
Void Mage’s Proposal

Mage? Swordsman? Countless Worlds? Infinite magic power? A student of Lemore Academy Shito Mahinu was forced to go to an academy that was for mages despite wanting to become a swordsman. A person who lacks motivation but likes swinging his sword around. Magic was something that he already grasped so going to a school to learn more about was something he didn’t want to do. And his sister was known throughout the world as the ‘strongest’ mage in existence, but there were more secrets that lurked in the world, in which the public had no idea about. This is a story about an overpowered protagonist, who wants to spend time with his family and journey through the world without using his full power to fight.

LunarFall · ファンタジー
124 Chs

Episode 5- Gaining Another Daughter...

Tenka was looking at Shito as he was talking to Illya about the rabbit doll that was in his hand. She did not know what to say because it was still unreal to her that her daughter owned a doll that could talk.

But the proof was right in front of her so she could not deny it. The rabbit doll just spoke so there was no way she could say that it did not

"What are we going to do with this rabbit doll now, Shito?" Tenka asked worried about the troubles that a talking rabbit doll could bring their family. If people were to find out that the doll could talk people would try all kinds of methods to steal it.

"The doll is strong enough to protect itself, after all, my daughter was the one to summon it."

Illayaka looked at Shito her eyes widened in shock. There was no way she heard him correctly, in all her time being in the void she had never heard of the void king having an offspring.

So that is why he did not kill this little girl. Now that I look at the girl closely… she has the same hair color as the void king, and the same eye color as the girl next to him. So, the Void King and that girl are the parents of this child. That means I am lucky to be summoned as the familiar of this girl. Even though I have not become an official familiar I hope she would be willing to make me her familiar.

Familiars or summoned beasts. Familiars are the beasts that the users summon via summoning magic. The people that summon usually make their contracts with the best so they can gain the familiar's trust and help. Everyone who summons a familiar has the ability to command their familiars in battle but what people did not know is that the summoned beast was not limited to animals, people could also make demons and spirits their summoned beasts, hence the name familiar that was added to the name. No race would like to be called a beast, so people started to call them familiars.

Summoned beasts and Familiars have seals that let them recognize who their masters are. If the beast is stronger than their masters and does not want to have a contract with them anymore, they could break the seal. People usually call the seals command seals.

They use the beast from the wilderness to make contracts and they place it in an item box where they can freely walk around without the worry of being hurt by other people.

Things can live in item boxes because the air they breathe is present inside the box. Food and things could be kept warm, and the item boxes were as big as a mansion.

"What is your name little rabbit?" Tenka asked looking at the rabbit doll. She was going to be living with the doll from now on so she might as well find out what her name was--after all, names are a person-scared gift. "We are going to be together from now on so it would be best for us to get along."

Illayaka looked at the beautiful woman and smiled. "My name is… Illayaka and I'm a rabbit from the void," she said looking at Tenka. She was right beside her because she was still being held by Shito.

"Your name… is awfully similar to our daughters," said Tenka.

"That's why I decided to keep her," Illya said, walking over towards her dad, and grabbing the doll out of his hands. "I will be taking this back now papa."

Shito looked at his daughter and a three-dimensional magic formation formed under his feet. He was going to help his daughter form a contract with the magic doll that was in her hand.

This doll was created by my daughter… I do not what kind of memories this doll has but the body that it inhabits is something that my daughter created. A body that was purely made from her man.  Shito thought, as the blue formation under his feat, turned jet-black.

"Illya, place a drop of blood on the doll. I am going to help you form an official contact with this doll."

"Ok, I can do that."

With that, Illya bit her finger and a single drop of blood flowed from her finger onto the doll. The doll started to absorb the drop of blood and it shined in a bright jet-black light. In the light, you could see a little girl starting to take form. The doll was transforming into a little girl the same size as Illya.

A split second later, the girl's body had finally formed, and she had the same appearance as Illya. Illya and Illayaka looked identical, it was as if they were identical twins.

"Illayaka is finally finished forming her body," Illayaka said, looking at the three people that were looking at her in shock. The doll just took the same appearance as their daughter. "...Can you please not stare at Illayaka that, it makes me feel like I did something wrong."

Illayaka's voice is more childish than Illya's, even though they both looked the same, you could tell that difference between them because Illayaka had a more childish aura around her.

Rushing over to Illayaka, Illya jumped onto her with a smile on her face. She was happy that the girl looked like her and—

"Hello, little sister."

—She squeezed Illayaka tightly, calling her little sister. Frequently could pass as sisters since they looked identical to each other, and they both weighed the same.

Shito looked at his daughter, nodding his head before snapping his fingers, breaking the command seal that was placed on her. He was planning to turn the girl into his daughter just like he did with Illya. They both looked the same so he wanted to give her a twin that he could play with sometimes.

"Place a drop of blood on her forehead, Tenka."

Tenka did not even ask any questions, she had already figured out what he was thinking of doing and she did not have any with having another daughter—and she had the ability to provide for all her kids because her family would help her. Plus, she had Shito by her side and she knew he would provide for them.

Walking in front of Illayaka, she bit her index finger and let a single drop of blood flow from her finger on her forehead.

Shito looked at the drop of blood and walked over to the girl. Her body was still that of a rabbit doll, and he had to find a way to change it.

What would be the best way to change this girl's body to that of an ordinary human? I could just control and manipulate the world and change her body to anything that I like.

Thinking about Illayaka's rabbit body disappearing, Shito had erased the existence of the rabbit for she had and replaced it with a human body so that meant leaving the once rabbit doll with nothing but a normal human.

He placed a drop of his blood on Illayaka's forehead, and two drops of blood combined and started to flow throughout her body.

The process was finished and Illayaka had become a child between them and the sister of Illayaka.

Shito, Tenka, and Illya looked at the girl that was standing before them. "Welcome to the family!" they said looking at the girl, Illayaka whose eyes had opened in shock.

With tears coming from her eyes, she smiled and walked towards them. "Thank you, I'm glad to be part of the family."


An hour has passed since Illayaka joined the family. She was crying in the endless plane for a while before she finally stopped. The girl was so happy to get herself a family that she could not do anything but cry.

"Well, are you all right now little sister?" Illya asked, looking at her sister. "We are going to have fun today as a family so there is no need for you to sit around and cry."

Illayaka nodded her head and walked closer to her father, she grabbed his hand and smiled.

"I'm ready to go now, mother and father."

Hearing his daughter say those words, Shito snapped his finger, teleporting them out of the endless plane. Since it was five o'clock in the afternoon, he was going to explore the city with his daughters and Tenka.

Teleportation was a spell that most people could use, but the teleportation spell had certain limits. Shito and his sister Sara's teleportation was a lot better than any normal teleportation spell because they could teleport to different dimensions in the wanted too.

Spells require a lot of mana to use but those limits do exist for Shito and Sara since their bodies held an infinite amount of the energy that was known as the unknown power. Which meant their bodies had both an infinite amount of ki and mana.

Shito and his family stood in the middle of the city, they had already come this long way but none of them had any idea about what to do while they were in the city. Tenka knew the area but did not know what to do with the children. Illya and Illayaka had never explored the city before, Shito did not know the area too well.

What should we do while we are out here? We could get some crepes together. I heard that they wear good things to eat. Shito thought, looking at the three people standing beside him.

"We can go eat crepes together."

Tenka nodded her head and grabbed Illayaka's hand. "Well, let's get going then…" she said looking over at Shito who had grabbed Illya's hand.

"I'm already ready to go."

Shito and Tenka walked down the street holding their daughter's hand, this was a trip that was going to go peacefully for them. Nobody would be planning to attack them the day before the tournament.