

Alaric Donovan the school most popular prince, he was an elite whose face was hard to come by despite being in the same school. The school was separated into three sections. The Elite building, civil building and the peasant building. Alaric was handsome beyond words, his presence alone would make everyone tremble both in delight and in fear. What set him out amongst the rest was his insane power, despite being a vampire whose control could get out of hand, he was born with additional power which wasn't rare in his family tree but in his case it was hard to come by. A slip of his energy is enough to bring down an entire building. A voice so sweet so enchanting soothes him every night, which he's desperate to find and he has no other choice than to find it's source. He will tear down the school if necessary just to find her. It calms his madness and he will do anything just to have her next to him. But then shes no where even if she's everywhere. A massive cure to his madness but who the hell could bring Alaric almost to his knees, who's the lady whose voice was enough to calm him. Was she his cure or another form of madness? Excerpt..... "Alaric seriously" he heard someone call as she walk into the class. Alaric look up lazily from the chess he was playing with his friends. Annoyance flash on his face seeing who it was. Neera chest wobble up and down her nose flaring,she seems pissed off about something which he couldn't care more about "What's this about" he asked casually looking at the female whose looks were above ordinary, because she isn't Neera was from the sea clan her shiny brown hair straight on her shoulder, she was nothing short of a goddess so the students addresses her. "I heard you have been visiting the peasant dorm lately, who's she?" Neera asked. Alaric raise his brow slightly, he hates being questioned and what she was doing was questioning his audacity. "You should know how much I hate it when you mingle with other girls, it's your fault if she gets hurts" Neera said to him her teeth seething. "You wouldn't dare" Alaric said his eyes darkening, the atmosphere turning dark and it tasted sour Neera flinch seeing as he was no longer joking, he must have been offended by her words, she didn't mean it, it was just an empty threat which was getting out of hand to the extent of him leaking so much energy. The room which contained four of them seemed to shake. "Alaric?" Thaddeus Alaric's friend call consciously, he sat up looking up at the cracks on the ceiling that was now trailing down the walls "Alaric control" Calix also called standing up from his seat. His hand went to Alaric shoulder in an attempt to calm him, but he flinch upon contact. His face was morphing not fast but his friends knew because it wasn't the first time. As things was beginning to look bad, a voice so Seren and soothing which cause him to withdraw to the back of his mind. Everything faded away, it was just her only her the cure to his madness. It came again resounding in his mind. She sounded worn out but worried. "Alaric, what wrong?" Came the voice that pulled back every of the dark energy that was spiraling about back to the male who owned it. He close his eyes as if savouring the most sweetest thing. The next seconds his lid open and he found Neera on the floor looking scared and about to scurry off for her life.

Cassie_Berry134 · 若者
22 Chs

Something different about him

Isleen place her palm on Alaric's, he guided her to the center of the hall and they began dancing to the slow music.


He asked a really nervous Isleen whose eye were trying to capture the face of the people around. She turn to face.

"Shouldn't I be? Prince" she added not wanting to offend him any further.

Alaric chuckle taking a step back as the dance lead on.

"You suddenly turned submissive, weren't you going to slice me up the other day?"

"I wouldn't dare, forgive my shrewdness and ignorance it my first time learning about you being royalties"

"Hmm" Alaric hummed the glint in his eyes show the hell he was going to put her through for her single mistake.

"You should be happy you get to dance with the prince not everyone get that privilege" he said to her.

Isleen frown at his word, indeed privilege as such has brought her into a unfavorable position, where she would have to face the questioning gaze of students the next time she resume school.

Alaric spin her as the music rise and dip the key change raising, she moved in syn with Alaric having learnt some little dance steps from her mother.

The music finally came to a stop and Isleen courtesy before Saying.

"Happy birthday prince__"

"Alaric" he interrupted her seeing as she wasn't sure what his name was.

The light came back on, Isleen moved away failing to see a deep scowl which settled on one of the ladies face.

Chatter filled the air again as the guest engage themselves in small talks.

Alaric walk back to his parents ignoring the disapproval on their face, he ignored Neera whose furious look was hidden behind her gentle and withdrawn facade she has on.

Isleen ran all Ng the passage in search of Giovanna. The female also seem to be on her way to meet her.

"Was what I saw correct, you dancing with Alaric??"

Giovanna asked shocked, she was on her way out of the toilet when she look down at the celebration from the upper floor only to be met with the sight of her friend dancing with the prince of Grandcrest.

Isleen bite her lips short of words and how was she supposed to explain to her friend she wasn't exactly dancing but was sort of being punished after her mishap with the prince.

"I believe you saw correct Anna" she said shorting her name.

