
Void Mage’s Proposal

Mage? Swordsman? Countless Worlds? Infinite magic power? A student of Lemore Academy Shito Mahinu was forced to go to an academy that was for mages despite wanting to become a swordsman. A person who lacks motivation but likes swinging his sword around. Magic was something that he already grasped so going to a school to learn more about was something he didn’t want to do. And his sister was known throughout the world as the ‘strongest’ mage in existence, but there were more secrets that lurked in the world, in which the public had no idea about. This is a story about an overpowered protagonist, who wants to spend time with his family and journey through the world without using his full power to fight.

LunarFall · ファンタジー
124 Chs

Episode 55- [Guild Test] Shito Mahinu vs. Pryos (Part Two)

"Come forth, heavenly thunder sword, Thunsmanas."

In response to his call, thunder-like sparks started to rise him, and the thunder was concentrated at his feet.

What appeared was something that had no specific form but something that resembled that of a lighting spark. No shadow, no nothing, just lighting sparks.

With the sparks slowly rising, the shape of the sparks started to become visible, and the sparks resembled that of a sword.

Shito grabbed the hilt of the sword, and at that moment, the sword completely formed, and a purple longsword appeared.

"Well, this battle has gone on long enough," Shito said, lowering the longsword that was in his hand. "I gain nothing for playing around with you for any longer, so with this attack. I shall end all the hard work you put into gaining your strength."

Hearing his words, Pyros smirked, channeling mana into the sword that he was holding. He intends to use all his power to fight with Shito. All his Ki was pouring into the sword, getting ready to hit him with a single attack.

"That sword that's in your hand is giving me bad vibes… Tell me, what is that sword exactly?"

"Since you are going to lose this fight… I might as well tell you what kind of sword it is. This sword, Thunsmanas, will cut through any kind of light, even lighting that the gods wield, a sword that is capable of causing mass destruction throughout countless worlds. While this sword is not as strong as my other sword, it's a sword that I like to wield because it tends to kill my opponents slower than my other sword."

"...Countless… Worlds…?"

Shito's face was calm, and he held the sword in front of his body, and sparks of thunder started to rampage throughout the arena. He was keeping his power at a minimum since if he went all out, the whole arena world would be destroyed.

"Yes, countless worlds. Now tell me… how are you going to be able to receive my strikes…. Silver Swordsman?"

Saying that, he swung his sword and sent shockwaves that were creating mass destruction with every single inch it took as it approached him.


Pyros quickly swung his sword, sending an equal force back at him, canceling out the shockwave that was approaching him.

Shito is not going over any of the strengths he was using before. As a matter of fact, he dropped his strength Ten times than he was using before. Trying to get to a strength that was equal to Pyros.

Taking a single step, Shito was walking toward Pyros. The time had come to put an end to the fight they were currently having. He could already see that he was at his limits for the fight

But Pyros himself was not done. He still hasn't used most of his strength. He wasn't going to go down without using his attacks, so Ki began to overflow, and his power was increasing every single second. Pyros had already strengthened his strength by about tens of thousands, but it was getting stronger than that.

Pyros took a deep breath, "Silver Sword Arts, Sliver layaway."

Those were the words that came out of his mouth when he swung his sword—the sword art he created and honed himself. The attacks were perfect.

A crescent-like slash was sent out of his sword. An attack that was physically bending space around it.

"I see. You are bending space and time with the attack you just used. With your speed, you should… no, you can become fast enough to create physical after-images of yourself, so why haven't you used any of your speed against me."

Nearing his face, Shito blew his breath, completely erasing the attack he sent at him. It wasn't going to do any damage to him anyway, but he didn't want to get his clothes dirty at the moment even though they were coated with magic power that would reverse them to a state that made them perfectly clean again the next day.

"Silver Sword Arts, Limelight Radia—...!"

Before he could even finish his sentence, Shito had already appeared in front of his face. She was at a speed that was faster than him, so Pyros couldn't even sense his presence.

