
Void Mage’s Proposal

Mage? Swordsman? Countless Worlds? Infinite magic power? A student of Lemore Academy Shito Mahinu was forced to go to an academy that was for mages despite wanting to become a swordsman. A person who lacks motivation but likes swinging his sword around. Magic was something that he already grasped so going to a school to learn more about was something he didn’t want to do. And his sister was known throughout the world as the ‘strongest’ mage in existence, but there were more secrets that lurked in the world, in which the public had no idea about. This is a story about an overpowered protagonist, who wants to spend time with his family and journey through the world without using his full power to fight.

LunarFall · ファンタジー
124 Chs

Episode 21- Hotel Check-In

"We have come here to rent a room. How many rooms does your in have currently open?" Shito asked flatly.

The girl placed her hands on her face and gently smiled, "We should have enough to fit all of you in. As of right now, we have two rooms, but the rooms are big enough to fit four people in them. However, the rooms only have two beds each."

All the rooms in her establishment were big enough to fit lots of people and the structure of the building was big— so about thirty rooms were in the building, and they had a dining room for everyone that decided to stay in the inn. So, the inn was extremely big. Furthermore, everything in the inn was fancy including the doorknobs, which were a color that resembled gold, and it shined brightly.

Shito raised his right and left index fingers, slowly bringing them together until they touched. "How much money are we going to have to pay to stay in this inn? Don't say that we don't have to pay because we save your village. So, you are going to have to give us a price. Because taking handouts is something I prefer not to do."

"You already knew what I was going to do," Adele replied softly, her voice was filled with shock as she raised her hand to her cheek— however, with everything considered, she knew that he would be able to figure her out.

"Yes. Hence the reason why I decided to stop you before you could say anything."

"...Well, in that case, the rooms that are in our establishment are ten silver coins a night."

After hearing the price, Shito stuck his hands and started digging into his dimensional storage. The dimensional storage had lots of coins of various ranks that he accumulated over the years. The coins he possessed vastly expanded beyond the billions range— since they were coins, he barely used them because of all of the abilities he possessed. He had the ability to create any kind of food he wanted, and he had a castle that he could teleport to the places that he decided to.

A couple of seconds after reaching his hands in his dimensional storage, he pulled out a gold coin. He had lots of silver coins, but he didn't want to waste a lot of time looking for them, so he decided to pay with the gold coin— it wasn't like he was going to need it in the future anyway.

"I am going to use this to pay for our hotel rooms. Is that okay with you?"

"Ahhhhh. That's way too much…" She cleared her throat before continuing. "I don't want to take too much money from you, sir. If you can please… pay with the correct amount, then I'm willing to help you ou—..."

"I don't mind paying for this room, so if you can allow me to do so that is. Money doesn't really matter to me— the only reason I came to this forest was to go on a quest with my friends and family so the money I spend is the least of my worries."

That might be the truth in Papa's eyes, but since he has his vessel out doing his work… then he earns enough money to do anything he wants to. Illayaka thought that although he would not really accept money for things, he didn't know that the vessel was probably sneaking half of the things he earned into Papa's storage. Of course, he wouldn't know since he has a lot of money in his storage, and he doesn't bother to check it.

Adele sighed softly. "All right, all right, I can take the payment you have given me. Although at the moment, I don't have any chance to give you an exchange... I will be delivering it to you sooner rather than later."

"There is no need for that. You can keep the money. I would rather have you keep it since I have no need for it."

"You can go ahead and take it; I am sure that he really doesn't mind you having the money." The beautiful silver-haired girl, Tenka said in a gentle tone. Her eyes were fixated on the woman as she heard the whole conversation they were having, and she was frankly getting tired of all the back and forth, so she wanted to put an end to it.

"She is right about that you know. He doesn't really care about the money, so he is allowing you to keep it even though your business seems to be in good condition." Lucia suddenly decided to step forward. Her beautiful blue eyes fluttered as she looked at the beautiful fairy.

Lilith suddenly stepped forward standing beside Lucia— who was standing directly beside Tenka. Furthermore, she had a bright look on her face, and it was because she was trying her best to be nice.

