your Love

Lucretia and her family moved to the states when she was only 4years old and settled in Washington DC. One day, Lucretia was playing with her puppy in the garden when a young boy her age walked in and introduced himself as Philip, a next door neighbor. They became friends afterwards, doing almost everything together. As years passed by, Lucretia became attracted to her best friend but dared not tell him with the fear of losing their friendship. What will Lucretia do with her feelings for Philip? Will this love be a one sided love? Find out more in "Waiting For Your Love." Disclaimer: Picture not mine. Credits to the owner Follow me on IG@Henrietta_Otu

Henrietta_Otu · 若者
74 Chs

Heated Argument

Lucretia was so lost in her conversation with Jayden that she didn't hear her phone ringing. After a while, they decided to take a stroll before heading back home. Jayden went over to the counter to settle their bill.

"Thank you." he mumbled with a smile as the waiter handed back his balance to him and left to where Lucretia sat in wait.

"Shall we go now?" he uttered as he neared her.

"Sure." she nodded with a smile and picked up her bag. They walked hand in hand as they dashed out of the shop.

The evening was beautiful with the stars dazzling in the skies. Lucretia walked beside Jayden admiring him without his notice as he kept talking to her with the moon shinning on his bright eyes. But still wished it was Philip.

"I would have been on cloud nine if this person right beside me was Philip." she thought to herself still starring at him.

Suddenly, Jayden turned to Lucretia wondering why she has been so quiet since they stepped out of the shop only to meet her gaze.

"Are you okay?" he queried as he reached his hand to her forehead looking a little puzzled.

She starred dreamily at him in illusion as his hand gently touched her forehead mistaking him for Philip, her cheeks flushing. Jayden noticed and leaned closer to her ears.

"Oh.., you're blushing." he whispered with a smile into her ears.

Suddenly been drawn back to reality, she sheepishly turned away feeling embarrassed.

"It's quiet embarrassing you know." she mumbled with a sheepish smile and went ahead of him.

Jayden stood watching her for a while and chuckled, slightly shaking his head.

"Wait for me Luc..." he exclaimed and rushed off after her.


Philip was still trying Lucretia's line but still not getting through to her. He stood up to the window and saw the light in Lucretia's room still on.

"What's wrong with her?" he mumbled to himself.

"I hope she is fine." he added.

He thought of calling the main house line but he stopped.

"No.., this is not a good idea. I might be disturbing her parents." he mumbled and ruffled his hair, eyes still fixed on the phone.

Suddenly, a thought beamed in his mind.

"Why don't I call Mimie? She might have an idea of what was going on with Luc." he uttered to himself as he scrolled down for Mimie's number. He called and waited anxiously as the line connects.

"Hello...Philip, what's up? why such a surprised call this evening? Are you missing me already?" she queried sarcastically.

"Well...Mimie, I....um..called to ask if you've heard from Lucretia this evening? I have been trying her number but she is not answering. Is she okay?"he queried stammering.

"My God...Philip, I should be asking you that. You're her best friend for God sake. You can go over to her house if you're not getting through to her on her line. Moreover, you're neighbours. She might probably be sick or something." uttered Mimie wittily over the phone.

"You're right Mimie, thanks. I'll call you back later." he uttered, his forehead creasing in realization and hanged up. He tossed the phone on the bed and dashed out of his room.

Lucretia and Jayden stood on the foot bridge for a while admiring the view. Lucretia suddenly checked her time and gasped.

"Oh..my..God.., it's already 9:30pm." she mumbled, a little surprised.

"Time runs so fast when you are having fun." uttered Jayden, slightly smiling.

"Come, I think we should get back now. We have class tomorrow." he added, putting a hand across Lucretia's shoulder.

"Okay.." she replied with a smile and they left off to the bus stop. They walked hand in hand chit chatting until they got to the bus stop and got on the bus. After few minutes drive, the bus pull up at Jayden's stop but he didn't get off.

"Oh.., aren't you getting down over here?" queried Lucretia looking a little bemused.

"No..Luc, let's get you home first. It's mostly dangerous at night for girls than boys. And I have to see to it that my girlfriend is safely at home." he uttered with a smile as he took Lucretia's hand to his.

Lucretia starred at him for a while and turned away. Soon the bus pulled up at Lucretia's stop. They both got off strolled off to Lucretia's house laughing and giggling.

Philip left off to Lucretia's house. He stood below Lucretia's balcony and called severally but didn't hear any movement or see any sign of her. He searched through his pocket for his phone to call her again but suddenly realized that he had left it at home.

"Oh..great..." he mumbled with a sigh.

"Well, I guess I have to come back tomorrow." he added and turned to leave.

Just then, he saw Jayden arrived with Lucretia. He drew back a little not to draw their attention to him.

"Thank you Jayden for such a wonderful time." he heard Lucretia mumbled to Jayden.

"Well..Luc, I should be thanking you for agreeing to go with me and also accepting to be my girlfriend." muttered Jayden taking Lucretia's hand into his.

"What?" mumbled Philip to himself at where he stood

Lucretia smiled and nodded to Jayden's words.

"I should get in now.." she uttered to Jayden, slightly pointing to the door.

"Sure.., see you tomorrow." he uttered with a grin, slowly dropping Lucretia's hand and turned to leave.

"Take care Jayden, safe trip home." exclaimed Lucretia as she watched him leave.

Jayden turned and nodded, slightly smiling.

"See you tomorrow.." she hastily added, waving him.

"Okay.." he replied with a smile, waving back and left.

Lucretia left to the house. She was about to open the door when she saw Philip standing not far from below her balcony still digesting what he just heard.

"Oh Phil.., you're here?" she exclaimed as she neared him.

He slowly raised his eyes to Lucretia's face.

"Where is your phone Luc..?" he queried, looking a bit serious.

"It's in my bag." she answered, looking a little confused as she reached for her phone.

"Where did you go with Jayden?" he questioned.

"Well, we went for ice cream." she answered indifferently.

"So was that why you didn't pick my calls?" he questioned a bit furious.

Lucretia quickly pressed the screen of her phone and it displayed about 10missed calls from Philip.

"Hey...Phil...chill, it wasn't my intention to ignore your calls. I'm sorry." she mumbled, trying to reach for his hand but he shoved away.

"Oh really?" he uttered skeptically.

"What's with you Phil..? Why acting so weird like you're jealous or something. What's your problem?" asked Lucretia, a bit confused and furious at Philip's behavior.

"Why are you acting like you're my dad or something." she added hastily.

"Because I was worried about you Luc..." he exclaimed and dashed off to his house leaving Lucretia stunned.