It's a guy that started to play a very lewd game, but he died before he could start and went to a new world with the ability to summon hot waifus and have sexy fun time with them. *NO NTR* Cover is not mine. Disregard this one. Messed up and const delete it. Created other one that is fanfic. Same name but without the s at the end.
(Kalawarna POV)
After receiving their meals, they watched as John discreetly checked to see whether there was poison in the food or drinks. Thankfully there wasn't any, which she ate happily. Who knew surviving death would make someone appreciate life.
After the meal, John booked three rooms, one for himself, another for Celestine, Kanae, and Yomi, and a room for her on her request.
She told John that she'll be out for a few hours before going to the men's bathroom to change faces. With a snap of her fingers, she transformed into a middle-aged balding man with a perverted grin on his face.
She stared at her reflection, checking for any imperfections, but it looked solid. Kalawarna sighed pleasantly, remembering the way he screamed as she pierced her light spears into his body one by one when he tried to drug her.
She figured that it'll be easier to find the less savory types of people disguised as a man than a woman. It'll be fun "persuading" the humans to give her whatever information she wants for free before killing them; not to mention robbing them afterward.
It shouldn't take long and it could be fun "playing" with the humans. She knew that John would be happy that she got information on the dark side of this town, but she'll leave out the killing part.
She soon left without anyone noticing and walked out the front door in the cool night air. Surprisingly, less than 10 minutes outside she saw a shady-looking guy near the entrance of an alleyway.
Kalawarna decided to ignore him, feeling that it was too obvious, and walked further from there. Though if she knew what would have happened that night she would have stayed and enjoyed the show.
"Do you think I should do it?" Celestine whispered to Kanae while watching John pay for the rooms. They talked about this before when he stayed behind with the guards, but she felt nervous going first.
"Yes, this is the perfect opportunity. If you don't stake a claim now, someone else will beat you to the punch, you know," Kanae whispered back.
"Not to mention, we don't know what will happen tomorrow, but tonight will hopefully be memorable for both of you," Yomi added teasingly at the end.
Celestine ducked her head a bit, her cheeks pink. She pondered for a moment before looking back at her new friends. She nodded her head and watched as Yomi took one of the keys from John and walked to the rooms.
Kanae and Yomi sped up a bit to allow her and John some privacy to talk. She didn't know what to say, so she said the first thing that came to her mind.
"H–hey, you r-remember what we talked about in the forest? With your luck and such?" Celestine asked in a shy tone, her face flushed while whispering to him as they walked.
That isn't what she planned to say, but with Kanae's recommendation, she drank some "liquid courage" to express her wants more openly. Thankfully, she didn't say anything more than that, but John only gave her a confused look.
Celestine decided to try again for the night and if he doesn't answer... she might need more liquid courage to go knock on his door and tell him she wanted to have relations with him. Kanae did say most men are dense and some needed more cues to get the point across.
"So do you, um want to... rub them after everyone is asleep?" Celestine tried again, this time a little louder, but she ended by whispering the last part again before pulling down her hood to her lips while waiting for him to say something. Although, with him not responding for a few seconds started to make her regret saying anything at all.
(John POV)
'Huh, why does that sound familiar for some reason? Luck...rub? Hey brain, do you know why it sounds familiar?' I thought to myself feeling time standstill.
'Yes, but I don't know why. Second brain, do you know?'
'Yes!!! Let's go! Let's do this! I'm pumped up! Boobies here I come!'
Time resumed and I finally remembered why it sounded familiar. I wanted to hit myself for forgetting such an important topic. I knew that I had to answer fast if not, then I would miss my chance.
"Yes," I answered back enthusiastically which she looked up at me in surprise. I coughed once before starting over again, but this time more calmly, "I mean, yes. I would."
Celestine nodded with a smile and walked past me without another word. I arrived at my door as Yomi opened their door allowing Celestine to go first then herself and Kanae gave a flirtatious wink at me before closing it.
I went into my room excited and a little nervous. I unequipped all my clothes and went to take a bath. After making sure I was thoroughly cleaned, I wrapped a towel around my waist and laid down on the bed trying not to think about what will happen in a few hours.
After tossing and turning for about an hour, I decided to check how much money I have and how many tickets I can buy.
''If it's not too expensive, I'll buy a few hundred thous... no no... just 10 or 20 tickets. Just that amount and no more.'' I told myself, trying to control my impulse. I took a deep breath before I started.
Luck: 25
Money: 40 Gold, 33 Silver and 90 Bronze Eris (43,390)
Gacha Tickets: 50
{Gacha Token Store}
1 Gacha Ticket - 100 Yen (433 T)
2 Gacha Tickets - 300 Yen (288 T)
12 Gacha Tickets - 1,500 Yen (336 T)
20 Gacha Tickets - 2,400 Yen (360 T)
If I use up all of the money I have, I could buy 433 Tickets using the first one or 360 using the last one. I really wanted to do that, but I'm not an idiot.
Based on my luck, I have one in four of a chance to get something good, I hope. Luck is never really explained in the game and I was hoping it would work like that. If I use 10 tickets, I would have maybe 4 good draws and 6 ok or worse draws.
I held 10 tickets in my hand and prayed to Eris for good luck for a minute and then I used them on the Miscellaneous Gacha.
[Gained Eris's Blessing! 3x your Luck!]
1. x1 Vibrating Panties
2. x1 Box of Extra Small condoms
3. x1 Love Potion
4. x1 Elixir of Fire Protection
5. x1 XXXL Vibrating Dildo
6. x1 Pink Nail Polish
7. x1 Skill Book
8. x1 Skill potion (+5 Skill points)
9. x1 Mystery Box
10. x1 Broken Stick
I blame Aqua for this.
(Celestine's POV)
Celestine sat down in the middle of the bed nearest to the door, playing with her fingers waiting for the door to close.
"Soo~? How did it go?" Kanae asked happily sitting down next to her, taking both of Celestine's hands in her own.
She giggled excitedly, "It went pretty well, actually. I told him that I wanted him and he was so excited."
"That's great! So do you know what you're going to do when you are inside his room? Cause I don't know," Yomi shrugged her shoulders, sitting on the other side of Celestine. "We didn't cover it that much. Only the parts where the guy needs to stick it inside the girl parts and a baby is born."
"...." Celestine and Kanae stared at Yomi in disbelief, wondering who taught her that garbage. Even Celestine knew more than that and she's sheltered from an early age; granted, she knew how it works thanks to her female knights and the romance novels over the years.
"Oo~kay, we'll deal with that later," Kanae decided to change the topic. She turned to Celestine, "For now, go take a relaxing bath and we'll help you get ready."