
Wait... is that a Pokémon?

Laying on the sidewalk dying wasn't how Jack saw his day ending. Then again, waking up and coming face to face with a creature he thought of as fiction didn't make his top 10 either. Join Jack as he travels the Pokémon world living his new life to the fullest. (Credit to alex02373 for the great system I'm using. Check out his amazing story "Pokemon: Master of tactics")

FunkyRooster · アニメ·コミックス
6 Chs

Chapter 2

As Jack and what he now believes to be a Rattata continue to stare at each other, words suddenly pop up in front of his eyes.


Pokémon: Rattata

Type: Normal

Level: 3

Gender: Male

Ability: Run Away

Potential: Normal

Moves: Tackle, Tail Whip


While still in shock at what he's seeing in front of him, the Rattata grows bored and leaves.

A few minutes later, Jack's brain finally reboots from the shock. Somehow he went from dying on the sidewalk to being a dozen years younger and coming face to face with a real-life Pokémon. He could also feel it coming somehow and see information about it with what he would guess was a system of some kind.

Jack then grabs the backpack to check what other things are inside. Now that he's thinking clearer, Jack realizes it has more room inside than it should. He figures it's a backpack made in this world for Pokémon trainers.

Jack starts taking everything out and sorting through it.

He finds:

A few days worth of food and water

2 pairs of clothes

Sleeping bag


Small knife

10 Poké Ball

25,000 Pokédollars


TM Case

Opening the map, he sees the Pokémon region of Kanto with all the cities and towns he remembers from the game and anime.

"Holy shit. I'm really in Pokémon."

Jack was a huge Pokémon fan when he was younger. Some of his best childhood memories were playing Pokémon games with his friends, battling each other, and trading so that they could fill the Pokédex. But like most kids, he grew out of it when he got older, though he still reads the occasional fanfiction.

His life wasn't what you would call fulfilling. He only had a small group of friends and no family. His job sucked, and he was single. He didn't go out much besides the occasional drink with his few friends. He mostly stayed at home playing video games.

Jack admits his life was kind of depressing. There was so much he wanted to do when he was younger. But Jack never got the chance to cause of either his financial situation or the insecurities he had. Jack wishes he had taken more opportunities to live a little, but by the time he gained the confidence, he already had a full-time job and no real time to do so.

'Maybe this is my chance to live life to the fullest.' Jack thought to himself.

There's so much the Pokémon world has to offer, and he could explore it to his heart's content. To see all the wondrous things he knows it contains. Live the childhood dream of actually catching and raising my very own Pokémon, rising to the top as the greatest Pokémon trainer of them all.

Jack laughs, "Wow. That sounded so corny. I'm glad I didn't say it out loud."

He then picks up and opens the TM Case, seeing a half dozen TM's in it.


Ice Beam


Brick Break

Shadow Ball


"Wow! These are amazing."

Those TM's are some of the best he could hope to have. Flamethrower, Ice Beam, and Thunderbolt alone are some of the more reliable attacks out there. Fire Blast, Blizzard, and Thunder might hit harder, but they all have a chance to miss.

'Though now that this is real life and not a game, I don't know if that's the case.' He thinks to himself.

Brick Break is a fighting-type move that can remove Light Screen and Reflect. It's a move he will depend on when he faces Brock because rock Pokémon are weak against fighting-type moves.

Shadow Ball is a strong ghost-type move that is useful against psychic and ghost-type Pokémon.

And finally, there's Protect. Protect, as the name suggests, protects the user from attacks and is great in a pinch.

Altogether those six TM's will help him in the future. He then places them back in the case and starts packing everything back up in the backpack. As Jack finishes, he sees one compartment he missed checking.

Unzipping it, Jack sees a cylinder-shaped device with a post-it note on the top with a winky face drawn on it. Guessing this was from whoever sent him here, Jack removes the post-it note and takes the device out. Looking at it, he sees a large egg inside it.

Jack excitedly grins as he realizes that it's a Pokémon egg incubator, with a real Pokémon egg inside.

Jack examined it closer but couldn't tell which Pokémon was in the egg as it's been years since he played the games or watched the anime. He just hoped whoever sent him here chose a good one.

Looking around, Jack can't find any sign of a trail or path. Knowing that staying in a forest without Pokémon to protect him from the wild Pokémon is a good way to get himself killed, Jack knows he needs to find his way out. Since his ID said he is from Viridian City, he must be in the area around it.

He then carefully puts the incubator in the backpack so it won't get damaged while he travels.

Picking a direction at random, he starts walking carefully through the forest, trying not to catch the attention of any wild Pokémon nearby. He hopes he can find his way to town before it gets dark. Walking alone in a forest at night is the setting of too many horror movies for his taste.

