
Void Mage’s Proposal

Mage? Swordsman? Countless Worlds? Infinite magic power? A student of Lemore Academy Shito Mahinu was forced to go to an academy that was for mages despite wanting to become a swordsman. A person who lacks motivation but likes swinging his sword around. Magic was something that he already grasped so going to a school to learn more about was something he didn’t want to do. And his sister was known throughout the world as the ‘strongest’ mage in existence, but there were more secrets that lurked in the world, in which the public had no idea about. This is a story about an overpowered protagonist, who wants to spend time with his family and journey through the world without using his full power to fight.

LunarFall · ファンタジー
124 Chs

Episode 15- A Family Talk

Not even a minute had passed, and he was already standing in front of his dorm door. He left the room his sister was in, and he was bypassing the physical laws of the world. Buildings and other things couldn't stand in the way while he was running because he simply fazed through them.

In front of the dorm room door, he stood there nervously. In the past, he would've never had these kinds of feelings but after gaining a family he started to feel more emotions. Usually, he would not care about the others around him but now… the only people he cared about were Tenka, his daughters, and his sister. The people that were family to him.

Shito pulled out his identification card, and placed it in front of the door lock, so it could scan his card. The face recognition system allowed computer-like objects to process the information of the people in the dorm, adding a layer of security that only allowed the people who were assigned to the dorm inside.

Here goes nothing. I need to go ahead and tell them because Tenka is worried about stuff that she wouldn't have to worry about for another thousand years.

With those thoughts, Shito's identification card had already been approved by the system and the doorknob turned green and he opened the door.

He walked into the dorm room and noticed that his daughter and Tenka were sitting in the living room directly on the couch. They had one long couch and other small couches around the room. The oversized couch was big enough to fit all four of them and probably more.

Shito let out a heavy sigh, slowly walking to the chair that was in front of the chair that all three of them were sitting on.

"…Well, it's a good thing that all of you are sitting down here. I need to talk to you all anyway."

Illayaka and Illya looked at their father and smiled, they knew that what he was going to say was going to be necessary. And they could feel their mother being down for some reason and they stayed by her side to keep her company.

Tenka's face was a little pale, she knew that the way she was acting was selfish, but she couldn't help acting like that because she wanted to make the most of the time they could spend together.

But she herself could not bring herself to say a single word in front of the boy that was sitting before her even though he was not releasing any mana or ki from his body. She could feel the pressure he was releasing, and she thought he was mad.

"I'm going to make this one thing clear. Tenka there is no need for you to be worried about the time you get to spend with your daughters because we have all the time in the world together. Since we are immortal."

There was no need for him to beat around the bush since they needed to know the truth, he was going to give it to them straight.

The girls looked at him in shock. That was something that the three of them were not expecting to say. Even though his daughters knew that their life spans had greatly increased, they didn't know anything about them being immortal.

"... I see… so I don't have to worry about anything. I have all the time in the world to spend with you and our daughters.

Shito looked at Tenka and smiled. He just couldn't bring himself to tell her that she would eventually pass on in a couple of thousand years. The pain that it would bring for his daughters and Tenka. Even though he was going to increase her life spans to the length they would survive. So, no one would have to worry about anything but—

What could he do to make them not worry about anything? If he says that he wanted to increase her life span, they will instantly figure out that she wouldn't live as long as they would because his daughter's knowledge seemed to increase because of his blood. He and his sister were gifted with knowledge since birth so it was natural that they would become smart like him.

The only thing that I can do is lie to them and fuse her with the void but… I don't want to lie to them, but I guess that's the only choice I have right now.

By lying to the girls, he could avoid seeing the sad looks on their faces. To anyone else that he would start talking to he would be brutally honest and not care about anyone's feelings but… the mother of his children was not someone he wanted to hurt because he actually likes her. That was not something he would tell her right now.

"Tenka, I'm going to help you grow stronger. So, could you please lie on the couch? And don't ask too many questions… this is something that you cannot get out of so you are going to lay down even if I must force you."

Tenka's face turned bright red, hearing how forceful he was sounding was enough to make her body warm. But she was trying her best to hide it because her daughters were nearby. There was no way that she could let her daughters see her blushing because of how forceful her Shito sounded.

Illayaka and Illya looked at their parents and shook their heads.

Has Mama unlocked some kind of new fetish? She is acting like she likes to be dominated. Even though Father was not talking about it in a sexual manner, Mama still started to blush, she might be into those weird kinks. The two girls thought, staring at their mother. Many people would naturally come to the same conclusion they did because no one would blush from hearing she was going to be forced to do something.

Laying down on the couch, Tenka looked at her kids who were floating in the air beside their father. Shito's hands started to glow in a jet-black light.

"I'm going to start now, so please don't move."

With that, Shito started channeling mana directly into her soul. He was going to combine her soul with the void, but he and his daughters are even darker than the void and the void represents nothingness.

The void was located in the realm of the void. The void was a place above an infinite number of dimensions. A place that birthed lots of monsters that could absorb worlds and sat above all of the lower and higher worlds. Each world had an infinite number of universes inside them. Dimensions were infinite and the worlds were endless in size. The realm in the void was deep in layers almost like the sea. With each layer you explore the more complex the worlds become. Each world becomes higher than the layer below it.

The void was something that was in a higher realm than the realm of the void. Worlds were said to view each other as fiction so that would mean that the higher the world was the more fictional the one below it would become. The void viewed the whole realm of the void as fiction and there were countless dragons that governed the worlds in the void.

The magic Shito was using was above the magic system ranks. There was a rank that most spells never reach which was the Mystic Rank.

Mystic Rank was higher than high, mid, and low ranks. Shito's spells surpassed the mystic rank because his spells had no ranks. The spells he could use were above the ranks and most of them transcend space and time.

Tenka's body glowed in a bright black light and her soul had been fully combined with the energy from his body. He knew that using his energy would be the best since his energy was darker than the energy from the void.

Opening her eyes, she got up off the couch and looked around the room. Her physical appearance didn't change but her soul did. The soul was darker than nothingness itself just like Shito's and all her abilities had been increased once again.

"I have a feeling that I have grown stronger. Well, it's time for me to—"

In an instant, Tenka fell to the ground unconscious. The power she received needed time to adjust to her body. So, she needs some time to rest.

Snapping his finger, he teleported Tenka and his daughters to the room they always sleep in. He had already finished everything he needed to do for the day. There were no battles scheduled for tomorrow, but he was going to go anyway because he wanted to see how strong the students from the TAA program were.

After all, he would have to fight them eventually so seeing what they were capable of was something everyone did before they started fighting.

…Well, I guess I should be going to bed right now. We can sit in the crowd and watch the battles with our daughters.

Shito lay down on the couch. He was getting ready to go to sleep. The time he had was short because he and his daughters would be spending their day together watching some of the other students.

Closing his eyes, he instantly fell asleep on the longest couch that was in the living room. There was no way that he was going to walk to his room because he wanted to lie down immediately.