
Void Mage’s Proposal

Mage? Swordsman? Countless Worlds? Infinite magic power? A student of Lemore Academy Shito Mahinu was forced to go to an academy that was for mages despite wanting to become a swordsman. A person who lacks motivation but likes swinging his sword around. Magic was something that he already grasped so going to a school to learn more about was something he didn’t want to do. And his sister was known throughout the world as the ‘strongest’ mage in existence, but there were more secrets that lurked in the world, in which the public had no idea about. This is a story about an overpowered protagonist, who wants to spend time with his family and journey through the world without using his full power to fight.

LunarFall · ファンタジー
124 Chs

Episode 56- The Morning Before the Final Rounds

By nine o'clock at night, Shito reached the dorms where he and his family laid their heads. His daughters and Tenka were standing beside him, waiting to go inside the dorm.

Since the final round of the tournament was the next day, they had to get enough rest so they could fight. Even though they were strong enough to beat the two students with handicaps.

Shito sighed. "Well, let's go inside the room. It's time for us to go to bed because we have to get up early in the morning," he said, placing his key card into the ID scanner.

A loud clicking sound was heard, and the door opened. The door could only be opened with the original key card. They were sort of unsafe since people could break into the dorm rooms if they had someone's key card, but since the magic was still intact from the first to, he infused it with void energy, anyone that wasn't allowed in by the family would instantly be killed on the spot. His energy would kill anyone.


The family didn't say anything to each other and walked inside the dorm room, closing the door behind them. Leaving the door open was bad for safety. Not for them, but for someone who tries to walk inside.

"Ahhhhhh! …it feels so good to be back at home. I have been waiting to get back here for a while. Let's hurry up and go to bed already." Tenka was happy to be home, they had been out all day so being back home gave her a feeling of comfort.

That was something that Shito and his daughters agreed with. Being at home was the best feeling because they had time to sleep and relax.

Illayaka and Illayaka looked at their mother, smiling cutely, "We are glad to be back home too, Mama and Papa!" the two girls uttered in unison. They liked doing anything with their parents even if it was considered boring.

Being taken into the family was something that the girls really liked. They had no family to spend their time with before and now they have received a family of their own. The two wanted to be grateful and take advantage of the opportunity that most people couldn't have. And even if they did, so parents were as nice as the ones they have… one of the main reasons they were grateful.

A perfect life is what the twins currently have. Their father is strong and able to protect them, while he doesn't really show much emotion, everyone in the family knows what he is feeling every time he decides to speak. And their mother was Tenka and she was a girl that cared deeply about her children. They are their blood children, and what parents don't care about their kids?

"Are you all ready to go to bed?" he asked, glancing over at the girls that were standing beside him, "I'm going to bed, so feel free to follow me if you want to…"

Without any hesitation, Tenka, Illayaka, and Illya followed behind him. They were ready to go to bed and since the rooms were connected, they had to sleep in the bed together as a family.

Quickly lying down on the bed, Shito and the girls lie down, looking up at the ceiling of the room.


Shito used magic to put himself to sleep. It was one of the things he did when he wanted to hurry up and put himself to sleep. The magic spell he used instantly put him to sleep, so there was no reason for him to stay up. He was waiting for the next day because of the duel that was going to happen between him and Illayaka.

Even though he could fall asleep like a normal person, most days, he would have to be up for about three to four days before he could finally fall asleep like a normal person.

After a few minutes, Tenka and the twins fell asleep. They were all ready to go to sleep to see what was going to happen the next day.


Early the next morning. The time was exactly half past six o'clock. Shito slightly opened his eyes, smelling an almost similar scent.

Snapping his fingers, Shito's body was magically clean, and his skin started to shine brightly. Via Perfection, he could make his body into a perfect state. Cleaning all the dirt on his body and making his body smell good. His body was always in a perfect state, but this was the spell that he used to give his body the best cleanness because the other spell was a lower rank.

He quickly jumped out of bed and walked out of the room. His daughters were already up and out of bed, so they all had to be in the kitchen cooking some food.


There was nothing but silence when they saw Shito walking into the living room. Tenka and his daughters were cooking some food for him, and they deliberately left him to sleep in the room because they wanted to finish before he woke up.

"Hmmm, are you cooking food for us to eat…?" he asked, looking at the girls who were standing over the stove cooking something in the pot, "I'm going to wait until you finish cooking to see the food. After all, you went out of your way to make sure I didn't see it until you were finished… so I think I can follow that."

"Thank you for understanding our intentions, Papa!" the twins shouted in unison. "We are almost finished with the food, so please wait on the couch for us…."

Listening to his daughters, he walked to the couch and perched his leg on the chair. He looked like a king sitting on his throne. And a feeling of the author was radiating off him even though he was not releasing any pressure.

There was nothing for him to do but sit around and wait for his daughters to finish cooking their food.

He grabbed a book that was on the shelf and opened it. Since reading was the only thing that he wanted to do at the moment since watching television was something that he didn't like to do, even with the big television screen that was in the living room.

…I'm lucky that I sealed my abilities. Being omniscient is bad since I can't enjoy the feeling of reading my books. With my seven seals unlocked, I would be able to gain knowledge of everything throughout the world.

Most of the beings in the world were getting close to omniscience. His sister was one of the people that was nearly omniscient. After receiving his powers, she created a book that was called The Book of Zuriel. The Book of Zuriel gave her the ability to know about anything no matter when or where, but she could never see her brother's past. He was the only exception though, because if it were anyone else, she would have figured it out.

After a couple of minutes of reading the book, Shito could hear something coming from the kitchen, but because he was too busy with his book, he simply ignored the voices.

"Papaaaaaa! The food is finished! It's time for us to eat now!" the twins shouted in unison. They had been calling their father for a couple of minutes, but since he was reading his book, he was barely paying attention to them.

Hearing his daughters, Shito quickly closed the book that was in his hand before he slowly started to rise out of the chair, and walked to the table where his daughters and Tenka were sitting.

Once he arrived at the table, he glanced at the plate that was in front of an empty seat. The plate had pancakes, eggs, and sausage on it. It was a standard breakfast, but nevertheless, he was happy to receive something Tenka and his daughters cooked for him.

He sat in the open seat that was at the end of the table. On the other side of the table, Tenka sat staring at him.

"Thank you for the meal." He bowed his head before picking up the fork that was placed on a napkin by his plate. And without hesitation, he took a bit of the pancake that was placed on his plate. "It's good. Thank you for cooking this meal for me…."

With a gentle smile, those words came out of his mouth. He was genuinely happy that they took the time to cook him food.

Tenka and the twins looked at each other before smiling. "You are welcome… we will be happy to do it for you in the future."

"You know…. I really look forward to the next time you girls decide to cook for me, but until then, let's enjoy the meal that is in front of us. We have to get to school in a little bit."

"Ok…! We are going to start eating our food right now!"

With that, the family sat quietly and started to eat their meals. One thing was for sure, and that was that they were not going to be late for the arena. After all, Shito has been waiting to push Lucia to her limits.

The power that he had been waiting so long to see was finally going to be shown to him. A power that would make her stronger than the five great mages. He and his sister were probably the only people who knew about the power that was locked in the deepest parts of her body.

Lucia had potential that was unmatched in the world that they were currently living in, a power that would give her the ability to destroy countless words. Before she could master her power, she would have to break the seal that restricted her.