

The Guild Masters swift departure left Lila annoyed. She handed Aren his Adventurous card while reminding him not to lose it or there won't be a freebie next time.

Aren was surprised to see his name on the card but the amount of information was very less.

Name: Aren Lawliet

Age: 17

Rank: F Rank

Resident of Albion Kingdom

"The Surrounding Areas, Guild Missions, and Adventurers themselves are ranked from A to F Rank. Guild Missions and Areas indicates the Danger Level whereas it also shows the strength of the Adventurers required for those missions. There are higher ranks as well but let's leave that for when you have the strength of A rank. As Mentioned in the card, you are a F Rank Adventurer therefore only allowed to enter F and E Rank Areas. For you to enter a D Rank Area was extremely Reckless." Laila stated as she handed Aren a vial filled with a blue colored liquid in to drink.

"I took the Liberty to buy you a Healing potion, so all your savings are used up." Lila informed him as he drank the Potion, "A person can take a maximum of Four Potions a day. You were in a Coma with no further Life-threatening injuries, so we allowed your body to heal naturally."

Lila provide Aren with General Information that she thought necessary for his survival. She bluntly ignored all his Questions during her explanation Leaving Aren very Frustrated. Handing him his new clothes from the closet she left.

Getting Dressed Aren pondered over the sudden turn his Life had taken. It was one thing to travel back to the past but to wake up in a world of Sword and Magic really takes the cake. Its as if life is playing a cruel joke on him just to see how long he can stay sane. Fortunately, he did wake up in a desert.

Leaving the room, he was greeted by William who tossed him a pouch.

"There's enough money in there to get you back on your feet. Never say I didn't do anything for you brat." He teased before giving him a Map of the town.

"I marked down the location of your home. Knowing Lila, she just gave you a rundown of the basics. You can visit the book store if you want to search for more information. Having Amnesia doesn't excuse you from working Hard. So, don't think too Hard, just go with the flow, things will work themselves out." He Advised before walking away.

"Thanks" Aren mumbled seeing him leave. He was penniless and homeless therefore the Aid came in a timely manner. He was lucky that his predecessor was the owner of a house therefore saving him so much trouble.

Leaving the Guild, he follows the route to his New Home. There was many Stone Buildings Aligned side by side. The Town was a blend of Fantasy and the Middle Ages. The people that passed by had a sword in the waist, holding a Spear or covered in full body armor. Luckily, he didn't feel out of place.

There was a considerable number of shops facing the street, there were even street stalls. Feeling hungry he bought some Apples which cost him 5 coppers. The money here was copper, silver, gold and platinum coins. Every Coins is worth at least 10 times more than the first coin and so on.

A Two-Story Building was present on the spot marked on the map.

"My predecessors parents must have saved a lot of money to buy this house." Aren commented as he turned the door knob, but the locked door quickly reminded him that he didn't have the key to the house. Before he could break the Door down someone called out to him.

A Middle-Aged Lady Entered the premises.

"Where have you been Dear? Do you have any Idea how worried I was? You should have at least informed bothered to inform me if you were going to be away for so long?" The Lady admonished him.

"I am Sorry to have worried you, but something came up which took my time therefore delaying my return." Aren acted as if recognizing her.

"As long as you don't make a habit of it. I have to look after the store, so I will visit later." The Lady responded before giving him a Key and bidding him farewell. Aren was stunned at her abrupt departure, Is the people here always in such a hurry.

'She must to be someone important for him as the house was left in her care.' He thought while unlocked the door.

The House had a lounge, a kitchen, a dining room, a library, and three bedrooms. There were many books of various genre with in the library but what interested him the most was the beginners book of spells. His curiosity had ignited a fire within him to devour every book in the library. He could already imagine himself performing him possible feats like breathing fire, Tearing the Earth asunder, Causing Tsunamis, Casting a lightning storm, Teleporting from one place to another but he Reigned the fire with in his heart.

Returning to the market place he bought enough supplies to last him a week.

Every Morning till Day break he trained in swordsmanship from various manuals in the Library before having Breakfast. Most of his time was spend in the Library reading till dusk while satisfying his curiosity of magic.

The Middle-Aged Lady Miss Alice and her Daughter were his only visitors. Her Daughter Lisa obviously had a crush on him, putting him in an awkward position since he never had a girlfriend. Most importantly he can't just tell her he hijacked her crushes body.

Her mother owns a Bakery, so she spends most of her time watching the store. Every morning she brings him buns to eat so the least he could do was be polite. Even through he had known her for long. she was an excellent friend.

His Hard work had paid off as he was no longer ignorant. With a disappointed sigh he closed the book.

Mana, the source of magic, is present in Every Living Being. A core must be established in the body that can contain the mana produced by the soul. There are individuals born with a Magic core since Birth. So, they can train at a young age increasing the size of their core.

However, the knowledge to establish a core has been lost a long time ago but the method to assess the core was available.

Aren sat in a meditative position while regulating his breathing according to the instruction in the book.

An hour of Ghost Silence was shattered by the Sound of a Snore coming from Aren as he had dozed off to sleep.