
Void Encroachment

After the apocalypse, a new world order, a new society where technology and medicine are far beyond what we know today, where humans had evolved and discovered the energy vi, where monsters roam the surface of the earth constantly fighting the Humans. in this new world was a boy named Arius constantly being tormented with visions of a war he didn't know who or what were the adversaries, until that was he saw them, but was that all they were nightmares, I think not and neither did Arius. join this crusade and let us account the adventures and exploits of a tarnished whom grace had again blessed

gale200588 · ファンタジー
19 Chs


A couple minutes earlier Julie who had already recovered from the "dive lag" of the dive which was the synonymous version of jet lag only there was no jet but rather a virtual reality device and instead of a messed up sleeping schedule it was the drag from travelling across two different realities that hit them making them feel very uncomfortable leading to a temporary shutdown of their bodies.

She was standing in front of Arius' room and was pacing back and forth with a red face, the females outfit were a lot similar to the males however instead of a 'one-piece' that the men wore their outfit was in two pieces, black pants and a top that went further down reaching the middle of their thighs, they had a dark blue belt around their waste and the same crest on their chest region.

'calm down julie, calm down its just dinner, just dinner mmmhmm, I'll just tell him i just want, hmm figured we should refresh ourselves- "aahhh", he wouldn't think I'm weird right, what if he refuses, what if he doesn't want to hang out with me, I'm beautiful enough aren't I'.

she kept pacing and thinking to herself with a flushed faced whenn all of a sudden she gathered all her confidence, stopped and grabbed the door handle and swung it open.

Arius who had just been hit in the head by the reinforced doors that was used in the academy was surprised for a second and looked up slightly annoyed, to find out who was responsible but all he saw was the empty hallway and the robots pacing around.

Julie who saw Arius get hit in the face got flustered and scared, and immediately ran away with a face as red as a tomato, she continued to berate herself and curse her luck as she ran with her eyes glistening and tears accumulating at the side of her eyes blurring her vision.

Arius putting the funny scenario at the back of his mind made his way to the physical attunement facility where the enhancers used to measure their strength and also train their bodies.

Enhancers were divided into three depending on the class they had chosen to follow, over the years in order for humanity to increase their strength, enhancers decided to limit themselves to a discipline only, this turned out to be one of their best decision as their strengths in their individual discipline increased exponentially.

Some decided to increase their muscle mass and density making them able to use heavy weapons as well as gaining a large enough body to act as defense, this particular group of enhancers belonged to the class tanks, others focused more in toughening their nervous systems and refining the muscles and organs required for fine movements and specific functions, these group were classified as the weapons class.

However the enhancers in the weapons class were also split up into different aspects depending on the weapon they used and the body part they enhanced.

The last group of enhancers were a bit special, they were known as the beast class, this group didn't stop at just enhancing their bodies, they went as far as even modifying it giving their bodies proportions and sizes resembling beasts suited for their combat styles.

Apart from enhancers there was another group of gifted individuals, the conjurers, These people instead of Strengthening their muscles with Vi they rather channeled it through their circuits allowing them to command the elements of their choosing. However It is Well known that a conjurer can only command one element as once their Vi interacts with a particular element, It will only react with said element.

However every rule has its exception, there are geniuses capable of utilizing more than one vi Circuit within their bodies, as such they would have access to more elements in their arsenal.

The last group was very special and Very rare. There hasn't been more than three recorded in the world since the apocalypse, and there isn't more than two alive at the moment.

They were known as scribblers, People who could interact with reality, They were the first to understand the energy Vi during the near extinction of man, Ones feared by even the monsters which terrified humanity. scribblers they Called them, they had firm grasps over the reality they held within their domain, they were literally Gods in their space.

They could make and unmake, they Could Create and destroy, they could construct and deconstruct. However as you guessed, this power didn't come without a price and the price they paid was their lifespan as the more they used their powers the more aged they got and the closer to their graves they came.

Arius got to the attunement centre and started with some stretches he did this for an hour straight.

This was a usual practice for him as he didn't like the feeling the dive gave him so he would use these Stretches to gain a perfect grasp of his body conditions, giving him back complete control over every muscle of his body.

After this, he spent the next two hours visualizing every movement he made within the drive, every twitch of muscle, every arc he swung his sword through.

Next, he Scrutinised himself and fixed his errors he thought of more efficient ways he could have fought and replayed everything within his mind, however this time he was more efficient, his swings were quicker, the time he took to complete the fight was cut by nearly half. Then he stood up and corrected his mistakes, he did this for the next two hours before he felt satisfied and left.

He got out of the attunement facility and walked down the halls of white with holographic images displaying the names of each room above their respective doors, also along the way he met floating spherical robots with square screens displaying ECG like readings.

He made his way out of the building with a couple of turns here and there. On arriving outside it was already late evening with the sun already setting so he took his time to appreciate it a little more before setting out once again into the city

Dove city, a bustling city in Arcem not unlike new york filled with wonderous and intriguing technology, flying automobiles were very common, gigantic holograms displaying ads in the sky, large tubes spanning through the city weaving in and out of buildings carrying cylindrical structures that replaced trains.

Arius was an orphan that hadn't known his parents since birth, he had been in an orphanage since he could remember till he was twelve when he had to take his vi test.

However shortly after he discovered he was an enhancer some men came looking for him, telling him he had already been admitted to the vi Academy since birth and were waiting for him to come of age, it was then he discovered his parents were once vi masters that attended the academy and accumulated a lot of merit points that they literally secured a place for him in the academy.

In addition they also left him a lot of money which he couldn't access till he was 12 and was ready to attend the academy.

On his way back to the condo he'd bought a year ago he passed by a bar where he spotted his team mates from the corner of his eyes casually chatting and relaxing, his steps paused as he thought to himself why they didn't invite him.

He was about to continue moving when David eyes met his, he was going to nod and continue on his way when David started waving and signalling him to come in. Sighing, he opened the doors and went in to join them.

"Hehe cap, we'sh been looking for yo-hiccup" David slurred, he appeared to be more than a little drunk

"Come come lesh toast, we nailsh shat tshest, cap shu too have a dshink here here heheheheh" he continued as he placed one hand over Arius as he poured him a glass full of alcohol

" David mind your manners, Arius don't listen to him you don't have to drink if you don't want to" Julie retorted

" relax sis lesh him have ish, it'sh all good, good I tshell you we did good there, we're sheniors now hehe"

" Hah what do I do with you, however they're right, 3 years it seemed to be only yesterday we enrolled"

" Heh I remember that time David went after a senior and kept shouting her name through the hallway begging her to marry him" Michael who hadn't said anything commented.

" forges ish, at leash I didn't go about smelling and licking monster blood" David said which caused the corners of everyone's mouth to twitch a little, it had been an unspoken rule for everyone to conveniently ignore Michael's fetish.

"Sis do you remember thash time when we first shaw Arius that you-mhmmm..mmmm, Julie hurriedly covered Jane's mouth as she blushed a little "Hehe I remember, I remember". The night continued as they chatted and reminisced, it was about 12 pm they all left and went their separate ways.