
Void Mage’s Proposal

Mage? Swordsman? Countless Worlds? Infinite magic power? A student of Lemore Academy Shito Mahinu was forced to go to an academy that was for mages despite wanting to become a swordsman. A person who lacks motivation but likes swinging his sword around. Magic was something that he already grasped so going to a school to learn more about was something he didn’t want to do. And his sister was known throughout the world as the ‘strongest’ mage in existence, but there were more secrets that lurked in the world, in which the public had no idea about. This is a story about an overpowered protagonist, who wants to spend time with his family and journey through the world without using his full power to fight.

LunarFall · ファンタジー
124 Chs

Episode 29- The arrival of reinforcements

Episode 29- the arrival of reinforcements. 

Illya looked around the area, noticing all the dead bodies in the area. She snapped her fingering and everybody that was left was absorbed by all the ice that she created. 

Snapping her fingers once more, the whole miniature ice world disappeared. 

There was nothing around her, the whole assassin's guild was destroyed, and not a single person from the guild was left alive. 

After all, she would never go back on her word. When she said that all the assassins were going to die with their guild master. She was not even playing around once her mind was made up there was no stopping her choice unless her parents stopped her from killing them. 

"Mama and Papa… I know you are watching this so i hope you can come out, I'm ready to out and do something." 

Hearing those words, Shito and Tenka appeared directly in front of her. Shito could instantly teleport anywhere, so long as mana existed in the area, he wanted to go in. Mana existed everywhere so he could teleport anywhere he wanted to. 

As soon as they arrived, Illya jumped onto her father's shoulder. She was a little tired from all the fighting that she did with the assassins. Manivoid and mirror world were spells that consumed a lot of mana. Even though Illya possessed a lot of mana, she still had to train to improve her control, or she would use too much mana on a spell that did not even need her to use a lot of mana. 

"You cannot go to sleep right now; we still have things to do. After we finish, I promise to take you home and let you get some sleep." Shito voice was gentle when he spoke those words. Yelling would do him no good because what was the point of yelling at a child when you could just talk to them gently? It was enough to make your child listen to you and not rebel. All the other children rebel because of parents that are too strict with their children. 

Illya looked at her father and nodded her head, quickly jumping off his child. Even though she had not known her parents for too long, Illya had grown to love them very much. They took her in and wanted to raise her as their own while knowing she was an assassin. Her parents even changed her whole bloodline so they could be real blood relatives. 

Never having a family to call your own was something that never crossed her mind. Every emotion that was in her body was sealed away by the assassin's guild. Now she had her emotions and a family… so a simple life is something that she could now have. 

"Ok, Papa I understand!" 

Tenka looked at her adorable child and walked toward her. "Aren't you so cute? You are the best daughter one could ask for," she said gently patting her daughter on the head. "I'm glad we decided to adopt you, giving you a happy family is our top priority." 

Illy smiled, receiving the compliment her mother gave her. "...Thank you, mama, your complaint means so much to me!" she exclaimed with a bright smile. Illya was starting to get into her role as the child of the family. Even though she used to kill people her smile was so childlike and innocent, it was almost as if she never even killed anyone in the first place. 

Shito stared up at the heavens and noticed that the sun was starting to rise. That meant that the day of school was still approaching them. 

"What are we going to do with our daughter… we have school today right?" 

"No, we do not have school today. They took a break for one week so they could plan an event." 

Shito sighed. "Why didn't I know about this?" he asked looking over at Tenka who was still patting Illya on the head. Both of them were enjoying it but the Vermillion princess, Tenka Vermillion looked like she was enjoying it more than she was. 

"That is because sometimes you do not pay attention to what people are telling you. The teacher was explaining that as we left the classroom, but you completely ignored her." 

Shito snapped his fingers, teleporting the three of them to a plane that was above space-time. There was nothing in this plane, it was just a white plane that stretched forever. 

