
Voices in My Head

A child cursed from birth or maybe not totally cursed ok fine he is cursed but just a little bit

nnamdi_ibekwe · アクション
16 Chs

Chapter 12

 All around him you could hear loud music along with the sounds of several man laughing and chatting away.

 This truly felt like a festive season but away from all that you could see Pollux walking around the walls of the buildings to avoid getting caught.

 And based on the situation being somewhat extreme, Cosmos complied and kept silent only giving some opinions when he felt Pollux was going towards a wrong direction.

 'Sometimes you have to be careful around these kind of places'. Cosmos said trying to warn Pollux.

 'You just had to say something to upset the mood right?'. Pollux asked seemingly infuriated due to his injuries and lack of patience.

 All Pollux wanted right now was to get out of here and although he knew Cosmos was helping, he just wanted to let out his anger.

 And Cosmos realizing this point decided to stay silent.

 'I'm sorry, it's just that I really want to escape this place but I don't really know what to do'. Pollux said trying to apologise to Cosmos.

 'I get it, let's get our of here first then I'll discipline you however I want'.

 This seemed to work because soon they were both chuckling as they walked, trying to find an exit together.

'Thank y...' the voice drowned away because he had fallen into a hole as he wasn't paying attention.

 You could see the sun rising slowly with it's beautiful glory and the trees swaying gently to the music of the wind

 This part of the forest had a lot of thick trees and you could occasionally hear the distant sound of animals growling

 And on this part of the forest, a young boy lay on the ground still unconscious

 'It seems like this boy is still out cold'.

 'But we need to start moving or else they will notice that he is gone'.

 'And if they start searching for us, no doubt we will be discovered considering the fact that he is not even awake'.

 'I wish I could like move his body or something'.

 Cosmos said trying to figure out what to do next. But at that moment he felt a sudden fluctuation

 'Where are we rig... Ouch'?

 Pollux was trying to find out where he was when he felt a sharp pain at the back of his head

 'Seems like you had a bad landing'.

 'I will try to explain what happened while you use that time to recover'.

 While Cosmos was saying all this, Pollux had pulled himself up to a tree

 Cosmos seeing this nodded as a sign of acknowledgement

 'So the hole you fell into, I'm sure you remember falling into it right'.

 Seeing Pollux nod Cosmos continued

 'You are quite lucky, if I was to guess I would say that is was an escape plan that was formed by that Sancet guy or something'.

 'He must have built it in case anything was to go wrong later in the future'.

 'And also not many people would know about it, since an influential man like him must have some spies with him'.

 And he was right about all that, only a few trusted people in his organization knew about the different escape routes

 'Okay, it's time for us to start moving so we can get as far as possible before they start looking for us'.

 So Pollux stood up and was walking behind Cosmos

 Pollux suddenly thought of something and asked

 'Wait, how are you out of my head?'.

 'Since I was born you had been speaking to me from my head'. 

 'So how are you standing in front of me like a ghost or something?'. 

 Pollux asked seemingly confused, although there was something he was thinking about but he needed to be sure first

 When Cosmos heard this he smiled, looked back at Pollux and said

'I have been waiting a while for you to ask me this question'.

So sorry that I didn't drop any episode since I'll try to drop my chapters more frequently. Thank you

nnamdi_ibekwecreators' thoughts