"This is the end of this battle… well, I can say it was a little interesting, and I would've liked for it to last longer, but we have finals for school tomorrow, so playing around with you is not an option."

The ground beneath his feet cracked, completely breaking apart. He quickly lifted his left foot up, kicking the silver swordsman, Pyros, in the stomach—

"Guhhhhh….!" he groaned, feeling the pain of his attack. Shockwaves were sent through his body, and if he hadn't protected his organs with his Ki, then he would have died.

—Knocking him off the stage. Shito had won the match, and even after his victory, the look on his face hadn't changed at all.

He disappeared off the stage, instantly appearing in front of his family that was sitting in the seats.

Mio quickly noticed him and flinched a bit. She was startled that he arrived beside him so fast, but she quickly gained her composure and looked at him surprised for some reason.

"What spell did you just use…?"

"If you are talking about the spell I used a while ago, then it would be divine teleportation. A spell that connects two spaces so I can teleport instantaneously, but I can also connect dimensions and travel through dimensions instantaneously."

"Papa!! That was an interesting fight. Will we also get to fight that man?" The twins jumped into their fathers' arms with a bright smile. "We are strong enough to beat him since you beat him without using a lot of your power."

Tenka got up out of her seat, quickly taking a look at Mio, who was standing beside them.

"Can you make the process quick, please…? We have finals for the tournaments tomorrow, so we can't be standing around here for too long."

If what those twins said was true, then we are going to have to start him at A-rank. We might as well start them all as A-rank adventures because starting them off as S-rank would raise too many problems.

Then she looked at the family once more before making her final judgment. His strength was the real deal, so she had to make him an A-rank adventurer, and he would only become one if his family were able to go with him. They could sort out all the problems later but taking him into the guild was on their priority list.

"Will it be all right if we start you all off as A-rank adventurers? Making you S-rank this fast will cause too many problems, so… if you don't mind starting off at A-rank, then we can make that happen."

The family looked at each other before nodding their heads. If they become A-rank adventurers, then they wouldn't have many restrictions on the quest they could take, so that enough was a great deal.

"...Ok, give me a second, please."

Mio stuck out her hands and started to channel mana in the area. Mana filled the entire room, and cards that were filled with her mana appeared in her hands. The cards were blank and had no information on them. The only thing that was on the cards was a giant A that was on the left corner of the card.

"You are going to have to place a drop of your blood on the card. Depending on the type of mana you hold, the color of the card will change into a different color. Some of the cards even form patterns."

Without any hesitation, the family placed a drop of blood on the cards, causing them to glow in a bright blue light. Shito's card turned Jet black, and his name and face appeared on the card. Tenka's card turned the same chromatic color as her eyes, with the A on her card turning dark blue. The twins' cards changed to different cards that had patterns on them, Illayaka's card turned into a dark blue and purple color that had white specks on it that made it resemble the galaxy. And finally, Illya's card stayed white, but gold star-shaped patterns formed on her card.

"We will talk about how the guild works when you decide to come back, but… until then, have fun in the tournament that you guys are having."

Hearing her words, the family bowed, walking out of the room that they were standing in. They were close to the door, so they left the room extremely fast, going back to their dorm room.

Mio sighed. "Are you going to get up off of the ground now?"

Pyros got up from the ground and smiled brightly. Even though he just lost the fight, it made him see where he had to grow, even if the person he lost to was a kid that was younger than him.

"That was an interesting match," Pyros said, walking towards the door of the room. "I look forward to the next battle we have… he was such a fun person to spar with… then maybe next time I will be able to use all of my attacks."

With that, the spar between the two ended. He was looking forward to having another match in the future, but until then he was going to improve himself and become even stronger than he was. Even with the title of the strongest swordsman, he still lacked the strength that Sara and Shito had, so training to break the limits on his body was something that he was going to put his all into. As of right now, he had a guild to control, so he was going to start getting back on his work.