
Void Mage’s Proposal

Mage? Swordsman? Countless Worlds? Infinite magic power? A student of Lemore Academy Shito Mahinu was forced to go to an academy that was for mages despite wanting to become a swordsman. A person who lacks motivation but likes swinging his sword around. Magic was something that he already grasped so going to a school to learn more about was something he didn’t want to do. And his sister was known throughout the world as the ‘strongest’ mage in existence, but there were more secrets that lurked in the world, in which the public had no idea about. This is a story about an overpowered protagonist, who wants to spend time with his family and journey through the world without using his full power to fight.

LunarFall · ファンタジー
124 Chs

Episode 27- Illya's Bloodline Evolution

The telepathic communication between Tenka and her daughter, Illya was cut off. They looked at the boy in front of them, noticing that he was waiting for a response from them.

Illya looked at her papa, nodding her head, "I'm going to accept that proposal… we are going to do what you want to do papa." she said, knowing full well what he was going to request her to do. 

"First, I want you to destroy this endless space. Then after that, we are going to go destroy the assassin's guild." 

Shito's face was calm, almost emotionless. He was ready to go and get rid of the guild that caused his daughter so much pain. A guild that did not need to exist in any world. 

Tenka looked at Shito wondering if her daughter could really destroy the space that surrounded them. It was endless, and to destroy an endless place one must put out an endless amount of their own force, so Illya needs a force strong enough to destroy the endless space. 

"... Do you think she can really destroy this endless spa—" 

Being interrupted by the sudden shaking of the endless space, Tenka looked around and noticed the space was crumbling to pieces. Cracks were forming all over the floor, and the hand of Illya was stretched out. 

A rainbow aura surrounded her body, and a void formed in front of the group. Unlike all the voids that Shito created, Illya's voids were rainbow in color, and everything was being sucked into the voids. 

Stomping her feet on the ground, the whole endless plane shattered, destroying the void along with them. 

Normally that kind of force would kill everyone, but they had the protection of Shito and he was not affected by the destruction of the endless space in the slightest. Even if she destroyed the universe, they would not be affected by his sister too. 

"What the hell kind of attack was that!? Why is our daughter so overpowered?!" Tenka shouted at Shito. She was trying to understand the reason for their daughter being so overpowered. Even though that was the easiest thing she could figure out, since Illya was a physical manifestation of both of their powers combined. 

"Don't forget… she has the powers of both me and you, so there is really no need for you to be surprised. After all, she is our child by blood now." 

Illya walked over to her father and stared him in the eyes. "We have a guild to go destroy so what are we sitting here waiting for? Let's go!" Illya shouted, jumping on top of her father's shoulder. She was sitting on top of his shoulders looking at her mother. There was no need for her to grab onto him because she was using mana to keep her body still, so she would not move when he walked. 

Tenka grabbed Shito's hand and smiled, she enjoyed holding his hand, and she also enjoyed seeing her daughter's smiling face. The time she was having now was one of the best times she had in her entire life. 

"Ok, let's go to the assassin's guild." 

Looking at his daughter that was sitting on his shoulder, he looked away from her not knowing where to teleport to Shito had never been to the assassin's guild before, so he had no idea where to teleport them. 

Illya noticed that he looked troubled, and she snapped her fingers, teleporting them in front of the assassin's guild. It did not really take much to know what her father was thinking about, she could feel his emotions. 

The two parents stood beside their daughter, looking at the building where the assassins camped. The building was humongous, bigger than a mansion, with a forest surrounding it. The assassin's guild was in the middle of nowhere, and it was still night outside. Approximately nine o'clock at night. The building did not look like it was cleaned up, it was like the place was abandoned. 

"Illya, I am going to ask you this one question. Do you want the two of us to help you or would you like to kill the people that put you through hell by yourself? You get to choose whatever you like because I'm not going to hold you back. I can see how strong you are, so I am confident in your strength." Shito asked calmly, he was wondering what his daughter would give to him as a reply. 

Without any hesitation, Illya looked into her father's eyes and smiled. She knew that if she got the help of her parents then her hopes of wanting to grow stronger would only be a dream. Even if a parent's job were to protect their child, killing the people in the assassin guild was her job only because— 

"I am not going to need your help with this. I am strong enough to fight these people alone, after all, I am the child of Shito Mahinu and Tenka Vermillion." 

—She was the daughter of two magic knights and her father had control over the void. 

Hearing her response, Shito snapped his finger, surrounding the whole assassin's guild in a big barrier. The barrier was black in color, a barrier that was formed out of nothingness. A barrier that would kill anyone who tried to escape, reducing them to nothingness, the only people the barrier did not work on were his daughter, Illya, and Tenka the Vermillion princess. 

Tenka smiled at her daughter, walking up to her, staring her directly in the eyes. Illya looked her mother in the eyes and smiled. 

"Go out there and give it your best. Mommy would be rooting for you." 

Those words were enough to make Illya's eyes light up, she had never received any motherly love, and having it now was… a good filling for her. 

'Thank you, Mama!" Illya happily shouted, looking at the assassin's guild building that was in front of her. 

Looking at his daughter, Shito turned around walking towards Tenka. 

"Do your best out there, my daughter," Shito said, trying his best to leave some encouraging words for his daughter. He never did anything like wishing luck to someone, so he may have sounded a bit indifferent but— 

"You know that I'm going to do my best Father, so there was no need for you to say anything because I know that you believe in me." 

—The point of his encouragement got across to her, even though he might be cold to people that he was not close with Tenka and Illya were now a part of his family… so he was trying his best to be a good father. 

Shito grabbed Tenka's hand, teleporting them away from the building. There was no need for them to stay. After all, they were not going to be fighting in those battles, so there was no point in them staying when they could watch from a distance. 


In the middle of the forest, Tenka and Shito stood, looking at the big assassin's guild that was over a hundred meters away from them. 

"How are we going to watch our daughter from this distance? I want to see my child fight?" Tenka bombarded Shito with questions, trying to figure out why they were so far away from their child. 

Snapping his fingers, A screen popped up in front of their faces. The screen was made from pure mana, and it had their daughter Illya running on it. 

"What the hell is this thing?" 

"Something my master taught me about when I was younger, there is no need to keep asking right now because I will be telling you about it in the future." 

"...Ok, I won't pry any farther than that." 

Tenka looked through the screen and saw her daughter, sitting on top of the assassin guild, motionless, it was as if she was waiting for something. 

Shito looked at her and nodded his head. "I want to see what kind of powers you inherited from me and your mother. The genes of two strong mages combined are going to be enough to handle all those assassins," he said sitting down in front of the mana screen. 

I wonder what ability she inherited from me. I have a lot of abilities and I hope she gets Manivoid. Manivoid is the ability that I created that can completely nullify anything that can be considered supernatural. No abilities would work in the presence of a Manivoid, everything within the skill range would be turned into nothing… that means that the abilities of other people would also disappear in this range, turning them into normal human beings. 

Tenka looked through the screen and noticed that their daughter had finally started to get up. She sat on top of the roof for about ten minutes. 

"Look…!" she trailed off as she pointed her finger at her daughter who was on the screen. "It looks like she has finally decided to move!" 

Shito looked at the screen, noticing the pressure that was radiating from her body. While Tenka could feel the power, Shito could feel all the power she was releasing. Her power was doubling with every passing second. 

"Well, looks like they are going to give us an interesting show."