
28. Empty Words and Promises

Autumn's POV

The clicking of my flip flop heels resonates on the marble floor as I make my way to the kitchen. The level of how famished I am, increases in intensity as I breathe in the aromas of appetizing foods, travelling through the air waves of the house.

I hear the sound of children's laughter and chatters from a distance, telling me it isn't just Axel playing around the house.

"Good morning Miss Autumn." I become acquainted with the familiar accent of Mrs Amanda. I had barely entered the kitchen before she greeted me.

I give her a soft smile, before responding. "Morning Mrs Amanda." She had paused her cooking to acknowledge my presence.

"Just Amanda is fine Miss Autumn." She's so polite.

"And just Autumn is fine too." I tell her, walking to the Island. She responds to me with silence.

My tummy grumbles as I continue inhaling the aromas circulating around the kitchen.