
Void Mage’s Proposal

Mage? Swordsman? Countless Worlds? Infinite magic power? A student of Lemore Academy Shito Mahinu was forced to go to an academy that was for mages despite wanting to become a swordsman. A person who lacks motivation but likes swinging his sword around. Magic was something that he already grasped so going to a school to learn more about was something he didn’t want to do. And his sister was known throughout the world as the ‘strongest’ mage in existence, but there were more secrets that lurked in the world, in which the public had no idea about. This is a story about an overpowered protagonist, who wants to spend time with his family and journey through the world without using his full power to fight.

LunarFall · ファンタジー
124 Chs

Episode 46- A Quick Battle...

"You can go ahead and attack now, we don't want to keep fighting with you two all day because we simply don't have the time to do that today," Shito muttered.

The two boys looked at the beautiful boy who spoke and were completely confused. They had no idea what he just said since he was talking silently.

"Huh? What did you just say? I didn't hear you. Can you please speak louder for us…?!"

Of course, They were starting to taunt him because the two boys wanted them to try and make him feel bad about him speaking in a low tone. He was not the type to cave into that type of hate because he simply didn't care about the two boys or anyone in whom he had no interest. One of the expectations of that was everyone he considered to be family, counting Lucia and Lilith since their daughters called them Aunty.

Tenka was clearly getting angry with the tone of their voice. Talking to her beloved with such disrespect was something she was not going to take from a bunch of nobodies.

"Who do you think you two are talking to like that?" she asked, coldly. "You need to watch who you are talking to like that because the next time you make that kind of mistake it might cost you your life."

One of the boys looked at her and smirked. "Oh yeah…. Then what can you possibly do about it? It's not like you can kill us in this tournament since the tournament guidelines clearly stated that we were not allowed to kill each other. So, killing us is not an option that you currently have." he said, visibly trying his best to upset the two of them. Knowing that he could get away with running his mouth was making him more confident in himself.

Tenka took a deep breath and looked at the two students before turning her head toward Shito who was standing beside her with his hands in his pockets. He was getting bored of the match, and he could barely stand to look at the two boys that were standing before him, and he wanted to kill them where they stood, after all, he didn't like the way they were looking at him and that was enough for him to want to kill them.

"Do you mind if I take this fight?" Tenka asked, slowly stepping in front of him, "I hope you will let me, after all, I can see how bored you are getting from standing around too long, and these boys are not worth your attention."

Shito looked at her and sighed, "Well, you can have this fight… It's not like I really mind anyways, but you know the rules, so make sure you don't do too much damage to them I don't want to have to kill off multiple people just because of the wrongdoings of two students"

Tenka nodded knowing exactly what he meant, she that what he was thinking when he was saying those words. 'Don't make me have to kill groups of people to make sure you are safe' is exactly what he was thinking, and she knew it, but she didn't think he would go that far, after all, if she was to do something stupid in get in trouble who would protect their daughters while she was away? Yes, they could protect themselves, but they still wouldn't receive motherly love without their one and only mother Tenka Vermillion, and that was something that Shito knew deep down. Thus, he was not going to hesitate to kill anyone who threatened his peaceful life with his family. Even if the gods decided to stand in his way, he would kill them, even if they were above the concept of 'death'.

Slightly sticking her right hand out, mana started to burst from her body, and a flame-like sword started to form into the world.

Once the sword finally formed into the world, a huge wave of heat flashed through the area, sending heat through the bodies of the people in the arena. The temperature was slowly rising reaching over seven thousand degrees Celsius.

Before the heat even rose that far, Shito had already placed a barrier around the arena because he knew she was going to do something like that, after all, her sword is condensed from every type of flame that existed in the world, so her sword could burn anything to ashes… including universes.

Her sword started to glow in a rainbow aura, and Tenka slightly lifted her sword in the air while smiling brightly.

"—Zaraphon— Flame Lotus," Tenka said, swinging her sword at the ground, crushing the arena that was beneath their feet. Flames of assorted colors begin to emerge from the ground, taking the form of a lotus flower.

"Hmmmmm. She is taking this too far. Using too much power for these guys and crushing the whole arena might make them decide to eliminate both teams."

Saying that Shito snapped his fingers, recreating the whole arena that was below their feet before it was destroyed completely. Nothing was going to ruin his time going to the finals for the exciting battle he was going to have with Lucia.

"....H, H-huh…? What was that?"

The two boys were frightened by the power that was displayed by Tenka, her power almost destroyed the whole arena they were standing on.

However, that wasn't the biggest problem they had since the person they were fighting was levels above their strength, it was to the point where they didn't even think their strength came close to hers in terms of power. Just by looking at her, they could tell that if they weren't following the tournament rules then they would already be dead. And they wouldn't have been able to put up a fight in the slightest because their power was that of an insect in front of her.

The two boys took a deep breath, keeping their eyes on the girl in front of them, but suddenly…. Tenka disappeared from their line of vision.


Quickly looking around the room, both boys were in a desperate hurry to find her. None of them knew what her intentions were or how badly she was going to beat them, so they were going to guard themselves from her attacks to at least try to delay their defeat.

Hit with a sudden temperature change, The two boys turned their heads, noticing an afterimage of a person behind them, but they didn't know it was an afterimage, and in a desperate attempt they swung at the image.

"The two of you are too slow. I could've traveled around the whole earth before the two of you even noticed that I was gone, nothing is going to help you when this fight right now, so the best thing for you to do is stand here and take this hit."

Before they could even look back, they were already being sent flying by a powerful shockwave. Her sword would've killed the two people if she decided to land a direct attack. Zaraphon burned everything out of existence upon making contact with an object, although this was limited to some extent because the current limit was unknown because they had yet to test out the sword.

Turning their bodies in mid-air, they were trying to gain their balance, but they were hit with another shockwave that sent them flying out of bounds. Both boys used wind magic to stop themselves from flying out of bounds. Pushing themselves inbound with magic.

"Ah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! With no hesitation, you decided to end this battle before we could even use our magic, but it's nooo uuuuse! Nothing can stop us from receiving our recommendation!" Both students cried between peals of laughter.

"Nothing can stop you, huh….?" Tenka asked, confused by the words the two boys spoke, "You think that you can decide what can get in your way…. Well, I have news for you."

After saying that, A huge aura started to leak from her body causing the two students to fall to the ground, gasping for air as if they were fishes out of water. Her chromatic eyes shined brightly, even brighter than the stars.

"I'm the person that's going to end those pathetic dreams of yours because your hope of receiving a recommendation ends with me."

Hearing her words, both students tried their best to grasp for air; after all, they wanted to get a recommendation and they wouldn't be able to get the best recommendation without showing the people how strong they are in battle.

"Hmmm, you can't even move so it would be best if I end this fight in a hurry."

With those words, A huge gust of wind rushed into the arena, knocking the two students out of bounds. The battle was going to end, and they wanted to hurry up and end the battle.

Of course, he was waiting for the ultimate battle, but they had no information on when the battle was going to happen. He wanted to fight with Lucia, and he couldn't wait another day, he had a feeling that the battle was going to be entertaining, but he knew that she was not going to be able to beat him in a fight.

The announcer, Shiba, appeared in the arena, ready to announce the winner of the battle.

"The battle has ended… The winners of the battle are Team Phoenix!" he shouted through the mic.

Medics started to flow into the arena, taking the injured students out of the arena and as they were doing that, Shito and Tenka walked off the stage. They were going to go where their daughters were since it was time for them to pick them up.