It was a plane that was in full control of Shito, the void mage that created the plane. Nothing was on the plane because it was used as a training facility that he could use to train himself to grow strong. Time could be adjusted in the plane to benefit him, so that meant that if he wanted to change the time. He could either make it go slower or faster if that was what he wanted at the moment. 

I'm going to see what kind of skills my daughter could use. Those mages and assassins were not enough to handle her. Even though she used Manivoid and Mirror World she did not need to use those spells to beat those people. 

Shito pointed at the top of the plane that stretched endlessly, and mana started to fill the endless plane. 

"Illya, I want to see you paint this world in your own picture. You have the ability to do so... so I want to see you do it with your power." 

Illya looked at her father and nodded her head. That was something she could demonstrate to them. 

Lifting her hand toward the top of the plane, in an instant space began to warp around her and the world started to transform. 

That wasn't just a concept or a metaphor. 

Up until that moment, Shito Mahinu, Tenka Vermillion, and Illya Mahinu were standing in a plane that was pure white. 

Not even a split second later, the whole white plane was transformed into an urban city, with a blue sky that expanded in the sky. A never-ending blue sky that stretched forever in the distance away from the urban city. 

"... Why is my daughter so strong!? I wish I had a skill like that." 

Tenka was feeling a little down, it was not because her daughter was stronger than her. It was because she felt that Shito and Illya were leaving her behind and getting stronger themselves. She thought that they were going to… abandon her one day. 

"You do have a skill like that. Matter of fact you have the same skill she has, after all, that skill was yours in the first place… I copied your skill and gave it to her since we are her parents it would be wrong if she did not inherit something from the both of us." 


Tenka was bewildered by the bizarre words that he spoke. 

There was no way that she had that type of skill. Never in her life was she able to use that kind of skill. Warping space and creating a changing the world to one's liking is not a skill that existed and even the strongest mages could not do that. 

…I can use this kind of skill but… I have never used that ability before, and if what he says is true. I can grow strong enough to stand with them. 

Shito looked back at his daughter, Illya Mahinu, who was too focused on transforming the world so she was not paying any attention to what her parents were talking about. 

"You do not have to worry about us leaving you. You are the mother of this child and that is something no one in this world can take from you even if they try changing her bloodline." 

Tenka was taken aback by his sudden comment, she did not expect him to try to comfort her. 

"How did you know what I was think–" 

"I can feel the emotions you were letting out." Shito interrupted. "There is no way that I could let you think something so badly about yourself. I might show any emotion, but I do care about you and our daughter, we have to be strong parents to build our daughter into a strong and healthy young woman." 

Thank you, Shito. I appreciate the daughter you have given me. 

Shito looked away from her and looked at the ground, noticing that they were on top of one of the urban buildings. 

A split second later, the whole forest transformed into a desert, that stretched endlessly across the plane. 

Via mirror world, as long as Illya had mana, she could infinitely paint the world in a color that she loved. A picture that she wanted to see. 

"Alright, you can stop that now. There is no reason for you to continue. I can see that you can use Mirror World to a high degree, you are going to need battle experience to for anything else to happen." 

Hearing that, Illya completely stopped transforming the plane, and the plane instantly turned completely white– reverting back to the color that it started out as. 

"Ok, what are we going to do now?" Shito asked, looking at his family. "We have already finished everything we had to do today, so there is not much for us to do?" 

Tenka looked at Illya and noticed that she was rubbing her eyes. Illya was tired now more than she was before the fight with the assassin's guild ended. Changing the world was more than the time was enough to make her lose a lot of mana, and now she was ready to go to sleep. 

Picking her daughter up, Tenka held her daughter lightly, trying to make her daughter lay comfortably in her arms. 

"Let's take her home so she can rest… she has been up all night and not only that she has been using high-level spells. It is time for her to go to bed." 

"You are right about that. All right then let us take our daughter home to get some rest," he said flatly. 

After saying that, Shito snapped his finger, teleporting the three of them back to their dorm room. It was time that they put their daughter to bed. After all, she worked so hard to kill all the assassins.