

In the year 2030, humanity finally managed to create a full-dive virtual reality game. A high school student and a gamer joined the game and rule over the world of games. Orーis it really a game? ❖Welcome to Olympus❖ The elements in the cover are not mine. Copyright to the owner. Note: There is a remake version for this novel. Please support it too. The continuation of volume 2 will happen in the remake version~ Novel Title: MMORPG: Olympus

Hydro_Contella · 都市
120 Chs

Chapter 76: Trial and Summon - Final Part

"I see," I nod as I heard her statement.

"So?" I continued as I stared at every creature here at this place.

"We want to form a pact with you so that both of us can benefit from the pact..." The [Silver Dragon] bowed her head.

"Benefit?" I am confused about that word, I didn't know any benefit from forming a pact after all.

"We can benefit from your mana and mental strength. It can increase our overall power and become more powerful than the other creatures. It can also make us evolve.

While on the benefit of the lord, we can invite our kin to become your ally or worship you so that your divinity will increase." She replied in a straightforward tone.

'It seems like that is how the divinity works. The more worshipers you have, the more power you will get...' I smiled inwardly as I heard the benefits.

"Then, let's form a pact!" I said happily as every creature here became more excited. I feel sorry for the monsters that I killed though.


I formed more than 600 pacts on every creature including what I really want to be my summons. All of them disappeared into nothingness as I placed them inside my [Habitat Space]

Space where only tamers can use.

I arrived at the second arena and there is still a relic here which I can't pull up with normal strength. It seems like it is supposed to be only there and it is the source of the summoning.

The chances of being that relic to be the [God of Life and Death] is high.

Several monsters appeared from left and right and the amount is more than five thousand. Plus, the creatures from earlier are not here but the creatures that died are also here.

"Hoh, it seems like every creature that I killed will also appear in another stage, That means, there is supposed to be more than 6,000 creatures here rather than 5,000," I smiled like a demon, and after the notification for the second stage arrived, I immediately released my aura which intimidates everyone.

I don't want to kill them anymore and I want them to be my summon, they can probably help me on the main quest. It will be also added to the power of our guild.

Just like earlier, they bowed and surrendered. They chose to become my summon after noticing my divinity or presence being a [Dragon God]

Now, I currently have more than 5,000 pacts with different variety of creatures.

There are a total of 10 stages and if it continued from 1,000 to 5,000, the next stage must be 10,000 and after that must be 20,000.

That is always been the pattern for every challenge, dungeons, labyrinths, and trial.


Like I predicted earlier, the third stage is 10,000 different creatures that I am still familiar with some creatures, but many of them are unknown to me. They are either dungeon monsters or hidden monster that isn't getting on the surface and stayed underground.

On this trial, every monster bowed for me and became their master.

For the fourth trial, I encountered 20,000 creatures that are living in the sea since the arena is the sea itself.

For the fifth trial, I encountered 40,000 creatures that are also living in the sea. These include the legendary creature, [Kraken] which I also formed a pact.

In the sixth and seventh stages, the arena changed from the sea into a volcanic arena. 80,000 creatures in the sixth stage and 160,000 creatures in the seventh stage.

The eighth and ninth is an aerial arena where all of my enemies are all flying, which is intimidating because of the whopping number of 320,000 at the eighth stage and 640,000 at the ninth stage.

Now, I have 1,270,000 summons.

And now, for the final stage where I am currently at, I can feel the insane dense amount of death energy surrounding this arena but I can't find the source.

I looked from left and right and I can only see is the black walls alongside the lamps with the fire lit.

"Are there no monsters here?" As I am looking for something, I saw a cave-like entrance next to the arena.

I walked slowly towards them and extended my mana like my hands and senses it with my five senses.

"It seems like the thing inside the cave is the source of death energy that killed several millions of dryads." I stared at the pitch-black cave and after a second of deciding, I've decided to enter it and find out the reason.

[The Death Element is corroding the environment]

[The Death Element didn't affect you]

The notification that didn't warn me earlier that I am exposed to death energy while I am at the surface emerged.

"Who are you?" A low and hoarse voice said as I walk in the pitch-black cave freely, thanks to the [Artificial Sense]

"I am Theo, the new [Dragon God] or so they said but I prefer to be called the [Ice Prince]. Hehe." I joked as I walked towards the densest part of the area,

"Theo?--I see, you are the guy that master told me before coming here," Another normal voiced man said which made me surprised by both the voice and what he just said.

"Who is your master?" I asked politely as I know that it is probably one of the god's creatures.

"Hades." I don't know what to say as I probably know who it is since the third voice is different.

"Are you--[Cerberus]? The [Hound of Hades]?" I muttered slowly as I saw blue flames glowed ahead of the cave.

[Cerberus] or they referred it to as the [Hound of Hades]. It is a multi-headed dog that guards the underworld.

"It seems like you know me, [Dragon God]" The low and hoarse voice said as the blue flames started to become bigger and bigger and the silhouette of the [Cerberus] is forming.

"Why did you come here?" The second voice said as the [Cerberus] stood up and walked towards my direction.

