
Void Mage’s Proposal

Mage? Swordsman? Countless Worlds? Infinite magic power? A student of Lemore Academy Shito Mahinu was forced to go to an academy that was for mages despite wanting to become a swordsman. A person who lacks motivation but likes swinging his sword around. Magic was something that he already grasped so going to a school to learn more about was something he didn’t want to do. And his sister was known throughout the world as the ‘strongest’ mage in existence, but there were more secrets that lurked in the world, in which the public had no idea about. This is a story about an overpowered protagonist, who wants to spend time with his family and journey through the world without using his full power to fight.

LunarFall · ファンタジー
124 Chs

Episode 12- Taking the Vermillion Princess Home

As he was walking back to his dorm room, the Vermillion princess, Tenka, had finally woken up for her beauty nap. The first thing she noticed was the beautiful face that was above hers. The light sandy-blond hair was only unique to one person in the entire world.

Tenka could feel that she was moving and looked down, noticing that she was being cared for in the arms of Shito, the transfer student. There was nothing wrong with laying in his arms but… Tenka felt deep down that it was a little weird for two people who weren't dating to be caring and laying on each other as they did. The amount of physical contact that was displayed by the two of them was something only seen if you were looking at a couple.

However, even after feeling all of that, she couldn't help lying down in the boy's arms, there was no reason for her to move away from him. He was also gentle in his approach and there was not a single moment she felt like she was in trouble. Unlike other times if she were slightly touched while she was sleepy then she would immediately wake up, but… Tenka didn't even notice she had been picked up by him, and the was no feeling of moving at all.

This feels so comfortable! I feel so safe being around him. I have never felt this comfortable a day in my life because assassins are always after my life. I hope I can stay like this for the rest of my life!

Tenka was not embarrassed by the man that was holding her in his arm, and she leaned in closer trying her best to get even more comfortable. Her body slightly turned into his arms, and her face was directly on his chest.

Shito didn't even notice that she moved, he was too busy worrying about getting home, so he could go to sleep. Even though he took a nap earlier that day, being bored is enough to make a person tired.


Finally, Shito noticed that the Vermillion princess was moving too much, he was carrying her for a while, and she didn't make a single movement. That was when he figured out that she was awake.

"You are awake… aren't you?" Shito asked, trying to see if Tenka was going to answer his question. He already knew that she had been awakened from her sleep, he just wanted her to say she was awake for herself. There was no reason for her to play like she was sleeping because if she wanted him to carry her, then he would with no hesitation.

Tenka looked at him and smiled, there was no use in hiding the fact that she was awake it would do her no good to lie, since if she did that, she could ruin the trust that they were building together.

Trust is something sacred, if it were broken once then it could be hard to restore, having trust in someone is part of a healthy relationship. So, lying would make him think she was a liar, and she couldn't be trusted.

"Yes, I'm awake… do you want me to get up?" she asked, worried that he would make her get up. Tenka liked the feeling of being cared for by him since this was her first time getting cared for and she wanted to make the most of it.

…By the look on her face, I can tell that she is worried about something. I can guess that it has something to do with me. Since it did not look like she was worried about anything all day. After asking the question 'Do you want me to get up?' her face became worried. That could only mean one thing, and that is she is worried that I would make her get up… I mean, normally I would but… I don't dislike her being in my arms.

Shito was a person who didn't like being around people, they were annoying and always became burdens when it was time to fight. Even if people were to try and kill them, they would still stop the person that saved them from killing too. It was in humans' nature to help everyone in need, and he was a person who did not think like that. If someone were a threat to him and his sister or the people, he called 'comrades' then he would simply kill without any hesitation.

That was the mindset one should have in the world of mages, even though the justice system was formed to stop all the unnecessary killing, what was the point when people just became criminals? Was there really a need for a justice system, when those kinds of rules were the same ones that caused people to change sides? The answer was simple, the justice system was necessary because it determined which people were the people that represented the 'good' and which people represented the 'evil.'

However, even with the justice system being put into place, people were still allowed to kill others in a battle, back in the day, the academies were the places that were most dangerous to the mages because the students went around killing each other. That was the true reason for the justice system that was formed. Outside people were allowed to kill other people if they felt that it needed to be done. Not every action would make the government get involved. If the person was not useful to the higher-ups in the government system, then there was no reason for them to care about their death.

Tenka noticed that there was a long silence between them, and she started to move about to get up out of his arms. Since he did not say a word to her, she took his silence as a yes.

"...I guess, I will get up right now… Sorry for being a both–"

"No... stay down," Shito interrupted, "There is no need for you to move because I don't really mind you laying down in my arm. You're not too heavy so lay down and make yourself comfortable, I'm going to carry you all the way back to the dorm."

Tenka was taken aback by his sudden outburst, she didn't understand why he wanted her to stay down. There was no way that he liked carrying her around. But she was not one to complain, even if he did like it, Tenka also liked it and she would be glad to let him carry her back to the dorm.


With that, Tenka laid back into his arms, smiling making herself comfortable. She was cuddling up to his chest. There was no way she was going to move again. Tenka could smell a sweet fragrance that was radiating from him, making her dizzy.

…Eh. His fragrance is so sweet, he smells better than most of the girls I have met. This smell is enough to make me slee... py–

Not even a couple of seconds had passed, and Tenka fell asleep again as he was walking back to the doom. The smell was overwhelming, but the comfort of his arms was enough to make her go to sleep.

A couple of minutes later, Shito arrived at the dorm with Tenka lying in his arms. He forgot that he had to enter the dorm with his key card. There was no way he could with the girl lying in his arms peacefully.

…How do I open this door without using my hands? I could teleport her inside the room, but the sudden motion would wake her up. I guess I could use telekinesis since it's the only spell that is locked up by my seal.

Shito closed his eyes, channeling mana into the area, lifting the small ID card that was placed inside of his pockets. His hands were restricted so he had to use his mind to lift the item he needed. The ID card started to float in front of the system that identified the cards.

With that, the door to their room unlocked, and Shito walked in ready to lay the girl down on her bed.

Walking towards the girl's room, Shito came to a sudden stop in front of her door, he used telekinesis magic to open the door.

Shito walked into the room and instantly smelled the sweet scent of the girl's room, it was sweet and fragrant. The aromatic smell gave off the sweetest smell, a strawberry-like smell.

He placed the girl on the bed and turned around so he could go back to his room but was stopped by a person grabbing him.

"…?!" Shito looked back, wondering why she was suddenly grabbing him unexpectedly. He had already tucked her into bed. There was no reason for him to be in her room anymore.

Tenka opened her eyes, looking at the figure that was standing in front of her, and quickly noticed that it was Shito. She smiled thinking that she was dreaming.

"Don't leave… I want you to lay down beside me," she muttered, closing her eyes—instantly falling back to sleep.

Shito walked to the bed, getting inside her covers, he made sure that they were both covered in sheets before he fell asleep beside her.

Thus, this ended the day of the two students, who acted much like a couple but were not really in a romantic relationship.