
Void Mage’s Proposal

Mage? Swordsman? Countless Worlds? Infinite magic power? A student of Lemore Academy Shito Mahinu was forced to go to an academy that was for mages despite wanting to become a swordsman. A person who lacks motivation but likes swinging his sword around. Magic was something that he already grasped so going to a school to learn more about was something he didn’t want to do. And his sister was known throughout the world as the ‘strongest’ mage in existence, but there were more secrets that lurked in the world, in which the public had no idea about. This is a story about an overpowered protagonist, who wants to spend time with his family and journey through the world without using his full power to fight.

LunarFall · ファンタジー
124 Chs

Episode 19- The Savior of the Fairy Village

The group of adventurers looked around the area, noticing that they were in front of the gates of the Fairy City. All the people in the world knew that the city of fairies was the place where the fairies lived. Even though they were in an area secluded from the public it was written down in books by the people that were allowed inside of the city. The fairies are the entryway for the people to go deeper into the forest. If they didn't want the humans to enter their village, they could teleport them to a different section of the forest— once they finished their business and started heading back to the fairy village, they would be instantly teleported outside of the Mystical Forest.

At that moment, Shito and his family and friends stood outside of the village, taking a look at the map that he was holding.

His gaze was fixated on the map, but he needed to say something to the rest, so Shito finally decided to speak up, "This forest is insanely large. It's to the point that this city in this forest is about the same size as the kingdom of Falmouth. However, this forest doesn't have too much modern technology."

"You are right about that indeed. This is going to be the only place we are going to be able to enjoy this nice feeling of nature. So, let's make the most of our time in this forest before we decide to head to the other parts of the forest." Lilith said, staring at the gates of the village. The barrier surrounding the forest stopped anyone from passing through the gates, and the gates were big and golden so nothing on the other side of the forest could be seen. Furthermore, even if someone were to pass the barrier the gates would instantly kill the person. That was because if the fairy queen didn't allow you to come in then, you aren't allowed inside the barrier.

Artemisia— the Fairy that governs the whole fairy city, was blessed, and protected by the Spirit Queen, the highest-ranking person in their race.

Illayaka was still sitting on her father's shoulder, waiting for him to decide something, but she started to use mana. She masked her abilities and made sure that no one could feel her mana. Although she was trying her best to hide her mana, one person instantly noticed that she was using mana—and they decided to look over to see what she was doing.

But before he could say anything, a link between the two was formed. Illayaka was using Telepathy to communicate with her.

"Father… don't say a single word, I need you to ask you a question."

Shito tilted his head, "Is this going to be able to be about my job as the Void King…?" he asked knowing exactly what his daughter was going to ask him.

"How did you know what I was going to ask you!?"

"Of course, it's easy to tell what you are thinking. You are my daughter, and you are the only person that knows about my time as the Void King, so that's one of the reasons, I know what you are thinking."

Illayaka was stunned by her father's words, but she couldn't say she didn't expect him to know about it, after all, her father was a genius with the ability to read people based on their emotions. Furthermore, he could go ahead and read the minds of anyone he wanted to but that was something he decided not to.

"Well since you already know what I was going to say then there is no need to sugarcoat anything further," Illayaka's eyes were fixated on her father as she kept a firm grip on his shoulder, "What is your reason for not doing your job as the void king?"

Shito's gaze shifted towards his daughter who was sitting on his left shoulder and he looked at her face, noticing that she was serious about getting an answer from him.

He looked at his daughter and slightly smiled, "I'm still the Void King, but I have created a vessel of myself there so that he can take control of the realm for me. Although the vessel isn't as strong as me it should be able to destroy the entire Void Realm."

I'm telling the truth right now. However, the clone is only limited to ten percent of my power. But the clone still is not able to beat me or my sister. Because my power runs deeper than the vessels.

Although he was talking to his daughter his thoughts were detached from telepathic communication. So even with their minds and thoughts connected for the moment, Illayaka could not hear what her father was thinking.

