
Voyage With The Pirate King

Ji Yao, the future Pirate King rescued a pitiful boy from the goodness of his heart only to find out that pitiable looking lad was far from the word pitiful. Calling him a wolf pup in sheep's clothing wouldn't be an exaggeration. Like they say watch what you pick up and bring home with you. As they journeyed across the continent slaying creatures and half breeds that stood in their way all the wolf pup could think of was: 'My husband is cute,' Or 'When can we will nightfall come so we can cuddle,' Or 'Husband smells so good. I want to bite him.' Ji Yao who had woken up with a bite mark, "......" Let's Voyage together and witness a relationship designed by fate blossom into a power couple born from powerful Nocru clans. ----‐----------------------------------------------- 200 golden tickets or 1000 power stones = 2 extra chapters per week. With a lot more support I will be motivated to write. Thank you so much.

Andru_9788 · LGBT+
559 Chs

Handing over his husband to a mistress

Who told that brat to get on Ji Yao's good side and try and rob his cute sister? Okay, cute isn't the right word to describe her but who cares?

That's when Ji Yao realised he was surrounded by pig teammates. One who gets blinded by anger and another who follows his older brother's every word. "Give him to him," said Ji Yao while taking out something from his storage ring.


"What?" Did he hear wrongly just now? Ji Yao wanted him to give the boy to Rui Fei? Wasn't that directly sending the little lamb into the wolves den.

"You heard me. He is now Fei-er's responsibility," he said as he took out some elixirs and pills that could help this poor soul.

"Haha, he can barely take care of a cactus how about an invalid," said Rui Yewan his tone silly but his words truthful. A cactus died in Rui Fei's hands after he decided to raise it as a gift to give to their benefactor when they met her.