
Void Encroachment

After the apocalypse, a new world order, a new society where technology and medicine are far beyond what we know today, where humans had evolved and discovered the energy vi, where monsters roam the surface of the earth constantly fighting the Humans. in this new world was a boy named Arius constantly being tormented with visions of a war he didn't know who or what were the adversaries, until that was he saw them, but was that all they were nightmares, I think not and neither did Arius. join this crusade and let us account the adventures and exploits of a tarnished whom grace had again blessed

gale200588 · ファンタジー
19 Chs

Sudden visit

Following David's ass whooping, Michael, Julie and even Arius also got their respective beatings, the latter lasting longer than the former in that order. During Arius's fight, Alice had to put in a little more effort as Arius's vi control was very high, not using more strength than necessary, also he was able to supplement his eyesight allowing him track her movement and prepare necessary counter measures.

However no matter how skillful one was, in the face of absolute strength it was meaningless,

"now that i've measured your levels of mediocrity, I can now carry on with your training regime, it'll be sent to you before tomorrow morning, alright is there any questions you'd like to ask before I leave"

David who initially thought Alice was a conjurer but was later surprised with her above average physical strength was curious and couldn't help but ask,

"instructor are you an enhancer or a conjurer"

"me?, I'm a conjurer with affinities for wind"

"Then how could you exert that much strength?", Michael who was now confused asked with some level of doubt

"You all seem to hold the misconception that vi with affinities can't be used to strengthen your bodies, true it doesn't follow the conventional path of merely giving you more muscle fibers or shortening your nervous pathway and the likes, it truly is possible. Although a little difficult and time consuming, enhancing your body to match your affinity with your vi Is in fact feasible"

"Take for example, birds that fly in the sky have functional adaptabilities that allow them to dominate their territories in the sky, Using wind vi is not very different from this, my muscles and bones are lighter, my body attained the closest to aerodynamics a human body could get without mutation and my eyesight when supplied with vi gives more advantage to fast travel than mere better eyesight"

"isn't that too broken, man, why wasn't I a conjurer" David expressed his displeasure at how overpowered cojurers seemed to be.

"Not everyone can achieve this you know, as a matter of fact most fail doing so"

But what Alice failed to tell them was that many of the conjurers in the world couldn't utilize this supposed broken ability.

To put it into perspective and express in figures, only about 15 percent of conjurers in the world could master this ability effectively without mutating into grotesque looking chimeras with reduced intelligence later becoming beasts.

This was in fact the major reason this ability was poorly publicized, even in the academy this method was not encouraged and was not even mentioned to the students, but Alice believed under her mentorship there would be no problems, after all she herself learnt from the best.

Jane was lost in thought while looking at her sister, 'could that be why her hands are always cold', Julie had always been the better of the twin in terms of genius, Jane not wanting to wallow in the shadow of her sister put up a fierce personality but it seemed time and time again, reality was always hellbent on making her fall into the depths of despondency.

Tightening her fist she swore in her heart to do her very best and stand alongside her sister at the top. 'if I don't have talent, I'll just have to work harder' she muttered to herself.

"Alright, that's all for today, meet back here every Friday, we'll be holding spars like this amongst yourselves to see how much you improved during the week, Jane and Julie we'll be meeting everyday after school for your training, I can't really do much for the boys, but I believe If you follow the regime I give you diligently, you will have massive leaps in your strengths, also I advice you learn techniques from the library and visit a dojo to increase your weapon proficiency".

Alice said after which she left the garden leaving the five to gaze at her luscious backside, David couldn't hold it in and let out a very sultry wolf whistle, earning him an air blast straight to his chest, having him hunch forward in pain

"worth it" he muttered before passing out with his mouth open letting out saliva.


General Sebastian could be seen in his office using his thumb and index fingers to ease the wrinkles running across his forehead, his face directed downwards at the holographic file on his desk was full of annoyance,

he kept clicking his tongue again and again, he looked up, clicked his tongue and continued reading the file, he repeated this a couple of times, however the ever smiling face of a beautiful young girl about Arius' age, obviously the cause of his annoyance, refused to change. Fed up with the expression of this individual he asked,

"Why do you suddenly want to attend the academy"

The luscious lips of this woman parted giving the general a toothy grin before saying in the most sassy tone,

"Why are you so cold uncle, I just want more time with my amazing uncle", Sebastian visibly cringed,

"Don't get cheeky with me kid i remember inviting you before and you refused, what are you really here for?"

"Ahh uncle, do I need to have an ulterior motive, I just thought wouldn't it be good to spend some time with my wonderful uncle while experiencing academy life, but if you don't want me here, I can leave", she said in between snorts while wiping fake tears from her eyes.

Unmoved by her performance, Sebastian kept staring at her with his hands folded,

"Well I'll just tell father you sent me away then", she said, standing up and leaving through the doors.

Sebastian sunk back into his chair while sighing and muttering some words that shouldn't be heard from a man of both his age and status.

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