"So, you have a vessel that's taking control of the void realm for you? Well, that makes the most sense— since the wide range of skills you possess." she closed her eyes proceeding to ask her father another question, "Since there are beings like the dragon gods in the Realm of the Void. What is going to happen if your clone dies in that realm? Even though the person is just a vessel of you. I'm sure that I and Illya wouldn't want to hear about your death even if it's just a vessel or clone of you"

Shito let out a small sigh, "You don't have to worry about that because I made the clone vessel strong enough to handle all the dangers in that realm. What kind of creator would I be to make my vessel weaker than the beings he is supposed to be ruling over?"

"Now that I have my answers, we should hurry up and start spending our time. Although we have eternal youth. The classes are going to be started back in a week and we are just wasting time at the moment."

"You are right about that," Shito exclaimed with an exasperated look as he cut the telepathic link between the two of them. He looked towards the gaze of the city as he started to fold the map up, placing it in his pockets.

On his shoulders both his daughters sat comfortably. Since they were not going to fall off because of the mana that was placed on them. As he was rapidly approaching the gates of the village. A colorless barrier became visible, but the barriers didn't restrict his movements in the slightest— he had the ability to bypass barriers and he had a resistance to instant death abilities.

But at the moment, none of those abilities were needed since he had the permission of the Fairy Queen to enter the building with his family and friends.

"Father that doesn't look like a regular gate," Illya's eyes were fixated on the gate that was insanely large— but also insanely thin. "What is with this gate!?"

Shito nodded his head, "Your eyes are so quick to adjust to your surroundings. I'm guessing that you also noticed Illayaka." he pointed out as he placed his hands on the gate.

"If I'm correct that this correct this gate should weigh about two to three billion tons— but my question is… who created this gate in the first place."

Tenka, Lilith, Lucia, and Alice stood a great distance behind them talking to each other, so they could not hear the conversation that the three were currently having as they were standing in front of the gate. But to them, it was probably for the best if they didn't know about what they were talking about.

However, it didn't really matter if they were to find out about the gates because everyone that was present could move the gates with just their physical strength.

"You should already know the person that built this gate," he said as he rubbed his hand across the gate. "The Spirit Queen built this gate to keep her people protected from the cruel world. And since this is the human world— she increased the weight of the gate to a point that humans wouldn't be able to move the gate in the slightest. But they had to be on an extremely high rank as a mage."

With that, he pushed the gate without struggling in the slightest. They were not heavy enough to stop him, at that moment, he had enough strength to push the Earth out of orbit— or even move the solar system. So, a measly two-billion-ton gate was not going to be enough to restrict him from moving forward.

After the gates were fully opened what was on the other side was shocking— what was revealed was a lot of people standing on the other side of the gate. It was clear that they were fairies since they had beautiful light wings on their backs, which varied in different colors for each fairy that was present.

"Welcome back savior!" the fairies shouted in unison. "We are going to give your family and friends a good time!"

Tenka stepped forward before anyone could say a single word, and she politely bowed, "We appreciate your help, so if you are willing then… allow us to explore this town and spend time with each other as a group."

The fairies looked at each other and nodded their heads, slowly shifting their bodies to the side, making way for them to walk through.

Brightly smiling at the group of adventures, the fairies bowed their heads, "Please go ahead and enjoy your time in our village. He is the hero of our village, and you are his family and friends, so we are going to give you all the village has to offer."

Tenka lifted her head up and smiled, "Thank you for your support. We are happy to have your help on this matter."

After saying that, she grabbed Shito's hand before looking back at the girls who were still standing behind them. She gave them a gentle smile and started walking forward. The crowd left enough room for them to walk down the street and countless people were lined up across the entire city. It was almost like a festival was taking place.

Soon after they started walking forward, the three girls that were standing behind them decided to start walking behind them. It was time for them to go ahead and get their day started. After all, they didn't have time to start playing around.

With their goal set, the group kept pushing forward heading towards the center of the city where they could be closer to everything in the city.