
Void Mage’s Proposal

Mage? Swordsman? Countless Worlds? Infinite magic power? A student of Lemore Academy Shito Mahinu was forced to go to an academy that was for mages despite wanting to become a swordsman. A person who lacks motivation but likes swinging his sword around. Magic was something that he already grasped so going to a school to learn more about was something he didn’t want to do. And his sister was known throughout the world as the ‘strongest’ mage in existence, but there were more secrets that lurked in the world, in which the public had no idea about. This is a story about an overpowered protagonist, who wants to spend time with his family and journey through the world without using his full power to fight.

LunarFall · ファンタジー
124 Chs

Episode 19- A Time to be Remembered   

"It's been a while since I've been inside the town," Tenka said, looking around. Even though the town is the place where her family lives, she has not been back since school started.

"Hasn't school started like three weeks ago, that means you would've only been away from town for a little while."

"Normally that would be the case for a normal family but for the Vermillion family, we are required to adventure the world before the academy starts… I and some of my father's trusted guards traveled the world for about two years and I didn't get to come back since the academy was going to start after the two-year adventure ended."


Shito was at a loss for words, being away from your family for that long is something that most people would not understand, but he is a person who understands what it is like to miss the place and people you grew up with.

"Don't be like that... my family always did that kind of stuff; it was for us to gain the experience of real battles and learn so we don't get ourselves killed from the lack of battle experience."

"I see, so what you are saying is you had to be taught to kill in order to be classified as true mages," Shito asked, looking at the vermillion princess who was standing directly beside him, holding his hand.


Shito looked at the bright sky, the sun was out, and it was shining brightly on his skin, making his skin glow.

The logic behind that is not really all that wrong, the feeling of not knowing how to kill someone when the time is right could be fatal in a real battle… because there are people who refuse to kill because of their so-called 'justice.' People have the morals of saving everyone when there are people out there that cannot be saved. Shito thought before looking at the Vermillion princess.

"Do you hate your father for all of the training he put you through?"

"No, I don't. Why would I hate my father? Everything he said was right, showing sympathy in some battles would kill you." Tenka said, looking up at Shito, with a heartfelt smile, "I have assassins that come after me a lot, if I show sympathy and let them go, they could kill another family or even go get back up and try to kill me again"

Everything she said was exactly how her life had been, assassins would be sent to kill her all the time because of her family status. People paid tens of thousands of gold coins to eliminate her, there was not a time when she could really walk around and enjoy her time without worrying about an assassin attacking her.

"…Don't worry about that for our date today, we are going to enjoy our time together."

"What are we going to do first, we are in the center of town, the place where most of the good foods are at?"

Shito looked around, trying to figure out what they were going to do first. There were a lot of options for them at that moment. Shito quickly looked over to his right, and noticed a large sign that said, 'Ice cream.'

That could be a good start to our date, eating ice cream should always be romantic.

Shito tapped Tenka on the shoulder, pointing at the sign that said ice cream. He did not even have to say a word for her to understand what he was talking about. Tenka was a very smart person, so figuring out what he wanted to do was not that hard.

"Ok, we can eat ice cream… If that is what you want to do."

"That's what I want to do first, so let's hurry up."

The two students walked into the shop, looking at all the boards that were hanging on the walls. The signs had the names of all the ice cream flavors the shop had to offer, there were the about the board full of names.

"What ice cream are you going to get?" Tenka asked, looking up at the boards. She wondered what he was going to get.

Shito was staring at the board, wondering what flavor to pick from, "I'm going to get strawberry ice cream… what about you?"

"I'm going to get the vanilla ice cream."

"Well, I guess I should go and order our ice cream."

Walking toward the counter, Shito looked at the elderly woman who was sitting behind the counter in a chair by the cash register. The elderly woman sat there waiting for some customers to show up.

The elderly woman looked up and noticed a beautiful man, a man who would only come once in a lifetime, "What is it you want to order, young man?" the elderly woman asked, looking at the angel-like appearance in front of her.

"I want to order, one strawberry ice cream and one Vallina ice cream."

The elderly woman nodded her head, "That would be one silver coin…" the woman said looking at the cash register.

1 copper coin → 100 YEN → 1 USD

1 silver coin → 1,000 YEN → 10 USD

1 gold coin → 100,000 YEN → 1,000 USD

1 platinum coin → 1,000,000 YEN → 10,000 USD

Shito dug his hands in his pockets, pulling out a pouch in which he kept some coins, the pouch was full of coins of every color. He pulled out one silver coin and handed it to the elderly lady.

"I will go and get your food ready, so please wait here, young man."

The elderly woman quickly got up out of her seat and walked to the make to make her ice cream. In her store, consumer service was the most important to her, there was no need to keep them waiting for too long.

Shito stood still, waiting for the elderly woman to come back and hand him his ice cream, he thought it would at least take her a couple of minutes for her to fix their ice-creams, but the woman came back in a matter of seconds. With the cup of ice cream in her hand.

"You two students can go have a seat in those chairs over their… if you are deciding to dine in the store."

"Thanks, we are going to take that offer."

"Well, you young kids enjoy your date today."

Shito looked at the elderly woman, nodding his head before walking back towards the vermillion princess.

"Well, let us go take the seats that are in the back of the store," Shito said, handing Tenka the ice cream that she ordered.

"Ok, let's go do that."

The two students walked to the back of the restaurant and sat in the comfortable-looking seats. The two sat down and started eating the ice cream that had been bought.

"This is delicious~"

Tenka's voice wavered at the taste of the ice cream. Shito nodded his head in agreement as he kept nibbling away at the ice cream in small bites.

"You seem to really like ice cream, is there a reason why you like it?"

"I used to eat ice cream a lot when I was a kid, it has been a while since I have eaten it, so… I am trying my best to enjoy it with a person I like."

Tenka's face turned completely red, she did not mean to tell her that she liked him, it was too early for him to notice it.

"What did you just say? I could not hear you." Shito said, trying his best to forget what he just heard. He knew how much this day meant to her, so he was not going to let her be embarrassed because of what she said… even if she did like him, he knew that they would have to wait for some time before they truly got together.

…Let's just forget what she just said… Well, with how serious my face looks, she would not even know that I even heard her.

Tenka looked at him, turning her head the other way, pouting cutely.

"So, you didn't hear anything I just said?"

"...No, I didn't hear anything you just said, are you willing to repeat it?"

Tenka shook her head, looking back at her bowl of ice cream before she started taking more bites of it.

'No… I am not willing to repeat it."

Shito looked at Tenka's face, and he noticed that there was some ice cream on the side of her face.

Well, this is good. I can use this as some kind of moment, a guy eating the ice cream on the girl's face, it seems like a plot from a romance story.

"Hey, Tenka."

"What do you want to say to me?"

When Tenka looked up, Shito reached his hand over the table, wiping off the ice cream that was on her face and—

"A little bit of ice cream was on your face. You should be more careful when you eat, I do not want you to make a mess"

—He licked the ice cream off her face with no hesitation. Shito did not show any kind of emotions, so he was not embarrassed by what he just did to her.

He just licked the ice cream off my face, there was no hesitation when he did it.

Tenka's whole body lit up red, her face was the same color as a tomato. Her face felt hot and quickly looked away from his face. She could not make any kind of eye contact with him since she was embarrassed.

"Di-Did you have to lick the ice cream after it's been on my face!"

"I mean it was romantic, wasn't it?"

Tenka nodded her head, looking at the window that was directly beside her, there were people walking around with their children, having fun in the town.