"Please keep the money," Lilith said, "So I hope you will just take it as an act of gratitude because we have to get going soon!"

Hearing what everyone was saying, Adele smiled brightly before opening the cash register and placing the money in it.

What everyone said convinced her to just take the money for herself and not fight about it any longer. She was a person that liked being fair to all so taking the money for free was not something she liked to do. However, the people who were around wanted her to take the money, so she had no reason to deny the request since it benefited her more than it did them.

Once the money was placed in the cash register, she looked at the group that was standing before her. She turned her head towards the entranceway on the right. There were two entrances to the hotel. One of the entrance paths led to a cafeteria, and the other was a hallway that held fifteen rooms, with a staircase at the end that led to the next four. And that was the only staircase in the store—since everyone in the fairy village can use magic to teleport to the next floor.

"The two rooms you have rented are on the first floor. And it just so happens that the rooms you have rented are the first two rooms you will see once you walk into the hallway."

Shito tilted his head. "I thought you would rent the first rooms out before going to the last rooms."

"We do rent our rooms like that. The people who were in that room left earlier this morning, so the room is free to rent. You don't have to worry about anything in the room since everything is clean."

Tenka bowed respectfully as she grabbed the hem of her skirt. "Thank you for your service! We appreciate everything you did to help us today— make sure to call us when you need our help. That's the best we can do for you."

"No problem. After all, this is my job, and I want to help you all have a comfortable time while you are staying in my inn. So don't worry about it helping me. All the people in this village are nice so no one is going to cause any trouble here." said Adele.

Just then, Shito's gaze landed on the left side of the doorway. "Well, it's time for us to go settle down. We still have to explore the city."

After saying that, he walked towards the entranceway that was on the left side of the lounge—and once he arrived at the entranceway he looked towards the hallway, and the first thing he noticed was golden doorknobs that stretched down the hallway. At first glance, it would look creepy. However, once you look closely you will notice the beautifully decorated door—with a staircase that is visible if he enhances your sight.

"It looks like we are going to be heading to bed for tonight," Shito muttered.

The twins' gazes landed on their father before Illayaka decided to speak up. "You are right about that. We have been doing too much already. From walking here, watching Grandpa Sebastian fight, and renting our hotel room. It's about eight o'clock at night, so there is no reason for us to go out at the moment… we are going to have to wait until tomorrow to start our day."

"Well, we can have fun tomorrow…" Illya trailed off, well aware of the fact that they were not going to be able to spend time with her family. But unknown to her Shito and Illayaka felt the sudden change in her tone.


"Don't be so sad big sister. We can have fun in our room!" Illayaka said, "I have a lot of things for us to do to pass the time, and tomorrow we can go out and have fun with our parents and the others. Although you can deny if you want to—!!"

Just before she could finish her sentence, Illya raised her hand in an attempt to quiet her down, which proved to be affected and she spoke. "No, I would be happy to spend time with you little sister!"

Well, it seems like she is going to show her some of the stuff from her past life… although all the things in the world she came from exist to her, and there are some things that Illya hasn't experienced— since she was forced to become an assassin. Shito thought as he stood in front of the door of the room that he was supposed to be staying the night in.

He looked back and noticed that the others were still walking behind them, at a really slow pace.

But before they could even arrive, Shito turned towards them and asked, "Which room do the three of you want to take." he asked with his gaze firmly placed on Lucia. The others knew who he was talking about since they could deduce that he, Tenka, and his kids would be sharing the same room.

The three girls looked at the hotel room doors, "We are going to take the second room because it doesn't really matter which room, we take does it?" they said in unison.

"What time should we meet up tomorrow?"

"We can meet up at one o'clock if that isn't too early," Lucia suggested.

"No that's a good time to meet up," he exclaimed with an expressionless look as he reached for the doorknob to his room. "Well, it seems we will be seeing you girls later."

"Yeah… See you four tomorrow!"

With that, they all opened the doors to their rooms and entered. The rooms were beautifully decorated, and the beds were huge—and the room was spacious with the sheets that were on the bed being black. To say the least, the rooms were fancy.