"Hopefully, I'm not in the Viridian Forest. It would be just my luck to be killed by a horde of Beedrill on my first day here."

Looking up, he sees a Pidgey fly by him. As he looks at it, more information appears.


Pokémon: Pidgey

Type: Normal/Flying

Level: 5

Gender: Male

Ability: Keen Eye

Potential: Shallow Bronze

Moves: Tackle, Gust, Sand Attack


'So I can see the basic info about a Pokémon and how much potential it has.' Jack thinks to himself. He remembers the Rattata from before had Normal Potential. So the more Potential, the stronger a Pokémon can get. It's pretty valuable information. Knowing the Potential of a Pokémon can help him find the very best to catch for himself.

After walking for a while, he decides to take a break to eat. Sitting against a tree, he takes a sandwich and water bottle from his backpack. While eating, he starts planning his next course of action.

First, he has to get out of this forest as fast as he can. Then find as much info as he can about the world around him. Is it like the anime or the games? Is it a mixture of the two, or is it completely different from both? He needs to know so he can plan accordingly.

As Jack eats, he suddenly feels something approach him again. Looking towards it, he sees a Rattata come walking out of a bush.

Jack believes it's the same one he saw before, as it not only feels the same, it has the same stats.

"Hey, little guy. What are you stalking me or something?"

The Rattata looks at him curiously. Seeing this, he grabs a piece of cheese from his sandwich and tosses it over to him. The Pokémon sniffs at the cheese and then runs off with it.

"Your welcome," Jack said sarcastically. Though he's happy it's gone. Even as weak as the Rattata was, he wouldn't want it to attack him. Pokémon are much stronger than humans after all.

After Jack finished eating, he sat and thought about what he felt. The first time it happened, he was in shock at what was going on and didn't think too deeply about it.

Jack closes his eyes and starts breathing calmly.

While Jack had accepted that he died and was brought here by some unidentifiable being, he was still scared as hell. It takes a lot longer than a few hours to get over one's death, and being alone in a forest full of dangerous animals that were once just a work of fiction wasn't helping the matter.

After a few minutes, Jack's calm enough to realize he can sense things around him. On the other side of the tree he's sitting beneath, a bird just landed on a branch high above.

'No. Not a bird, a Pidgey.' Jack thought to himself.

Jack opens his eyes and goes to look and sees the Pidgey there grooming itself. Leaving it alone, Jack sits back down and thinks about what this means.

Jack knows there are two different powers people in the Pokémon world can have.

One is Psychic power.

Psychics have the power to use telekinesis, read minds, sense other's presence, and have telepathy. Maybe even teleport, though he's not sure about that.

The other power is Aura.

Aura has similar abilities. Jack remembers reading about Aura, as it fascinated him.

Aura users can read the minds and actions of other beings.

Use telepathy.

The ability to "sense" other Auras and view surroundings even with a blindfold. It also allows users to view through some objects.

Projection of one's Aura, such as to create barriers or attacks. It can also be used to transfer Aura to others, a method that can be fatal to the user.

Aura is like life energy, while Psychic powers are mental energy.

Jack believes what he's using is Aura, though he's not 100% sure.

Realizing He's wasting daylight, Jack starts making his way through the forest again.

After about an hour, Jack sees a clearing ahead. Right before entering, he freezes. He could faintly sense a group of beings gather there. Jack slowly creeps forward and looks around.

On the other side, he sees five Pokémon gathered around another one. The five were Spearow though only one stood out.


Pokémon: Spearow

Type: Normal/Flying

Level: 7

Gender: Male

Ability: Keen Eye

Potential: Deep Bronze

Moves: Peck, Growl, Leer, (Innate Talent)Quick Attack


The other four were either level 4 or 5 with Normal Potential. The Pokémon they have gathered around, which looked suspiciously like the same Rattata from before, wasn't moving, so he's pretty sure he just walked in on them having lunch.

Jack quietly starts walking backward, hoping they don't notice him, but it seems that fate had other plans.

Right before he could leave, the Bronze Spearow look's right at him. Jack freezes again, hoping the Spearow would ignore him. But judging by the glare, he had his doubts. By this time, the others noticed him and matched the look of the Bronze one.

"Uh, hello. Nice day we're having, isn't it."

The glares intensified.

"So I'm just going to go now... Uhhh, enjoy your meal."

The glares turned murderous.

Seeing that diplomacy wasn't working, he decided to do the next best thing. Run as fast as he can.


Author Note :

I gave Jack Aura. He will NOT be OP. He won't being fighting Pokémon. It's more for the sensing ability then barriers or attacks. Think observation haki from One Piece with telepathy and him able to throw up a barrier in emergencies. No precognitive abilities.


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FunkyRoostercreators' thoughts