'He is huge...' I appreciate him as he continued walking towards me with no hostile intent.

"Well, the death element that came from your body is leaking and it affected the [Dryads] in the surface, they asked me to do something for it, and it seems like I entered in the trial..." I walked towards him as I talk normally.

"My body is leaking death element? It seems like [Hades' Aura] is depleted..." He sighed as he sat in front of me.

[The God of Underworld is asking you to help him]

"Help? How?" I asked the gods which made the [Cerberus] a little bit confused since I am not talking with someone else.

[The God of Underworld said by giving him some of your death energy, you have some of the death energy that came from the God of Underworld in the first place]

"My death energy? Wait--you mean, I have some of your power?" I sighed as I touched my temple and said, "Then? What to do next?"

[The God of Underworld said that travel with him. He had been always at the gate and the God of Underworld wants the [Cerberus] to become free]

"Hmm, it seems like you have the personality of the best god..." I smiled as I chuckled a little bit and stared at the confused [Cerberus]

"Your master wants you to travel with me, are you okay with it?" I touched his forehead as he nods. I gave him my death element which suppresses the death energy surrounding him. The death energy is getting absorbed back by [Cerberus]

He stood up and said, "If that is master's orders, then I will do it"

He lowered his head as I placed a blood pact in his forehead.

[The God of Underworld is grateful]

"Don't worry, gods helped me a lot, this is the only way I can pay you back..." I smiled as I walked away towards the cave.

"[Dragon God], may I ask to be with your side?" [Cerberus] asked as he placed his huge paw towards my back.

"Sure, let's go! But you have to use your smaller form..." I smiled at him and he immediately changed his form just like Ashton.

He is like a cute three-headed puppy.


"Thank you, thy highness. Thy race won't forget thou kindness" The guardian said as she lowered her head followed by the other [Dryads] and the village chief.

"Don't worry, now that the source is not here anymore and I can suppress it anytime, no problem will erupt on this territory from now on..." I smiled as I waved at them while walking away.

"It also seems like the [World Tree] isn't doing anything because it is not hostile to anyone, huh?" I muttered as I opened my wings and flew into the air,

"Ashton!" I called out Ashton as I threw his capsule and he appeared in front of us. I introduced [Cerberus] to Ashton and they immediately became friends.

We didn't leave but we traveled around the [Dryad]'s territory and now, we are having sightseeing at the peak of a mountain which you can see the enormous [World Tree] from this location.

This will be a great place to relax. I should send the scenery to the guild.

I opened the camera function and captured the scenery in front of me.


Ice Prince: Sent a photo.

Ice Prince: Let's hang out at this place sometimes, it is too relaxing!

Undying Poirot: Where is that, it is beautiful?

Flower Goddess: How beautiful! It is unfortunate that we can't see it here at [Dragon Empire]

Flame Emperor: Yeah, since the world tree can only be seen on the kingdoms around it, we can't see it from here. Theo, where is that place?

Ice Prince: At the [Serendepity Peak] at the [Dryad Kingdom], I got friends with the [Dryads] and they just agreed that I want to build a small relaxation building here!

Flame Emperor: That is nice! Let us meet there tomorrow! Is everyone okay with that?

All Members: Aye aye, leader!

Flame Emperor: Come to think of it, did you found a suitable member of our guild?

Ice Prince: Not yet, I don't plan on doing that. I want to stay here until the end of the treasure hunting.

Space King: Well, then let's have the treasure hunt at the [Dryad Empire] since you are friends with them. Did you also ask them that they will become part of our intelligence party?

Ice Prince: It seems like they want it. When I asked them, as long as we need intelligence or information, they are only here.

Ice Prince: Ah! The main quest's one of the three gods is also near here.

Flame Emperor: Which god?

Ice Prince: Shinto Mythology's Susanoo, the God of Storm.

All members: ...

Flame Emperor: ...

Flame Emperor: Can you seal it?

Ice Prince: I can but it seems like it won't be easy. You need to protect me while casting it...

Undying Poirot: Well, since there are still 5 months of preparation, let's relax for a little bit and find some members and NPC to help us in the future.

Fire Dragon: Well, I already found someone that can help us gather information in the air. Now, the only thing we need it, the information gatherer in the water, isn't it?

Night Detective: Yes, since Ice Prince already has the Dryads.

Ice Prince: Ah! I have the Kraken for that!

Fire Witch: Kraken?!

It seems like everyone is speechless.

Ice Prince: Well, I will build the relaxation spot here now, See you tomorrow!

I closed the guild chat and then started to build the first thing I want to build.

The hot spring.

"Haha, it seems like I have to surprise them tomorrow..." I chuckled as I used earth magic to dig out the soil without destroying the trees.

I plan to make this build a nature-friendly one.

Please comment on the wrong grammar or information that I've inserted here in this novel! I want to make this novel somehow good for the readers^

This novel will get another mass release after I created another 30 to 40 draft chapters. So far, I only have less than 20 drafts.

The next chapter that'll probably come out next week is going to be a 12 chapter arc, a little bit longer than the four-guild war battle^^

Hydro_Contellacreators' thoughts