"Great you just stepped into the wolves den, I hope you survive this" Anna told her with a smile.

"Let go home now am exhausted"

"Just after one dance, but we only just arrived." Anna protest.

Isleen sigh before nodding not wanting to ruin the evening.

I will be in the garden if you are ready to leave.

Anna nodded excited strolling back to the main hall.

She turn and made her way away.

Finally entering the garden, Isleen made her way to seat on the long bench which was provided as a resting place.

Her leg stretched out and her hand on the back rest she look up at the start night sky enjoying the quiet view.

She heard a pained filled moan which echoed softly around the garden.

Isleen sat up looking around to catch where it was coming from.

the cry came again and this time Isleen sat up her seat searching for who ever with was.

She walk around the garden until her eyes finally caught who the sound was coming from as another was escape her lips.

"Are you alright?"

The lady eyes quickly dart up to hold Isleen own in surprise.

She rise to her feet in her fitting gown which cling to her like a second skin, her hair which was brushed back was starting to fall to her face.

Isleen approach her with outstretched hand but the female moved back avoiding her.

"I don't need your assistance go away" the female said but it wasn't rude which made Isleen stay rooted to her spot.

"It doesn't hurt to share a company" Isleen told her and squat to take her seat on the cold ground.

The female stare at her but later gave up, she went back to squatting while listening to the sounds of cricket.

"I also find the event too crowded, getting some fresh air wouldn't hurt much" Isleen began deciding to chat her away from her tears.

"Are all supernatural parties like this every thing feels very 80s" Isleen saida smile cracking on her lips.

The female turn to give her a wary look.

"You aren't not from here?"

"Hmm I was born in the human realm"

"Ohh..." She mutter.

Isleen place her hand to pat the crying lady, a gasp left her lips.

Flashing before her eyes was the female past and her name which crept on her lips.

"Orlaith" it came off Isleen lips.

Orlaith turn to look at Isleen her brow raised in question.

Isleen gave her a smile to hide her surprised face.

"You are very popular on campus" Isleen told her .

"We attend the same school?" Orlaith asked.

"Yes am stationed at the third building" Isleen sat with a smile.

"I see" Orlaith said before standing up her feet.

"It nice sitting with you like this, I wish we will do this again" Orlaith said.

Isleen smiled.

" it a pleasure to Keep you company "



"Right Isleen. she nodded her head, see you around you shouldn't stay out here too long" Orlaith told her.

Orlaith walk away.

Isleen release the breathe she didn't know she was holding.

"What was that" she mutter as a seen of what she saw flash across her eyes.

a eyes too dark to be normal.

After the mid term break students began arriving back to college.

Isleen walk with Anna through the school territory like the rest of the students who chatted away was was playing around.

Isleen came to stop Infront of a fish pond which had a bridge over it to cross to the other side.

Isleen look into the clear water to see some fishes swimming around enjoying their habitat as they bask in the afternoon sun.

"Class would officially start again tomorrow am already exhausted at the thought of it" Anna complained looking at her pointy newly polished nails.

"I heard some system would be changed, it only still a rumor but I think the school would be emerge" Giovanna said.

"Emerge? That like a million dream" Isleen said.

"But I don't think the elite would like it very much" Anna said.

"Why would they consider that all of a sudden though?"

"It because security would be much better if the school is in one place and not scattered about, I mean the recent activity of the rouge attack, it was brought to the court attention and I heard the higher ups demand the school be merge" Anna said.

"Am quite surprised, but wouldn't it can more trouble amongst the students, I mean the elite are to prideful to share"

"They will have to, it better we are called harmonious college but the school isn't what it name presents I mean we are divided."

"That very true" Isleen sigh and turn away from the fish pond which she had been staring intensely at.

She look around the field and her eyes caught sight of Alaric who was in company of two other boys.

He seem to be having a nice conversation with them, sensing her he turn to catch her looking at him.

Isleen didn't turn away but stared more at him.

Now that she think about it something seems off with the prince.

The last time they danced she couldn't get anything from him and unlike any other vampire he doesn't seem to have a visible trait of one making him seem no difference to an ordinary human.

Everything Giovanna said tune out the next seconds as she felt a voice rang in her skull.

"Curious ain't you not" she heard.

Isleen took a sharp intake and she scowl, the prince was still staring at her but his face wasn't displaying any sign that he was the one who had just invaded her.

"Did you heard that?" Isleen ask turning to face Giovanna who stop mid sentence.

"Heard what??" She asked.

Isleen turn to look at Alaric again she noticed a red slit that flash across his eyes before it was gone again.

Isleen frown deepen.