
Void Magic Cultivator

Lucas was a high school student who took two part-time jobs simultaneously to support himself and his ill grandma. Her illness would only get worse and no medicine could heal her except for a very expensive procedure that no amount of part-time jobs could cover. But one day, a door to a new world opened up to him, a world where there’s magic, cultivation, and constant wars between kingdoms and empires. Moreover, Lucas was chosen by an unknown entity that gave him unimaginable power that was coveted by the immortal beings of the other world. Through joining the wars and the struggles for power, Lucas would use his blood, sweat, and tears to get all the money he wanted in the world for his grandma and the inhuman powers that come along with it. Although at the cost of his morals and sanity, Lucas was ready to do everything to get what he wished for.

darran_ · ファンタジー
25 Chs

A Scuffle on The Street (1)

"So? What is this about?"

Lucas stared at the burly man that he had killed before with a single chop to his neck.

"Nothing, I just want to say hi to an acquaintance who had gone through the same horror as me," Tom replied as he stared at the teenager in front of him. 

Tom's face was held high and he didn't show a shred of fear as if the memory of him being killed by Lucas had been completely erased from his head.

"Really? Is this how you really greet an acquaintance? A crowbar in hand and 10 other dudes holding metal pipes?"

Lucas stared at Tom and 10 other men standing behind him.

Not all of them were as large and bulky as Tom, but their faces and attires told Lucas that these people might even be worse human beings compared to Tom.

"You owed me something and I'm here to take it from you.

You don't get to trick me again this time. I won't fall into my own delusion thinking you are just an innocent little kid.

I will make sure this crowbar leaves a deep mark on your forehead."

Tom was sure that what happened before was only a fluke. There's no way he would be killed by a kid who didn't even have a single scar on his body.

He asked the other people who were with him before what had happened, and they all told him that he just stood there and let Lucas walk to his back and punched him.

It was nothing like Tom remembered as he only remembered the fact that Lucas was kneeling in front of him and his consciousness disappearing the second he was about to punch Lucas.

Tom thought it must have been his adrenaline rush that made him see things that didn't happen.

It was indeed his first time ever feeling the excitement of killing another person and he still couldn't get over how thrilling the experience was.

Tom felt much more exhilaration from killing compared to usual when he just beat people until they were black and blue, begging for his mercy. 

So this time, he made sure to peel his eyes open and not let his excitement get to him to make sure that the teenager in front of him learned of his place.

Seeing Lucas just standing in place as he taunted him and didn't show a shred of fear, Tom's grip on the crowbar tightened as he began walking forward.

"Let's see if you still can keep a straight face after your eye kisses this thing."

With that, Tom began running forward, winding the crowbar up high, preparing to knock Lucas' head with the dull part.

Seeing the gangster-like man in front of him start running, Lucas wasted no time as he activated the basic body enhancement technique.

After learning his first cultivation technique and attuning his body with mana, the activation process didn't even take a second as Lucas' whole body was enhanced with mana.

'Why is he moving quite slowly?' Lucas asked while seeing the crowbar move in his direction almost in slow motion.

'If your body is enhanced with mana, not only will it get stronger and sturdier, but your senses will also be heightened. It's just your eyes and brain processing his movement much faster than before when you saw it as him moving in almost slow motion.

If you cultivate even more, you won't need to use the basic body enhancement anymore and you will see every mortal moving in slow motion.' Maya explained nonchalantly as the crowbar moved closer and closer towards him.

'What should I do? Should I dodge this?' Lucas saw the crowbar's sharp tip, but the overwhelming power running through his body made him unafraid of anything.

'Just do whatever you want, you couldn't even lose this even if you have a pig brain.

Oh, wait, you are curious about how strong your body actually is, right?'

Thinking Maya's suggestion was correct, Lucas decided on his next action.

Instead of dodging the crowbar or kicking Tom away with his feet, Lucas raised his hand instead and met the crowbar's body with his forearm.

Seeing Lucas was unmoving, Tom's body tensed up a little

'This kid is crazy! He could die!'

Tom did say that he would hit Lucas' head, but he knew that he was currently on Earth. He wouldn't just get away scot-free if he actually killed another human being, moreover a teenager.

But Tom recalled that the people he was with in Gula also said about Lucas being a superhuman, something that he wouldn't believe until he saw it with his own eyes.

However there was a chance that it was also true, hence the reason he brought the 10 people with him.

However, it was only if that were to be really the case, if Lucas was just an ordinary kid, then he wouldn't tell the 10 people to hit the kid with their metal pipes.

'Whatever, I'll just prove it right now.'

Even after seeing Lucas stay still, Tom didn't decrease his power and continued aiming to hit Lucas' head with the crowbar, although with the dull part of it just in case he would really kill a kid.

But at the last second, Tom finally saw Lucas move. 

Lucas moved so fast that Tom only saw a blur before his crowbar hit something so hard that the crowbar flew out of his hand.

The heavy metal crowbar then hit the ground, causing metal clanging sounds to resound in the silent alleyway.

Tom froze in place, seeing Lucas' hand raised, not a single blood spilled, and still holding on strong despite being hit by a crowbar.

He turned his head sideways and instead saw the metal crowbar that was strong enough to punch a hole through thick wood was now heavily bent sideways.

"It's true…"

"You are not a human…"

Tom quickly jumped backward, running backward as fast as he could, going back to the line of 10 people that he brought with him.

'So that book they gave us is not nonsense…' Tom thought to himself as he recalled the ordinary-looking book back in the empty white room.

Tom also read the basic body enhancement book that Esme gave the participants before the battle royal, but after reading a few pages and finding nonsense like mana, body acupoints, and other nonsense, he closed the book right away and threw it to the ground.

'I will get my hands on that book as soon as I return there… For now though…'

"You see it yourselves! That kid is not an ordinary human! He must have been hiding something to make himself that strong!"

Tom shouted, making sure everyone that he brought with him heard his voice.

"We must force him to tell us what he did to get that power!"

Even after seeing how powerful Lucas was, the other 10 people who saw him didn't get scared. Instead, they all became curious about how he could get that power.

And for people like them, who held power as the highest, most important thing in their daily life, they just wanted to know how they could be like that.

With Tom's words as the trigger, the 10 people began holding onto their metal pipes harder and began circling Lucas, all of them planning to make him speak and spill his little secret.

'Even you wouldn't be able to deal with 10 street brawlers with metal pipes in their hands…' Tom thought as he himself moved back from the group, watching and staring holes at the teenager in front of him.

Let me know what you think about this novel and what you want to see next!

darran_creators' thoughts