
Void Encroachment

After the apocalypse, a new world order, a new society where technology and medicine are far beyond what we know today, where humans had evolved and discovered the energy vi, where monsters roam the surface of the earth constantly fighting the Humans. in this new world was a boy named Arius constantly being tormented with visions of a war he didn't know who or what were the adversaries, until that was he saw them, but was that all they were nightmares, I think not and neither did Arius. join this crusade and let us account the adventures and exploits of a tarnished whom grace had again blessed

gale200588 · ファンタジー
19 Chs


Beasts also like humans have vi circuits running through them however unlike humans their vi hearts are replaced by spherical structures called cores, the growth system for humans can likewise be used to group beasts based on strength and lethality,

Stage one beasts were very common and the were the lowest on the danger scale, their features were simply appearing bigger and stronger than their regular counterparts.

Stage two beasts begin to develop affinities, giving them certain control over their designed elements, these were more dangerous than stage 1 beasts.

Stage three beasts are further up the scales and usually Lorded over territories, apart from gaining deft control over their vi they started developing sentience and were capable of speech, although not more intelligent than a teenager as they were still prone to their primal desires and their patience were extremely short, they were dangerous nonetheless. Only reinforced stage soldiers with runes already etched were capable of facing them.

Further up the scale were beast that were present during the apocalypse, since manipulating vi from the time of its descent, these beasts who were hidden deep within the regions where man dared not reach, slumbering in their dens at least thats what was believed. the name annihilation stage beasts where their entitled description.


Arius who had just appeared an a large expanse of land with tall dried bushes and sparsely distributed trees, suddenly felt his skin burn from the scorching sun hanging in the sky although only a little, however for him to feel such discomfort, this was as a result of the parameter "neural synergy" which he had set at the beginning set to a staggering 70 percent.

the simulation chamber emits specific frequencies of vi that resonates with the circuits in his body receptors, hence the pain, and no this was no trick of the mind, he could really get hurt in this chamber. So if by chance he got his arm cut, the vi circuits in that arm would resonate with the simulation frequencies and release a lethal amount of vi that would invariably damage that arm, luckily with the advancements in technology, modern medicine likewise had its own improvements.

Before a minute could pass for Arius to get accustomed to his new environment, his torso reflexively spun and his right hand which was now holding a saber with no ornamental design on its hilt and its blade save for its dull metallic luster and vi veins swung backwards barely a foot before resistance was met..


"F*ck" he cursed aloud and before he could even turn his head to glance at what had just attacked him it had already disappeared and after he completed rotating his head 90 degrees his chest felt heavy and his body shot back with speed rivaling sport cars of the past, bending until an horizontal u was drawn with him before crashing into a tree nearby breaking his momentum.

Save for the faint cracks on said tree and a slight shake the tree was fine telling much of it's durability.

"What the f*ck, did I set it right, I put Aves, didn't I?, not f*cking dinosaurs"

when he finally came through of his short disorientation and cussing he finally looked up and saw an almost 4 meter looking ostrich flaying it's feathers and bobbing it's head forward and backward at him, said ostrich had legs accounting for almost half its height, with its neck taking about 1.4 m and a wingspan of bout 6 feet each.

"F*ck, when I said aves I meant flying creatures like birds, eagles, stupid system, is this even classified as an avian beast, why is this abomination of speed even placed in stage 1"

Arius was incensed with the system of the simulation chamber, given his mood being very unstable since he had that nightmare a while back, it was no surprise to find him losing his cool and sigma attitude very easily,

"F*cking bastard, I'll skewer you into minced meat"

Arius stood up and clutched his sabers hard releasing little amounts of his vi into it making the dull blue veins light up, he also forced more vi into his eyes, leg and arm muscles, if one was observing closely, they would be able to notice his leg and arm muscles tighten so much they vibrated every once a while.

Spinning the sabers in his hands he softly muttered as his scarlet eyes glowed a faint shade of blue


As if angered by its opponent provocation the ostrich, or as commonly known as demon streak, owing to its demonic speed, let out a screech before making a running posture and disappearing from sight, at least that's what should have happened.

However Arius titled his body to the left before slamming the body of the ostrich which was as clear as day in his sight with the ball shaped end of his hilt, the ostrich staggered seemingly about to fall, however Arius was pissed and wouldn't allow it any rest.

he let go of the saber in his right hand and grabbed the ostrich before cleanly severing it at the knee, without letting go he did the same to the other leg, refusing to stop as the ostrich finally fell he grabbed the saber he had let go of initially and leaped onto the ostrich's back stabbing them both at the joints where the wings were attached.

Like a cornered rat or bird on it's last legs the ostrich attempted to raise it's neck high in the air before bringing it down intent on using its razor sharp beak to pierce it's assailants head, unfortunately Arius grabbed its small head and squeezed hard while pushing more vi into his hands.


The ostriches head stood no chance and gave way splattering blood and flesh all around, the whole fight took no more that a half a minute to be finished, however make no mistake this beast was far from weak in fact the method Arius used to defeat it was far from efficient and even dangerous as could be proven by the sweat pouring from Arius' body rapidly turning to steam and the bright blue color of his skin now, the most serious was his eyes which he couldn't even keep open now.