
Waifu Catalog: Conquest of a Senju!

Dying to people who I may have actually offended on a fundamental level wasn’t that surprising. Infuriating but still, not that surprising. Being offered to become a waifu collector in another world was surprising though. Now just have to make the best of it. Which means taking the world for myself. Because Konoha was a sacred tree and it was time for its roots to entangle the world and let its branches and leaves cast a shadow over all the nations! And even beyond them to other world! Cover Image in order to lure in the horni Warnings: •Power Fantasy with Plot •Senju MC with Mokuton •Harem(Waifu Catalog, duh) •Neutral Evil MC •AU Naruto world(Genderbent and other changes) •Characters aged up for purely aesthetic reasons, they are not stronger than they were in canon •Patriotism? Not sure if it is the right word for our MC(Danzo would like his goal) •If you even think about taking the MC as a role model, either get a therapist or get yourself admitted in Arkham Asylum(or maybe not since everyone and their dog can get out of there at least once a month)

EgyptianDio · アニメ·コミックス
29 Chs

Chapter 9

"Next, Uchiha Satsuki." The teacher yelled into the class and the mentioned girl walked in to the exam room.

Today was the day of graduation exams. Unlike the exams normal schools would have, here you learned your result right after the test. Sometimes being a killer for hire in training was really sweet.

"Next, Shigaraki Sumire." Iruka called out once more as Satsuki walked out of the exam room with the Konoha forehead protector, shockingly, on her forehead.

"Next, Senju Daiki." Finally. The written portion of the exam had been a breeze and honestly, this test they were doing was meant to weed out the truly incompetent students.

"Please, do a Bunshin." Iruka requested slash demanded while Mizuki beside him look at me with a notepad in his hand.

With one seal, I created three illusionary clones. Unlike what many fans thought, Bunshin was not a Genjutsu. It was an illusion but Genjutsu was beyond illusions.

Genjutsu was a ninja art where the practitioner used their own chakra in order to manipulate the enemy's chakra and put them under an illusion that can affect any of their senses and in the cases of Genjutsu monsters like Itachi and Shisui, even their sense of time.

Bunshin on the other hand created an illusion that could be seen by anyone. It was a technique that required chakra control and was mostly made out of yin based chakra, therefore it was a good technique for anyone who wanted to learn Genjutsu but it wasn't a Genjutsu.

"Good, now a Henge." I put my hand back in the shape of the seal and with a puff, the elderly from of the Hokage was standing in my place.

"Good, you pass." Iruka said with a smile as he gave me my headband which I tied around my arm.

Sure it was called a forehead protector and real life ninjas used them effectively but in a world where people can throw Lightning around, I didn't want a piece of metal on my head.

"Daiki-kun!" And then there was a surprising weight on my shoulders and a soft feeling on my back.

"You have passed the test just as we knew! Wanna eat something together? Or something more… intimate?" Yamanaka Ino whispered the last word in my ear that sent some… very nice feelings throughout my body.

I was thinking about what would happen between Mizuki and Naruko here but the white haired pansy could go screw himself, this was more important!


"Ahh, to be young."

"I believe you meant to say wasteful." The man before the third Hokage sniffed in distaste as he looked at the crystal ball that showed the classroom where the students were waiting to be tested.

"And I believe you are just jealous that we are past the time of our life where we could enjoy the company of others without much thought. I believe that young Daiki is about to, how do the youngsters say these days, ah yes; 'get some booty'! The third Hokage said with a satisfied expression while Danzo simply glared at him with his single eye.

"Did you start reading your perverted pupil's novels again?"

"Says the one who got the reference."

"I hope that you didn't call me here simply for peeping on young students like some pedophile." Danzo said, changing the subject before his old friend could try to find out whether he actually read Icha Icha or not.

"I wonder how the younger generation would react if they learned you could joke."

"The same way they react to learning that their parents were into kinky shit as well." The crippled man grunted much to the Hokage's amusement.

"Ok, ok. Let's get to business. I called you here because I want your opinion on the team placements."

"Shouldn't you wait until we learn who pass the exam and who doesn't pass?" Danzo raised one eyebrow at his old friend.

One second passed in silence.

Then two seconds passed in silence.

And then the two elderly in the room started to laugh uproariously. Well the Hokage did, Danzo only chuckled but for a man like him that might as well be laughing hard enough to lose control of his bladder.

As if anyone important among the class could actually fail that exam. If they did then they wouldn't be the important among the class.

"Haah, ok we laughed enough. Seriously, I want your opinion on these teams." The Hokage said and he gave his advisor a folder while still chuckling.

Danzo looked through the documents, his eye moving through the words as he analyzed for any mistake his friend might have done.

"Ino Shika Cho trio huh?"

"It worked great with their parents and they claim that their children are even more talented than them." The Hokage said as he put his pipe in his mouth and lit it with a quick use of fire based chakra transformation.

"A parent not saying that would have been weirder. Are you sure about letting three clan heirs under the tutelage of Yuuhi Kurenai though?" Danzo asked.

"She has known the Hyuuga heiress for a while and her genjutsu should allow her to give them challenging assignments for tracking training." The Hokage defended his decision.

"Then let's just hope this doesn't turn out like the last clan heir she tried to teach." Danzo grunted and Hokage had to hold himself back from flinching. The incident with Kurama clan wasn't something he liked to think more than he had to.

"Uchiha Satsuki and Uzumaki Naruko with… Haruno Sakura? Under the command of Hatake Kakashi? Are you really sure about this?" Throughout years of knowing the old cripple, Hokage could easily see that his old friend was asking if he was taking some sort of drug.

"The girl might not be impressive but she has quite a bit of potential. I think Kakashi can bring that potential out." At that Danzo actually snorted.

"Hatake is a horrendous teacher, you should know that by the test he uses on the potential genins. The bell test is meant to test the teamwork of a seasoned team, not three students out of the Academy who think their failure can send them back to being a student."

"And we both know Kakashi can't actually fail this team. He can scare them a bit but I can just order him to do it if needed. We are not gonna fail the Uchiha heiress and the Jinchuuriki." Hokage said gruffly. He may love Naruko like a granddaughter but he wasn't blind to the fact that she was a military asset.

"Also… it was either Kakashi or Kushina would have tried becoming their teacher." The old man admitted and Danzo had to wince at the mental image of the Red Habanero trying to teach.

No child deserved that.

Finally he got to the last page with the team that he was most interested in.

"You are putting the Senju heir with the Akimichi girl?" He asked and the Hokage looked at him blankly.

"Danzo, I really hope that you aren't about to accuse of a girl born and raised in Konoha of being some sort of spy simply because her mother was raped by a Kumo shinobi." Danzo had to cough at that since even he could admit that would make him look like he was just insane rather than paranoid. Not to mention stupid.

"Very well, then may I suggest their third member?"

"I already am putting them with Shigaraki Sumire." The student of two Hokages said with an eye roll. He knew exactly where the girl had trained and how her summon had came to be, but he also knew that Danzo no longer had full control on her. His friend knew what would happen if he tried to put a ROOT nin into the active Shinobi forces.

Old he might be but he still had enough strength in his bones to swing his staff.

"Duly noted." The commander of the ROOT forces said before he started to talk about the more efficient ways that they could use to run the village, and only nine out of ten of them included terror acts and false flag operations against the other villages in times of peace.