
VRMMORPG:The Sun Sets When The World Ends

Dante, an apostle for the evil God????? kneeled on the collapsed floor of a building coughing up blood, looking around he saw nothing but destruction where there was once prosperity and laughed self mockingly while he reminisced about how he did it. "Why?... Why did you do it Dante!" the hero said as his eyes swam looking around at this destruction, his voice sounding like he was on the verge of crying, his sword weakly at the neck of Dante, waking Dante from his reminiscent due to the icy sensation of the magical metal. "It was the only way...and even if there was another option, it's too late anyway," Dante said as he looked at the hero with his already half-blind blue eyes from the fight they just had. Hearing that, the hero didn't even continue speaking with him and just swung the sword, instantly decapitating him. The last sight he saw was the beautiful sunset mixed among the ruins of buildings as his vision turned black. [Activating Chronos's last wish] A villain's end is never the end (PayPal link) https://www.paypal.me/LeoKala3q ____________________________________________ (Author Disclaimer) I don't own nor claim the rights to the picture If want to be removed, please contact me (MASSIVE REWORK EMMINENT!!!!!) A's an author. I want to give you my best, so that's why I will rework will be reworking all chapters released. ___________________________________________ (Ps Goals) 100 Ps =2 chaps extra 500 Ps=5 chaps extra 1000 Ps=10 chaps extra Ps goals are stacked so if you complete all of them you will get 17 chaps

Death_Penalty · ゲーム
35 Chs

Test Of Will Pt 1

Rising up from the icy floor, Dante looked around to see that he was on a narrow path with damp flooring and dusty concrete walls that looked like they hadn't been traversed in centuries.

Trying to be as silent as possible, Dante moved through the passage, eventually reaching the end of it when all that he could see was another four passageways leading in different directions.

"Fuck!" Dante said as tears almost flooded his eyes, lamenting how crazily unfortunate he had been since his regression.

"Ok....calm Dante, nothing goes as planned," Dante said as he opened his notifications to see what his mission was to do here.

[Trial of the Iron Mind]

[The Trial of the Iron Mind is a grueling test of mental fortitude that challenges a player's willpower, mental endurance, and resilience. The player is placed in a simulated reality designed to test their ability to remain focused, disciplined, and determined in the face of intense mental pressure and distraction. CAN YOU SHED YOUR MORTAL TIES?]

Reading this, Dante smirked, but when he stepped in front of the four pitch-black paths to read their names, that smirk vanished.

Stepping forth to the first path, the name that was hung on the top of the path was.

[1. Path of eternal Damnation]

The damned deserve eternal suffering.

Looking at the name and reading the description of the path, he instantly went toward the second path, but that also path's name also left much to be desired.

[2. A Sinners Regret]

A sinner should never forget.

Already knowing how bad the names would be from the other paths, he looked at them both at the same time.

[3.Path of Alternative Realities]

What if I made a different decision?

[4. What's The Meaning of Existence]

Can you conquer this question that stumped even the smartest philosophers?

Looking at these four passages left Dante stumped as each option left him with a chill, remembering all the evils that he had committed in his past life.

Dante stood at the entrance to the four passageways, feeling overwhelmed by the choices before him. Each path promised to test him in different ways, and he knew that whichever one he chose would have a profound impact on his journey.

He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, trying to center himself and clear his mind. As he focused on his breathing, images began to flash through his mind: memories of past failures and missed opportunities, regrets, and what-ifs that he had been carrying with him for far too long.

Dante realized that he needed to face these fears and doubts head-on and that the path of eternal damnation would be the most difficult and uncomfortable path for him to take. He knew that this path would force him to confront his own mortality and the consequences of his actions. Thinking this, he slowly made his way toward the path of an alternate reality when suddenly he had an epiphany.

" Why the hell would it even matter?... The past can't get changed. You can only live with your current choices." Dante said as he stepped away from the path of alternate realities and made his way to the fourth path, thinking back on the description of this trial.

"One must shed his mortal ties and the only way to do that is to leave the what-ifs and transcend oneself," Dante said, repeating that as he stepped into the dark passageway of the fourth passage.

Stepping forward in this dark path, he felt his feet getting lighter and lighter till he couldn't even feel them.Dante found himself suddenly transported to a vast, empty void. There were no landmarks or structures, only the infinite darkness and the soft hum of his own breath. At first, he was confused and frightened, but then he remembered that he had been on a journey, one that would test his fortitude and willpower. He must be in the next trial, he realized.

Looking around, Dante saw that he was truly alone, with no other beings or creatures in sight. He had nothing to distract him from his own thoughts, which swirled around in his mind like a tempest. The silence was deafening, and Dante felt as though he were being swallowed up by the void. But he knew he had to stay focused and clear his mind.

Suddenly, a voice spoke, reverberating through the emptiness. "Welcome, Dante. You have reached the trial named 'What is the meaning of existence?' Here, we will force you to confront the deepest questions of your own existence."

Dante felt a shiver run down his spine at the sound of the voice. It was cold and calculating, like that of a computer program. But he knew he had to listen.

"Throughout this trial, we will present you with various philosophical puzzles, questions, and paradoxes. You will need to contemplate the nature of your own existence and determine what truly gives your life meaning and purpose. You will be given no external distractions, only your own thoughts to guide you.Failure to do so will result in an immediate death and your account will be locked for seven days."

Dante took a deep breath and steadied himself. He knew that this trial would be the most challenging one yet. He had always been an introspective person, but he had never contemplated his own existence in such a deep and profound way.

As he began to walk through the void, he was presented with his first puzzle. "Dante, do you believe in free will?"


(Author's Note)

Guess who's back, baby!