
Void Mage’s Proposal

Mage? Swordsman? Countless Worlds? Infinite magic power? A student of Lemore Academy Shito Mahinu was forced to go to an academy that was for mages despite wanting to become a swordsman. A person who lacks motivation but likes swinging his sword around. Magic was something that he already grasped so going to a school to learn more about was something he didn’t want to do. And his sister was known throughout the world as the ‘strongest’ mage in existence, but there were more secrets that lurked in the world, in which the public had no idea about. This is a story about an overpowered protagonist, who wants to spend time with his family and journey through the world without using his full power to fight.

LunarFall · ファンタジー
124 Chs

Episode 47- A Batlle That is Scheduled to Occur in the Near Future

Standing in front of a door, Tenka and Shito looked around to see if there were any people nearby watching them. Since they were not teleporting, they didn't want people to know that they were meeting. Even though they never cared about that before, they were still in the middle of fights and there were more people that were in the stadiums. If people found out they were meeting with the five great mages and the strongest mages in the world, everyone would start spreading rumors.

"Our daughters are on the other side of this door waiting for us, we should hurry up and go inside the room so we can go have fun with our daughters."

"Why should we hurry up…?" she asked, confused, "It's only ten o'clock in the morning, we finished our duels earlier than expected and I doubt they would be making us fight again today because they are going to want to start the finals on a fresh day."

Shito nodded his head, looking up at Tenka. "I guess we can use the rest of our time today to spend with our daughters, but what could we do?" he asked, curiously. He didn't know what else he could do with his daughters, but he did want to train them because he felt they had gotten stronger.

Hmm. Training might be an excellent choice because I want to see how far my daughters have come.

They fought those guys that were twelfth dimensional beings so he wanted to see what kind of abilities they could use. They hold a similar power to him, which puts them above the power of the void.

With those thoughts, he twisted the doorknob, opening it so he could enter the room. Their daughters were sitting in the room waiting for their parents to come get them, after all, Tenka and Shito wanted to see their daughters since they wanted to spend some time with them.

As parents, it was something that they were required to do, but that was not necessarily the way they thought of it, the two young parents wanted to spend all their time with their kids, even if it meant dropping out of school, but luckily, they didn't need to since his daughters are allowed to go to school to them. His sister wanted what was best for him and she had no problem with him bringing his daughters with him because she cared about him since he was young, it was like she was his mother. To be truthful in any case that would be the truth since she took care of him ever since he was young so for most of his life, Sara Mahinu was the person that raised and cared for him.

Arriving in front of the mages, Shito looked around, noticing that her daughters were sitting beside his sister. They have been waiting for their parents to arrive ever since their battle against the other two students ended.

The twins quickly noticed that their parents had arrived, and jumped out of their seats, running towards their parents in a hurry.

Upon arriving in front of their parents, both little girls hugged their fathers' legs and smiled cutely, "I'm so happy that you have come to pick us up, we have been getting bored of sitting around in this room. So, we are ready to have some fun with our parents."

Tenka smiled as she was witnessing the sight that was before him. She liked her daughters expressing their true feelings. Both of her daughters had gone through a lot in their lives, and she wanted them to be happy, but she didn't really know about their past, and she didn't really care to know about their past because they were her daughters now, and no one could take that away from them.

However, even if she didn't really care about their past life experiences, she would be willing to help with anything if they needed it. After all, she doesn't want any harm to come to her family, and for that, she would be willing to kill anyone who stands in her way.

I hope this can last forever… no this is going to last forever. Even if I must massacre countless people or destroy multiple worlds. Nobody is going to stop me from having a peaceful life with my daughters. Tenka thought, staring at her daughters who were holding onto their father's legs.

Shito sighed. "Well, let us hurry up and get out of her—"

"H-Hold up…!" Kiana Scarlet shouted interrupting his conversation with his daughters. "I need to ask you something could you please hear me out!"

Hearing the woman's voice, the family looked over at her, wondering what she could possibly want. She had no reason to interact with Shito since she didn't know him on a personal level, there was no reason for one of the five great mages to talk to him. Unless they wanted something from his sister.

"...What could you possibly want from me?" Shito asked, curiously, "There is no reason for me to have any sort of conversation with you. We have no connection, and I don't even know who you are, so why should I talk to you."

He was a really cold person so talking to the five great mages was something he particularly didn't like or wanted to do. If you were not Tenka, his daughters, or his sister, he didn't really care about you in the slightest. Another expectation of this is Lucia and Lilith because he considered them friends.

Of course, Shito had no emotions that connected him to anyone other than those people that he cared about since if he showed any emotions for them, it would be harder for him to kill them since he was not emotionless. The only thing he lacked was the ability to express his emotions. It was a normal reaction in any case to lack the will to kill someone that you were close to.

I don't like the way she suddenly approaches me. I was talking to my daughter before she decided to interrupt me… does she not have any decency to wait until someone finishes speaking?

Those were the thoughts of Shito as he stood waiting for the woman to say something to him. She stopped him so she could say something, and he wanted to know what she wanted to say. After all, there had to be a reason for her to decide to stop him.

Kiana Scarlet sighed deeply before looking at Shito, "Can you please have a battle with me?" she asked, bowing politely trying her best to convince him. From all the times her sister talked about him with them, each of the mages felt comfortable enough to try and approach him even after hearing how he could be to people he would meet for the first time.

Shito shook his head before turning towards the door, "No, we can't do that right now. I have daughters to spend time with and fighting with you is not something that is on my list of priorities."

"Co-come on… please have a battle with me, I just want to test my strength. You are one of the strongest people I have ever met." Kiana said, staring at the back of the boy that was walking away from her. "I want to have a fight with you so… so please have a fight with me."

Kiana was practically begging him to have a fight with him. Deep down she knew that getting him to agree right at that moment was probably going to be the only chance that she was going to have. After the tournament, they would have no reason to meet up with him since the only reason the five great mages could come in contact with him was through his sister who was watching his daughters.

Tenka looked over at Shito and smiled, tapping him on the shoulder.  "Go ahead and agree to it… You won't have to fight her right now. I don't like the thought of her begging for you to her."

Hearing her words, Shito looked down at his daughters. The twins were nodding their heads trying to get him to agree to the request of the mage that was standing behind them.

"...Ok… I will fight with you, but we are going to have to do it some other time because I'm going to be doing something with my daughters for the day."

Kiana Scarlet smiled brightly before bowing her head. She was happy that her request to fight was accepted.

"Thank you for accepting my request to fight!" Shito shouted. "Even though I'm going to have to wait, I hope that you will be coming to me soon for our fight because I really look forward to it."

After saying that, the family walked out of the room. They were finished with their business in that room so there was no reason for them to stay around. Tenka and Shito had daughters to take care of so standing around in that room would consume too much of their time.

The family continued to walk out of the building heading towards their dorm room, after all, he couldn't teleport his daughters and Tenka somewhere in public.

"Well, let's hurry back to the dorm room. I have something I want to do before we start our day."

"Okay. We are going to listen to you for right now." Tenka in her daughters said in unison.

With that, the family continued to keep walking back to their dorm room. They were ready to see what Shito had planned for them to do for the day.