

Alaric Donovan the school most popular prince, he was an elite whose face was hard to come by despite being in the same school. The school was separated into three sections. The Elite building, civil building and the peasant building. Alaric was handsome beyond words, his presence alone would make everyone tremble both in delight and in fear. What set him out amongst the rest was his insane power, despite being a vampire whose control could get out of hand, he was born with additional power which wasn't rare in his family tree but in his case it was hard to come by. A slip of his energy is enough to bring down an entire building. A voice so sweet so enchanting soothes him every night, which he's desperate to find and he has no other choice than to find it's source. He will tear down the school if necessary just to find her. It calms his madness and he will do anything just to have her next to him. But then shes no where even if she's everywhere. A massive cure to his madness but who the hell could bring Alaric almost to his knees, who's the lady whose voice was enough to calm him. Was she his cure or another form of madness? Excerpt..... "Alaric seriously" he heard someone call as she walk into the class. Alaric look up lazily from the chess he was playing with his friends. Annoyance flash on his face seeing who it was. Neera chest wobble up and down her nose flaring,she seems pissed off about something which he couldn't care more about "What's this about" he asked casually looking at the female whose looks were above ordinary, because she isn't Neera was from the sea clan her shiny brown hair straight on her shoulder, she was nothing short of a goddess so the students addresses her. "I heard you have been visiting the peasant dorm lately, who's she?" Neera asked. Alaric raise his brow slightly, he hates being questioned and what she was doing was questioning his audacity. "You should know how much I hate it when you mingle with other girls, it's your fault if she gets hurts" Neera said to him her teeth seething. "You wouldn't dare" Alaric said his eyes darkening, the atmosphere turning dark and it tasted sour Neera flinch seeing as he was no longer joking, he must have been offended by her words, she didn't mean it, it was just an empty threat which was getting out of hand to the extent of him leaking so much energy. The room which contained four of them seemed to shake. "Alaric?" Thaddeus Alaric's friend call consciously, he sat up looking up at the cracks on the ceiling that was now trailing down the walls "Alaric control" Calix also called standing up from his seat. His hand went to Alaric shoulder in an attempt to calm him, but he flinch upon contact. His face was morphing not fast but his friends knew because it wasn't the first time. As things was beginning to look bad, a voice so Seren and soothing which cause him to withdraw to the back of his mind. Everything faded away, it was just her only her the cure to his madness. It came again resounding in his mind. She sounded worn out but worried. "Alaric, what wrong?" Came the voice that pulled back every of the dark energy that was spiraling about back to the male who owned it. He close his eyes as if savouring the most sweetest thing. The next seconds his lid open and he found Neera on the floor looking scared and about to scurry off for her life.

Cassie_Berry134 · 若者
22 Chs

Am hungry

Isleen woke up the next day to Alaric who sat upright on a chair close to her bed. He was reading through a magazine. He lower the book and look over at her.

"You are up?" he set the magazine aside and brought to her front a mug

"Have this" he said passing her the mug which had content like water.

Isleen eyes shone at the content, her throat felt scratchy after the long nap and she couldn't be more happy downing the cup.

Her brow arch half way through she look at the content in the cup again, Alaric replied her unasked question.

"It lemon water it will help calm your nerves" he explained.

"Quiet effective" mutter setting the cup aside.

"We will be Leaving in the next twenty minutes you should freshen up and join the rest down stairs.

Hesitation was evident in Isleen eyes, the reluctance to join the rest and have their judging gaze on her made her shriek.

"Don't give me that look, no one was having a good time to begin with, I would be happy to leave" Alaric said.

Isleen got up the bed and made her way to the bathroom.

After taking a quick bath she look around for some towel and found none. Panic arose in her eyes.

There was no way she was going out there dripping wet and in the same clothes she was planning on wearing back to camp.

She bump her head on the wall in frustration.

"Stupid stupid, what were you thinking" she was almost screaming.

Her head peek out the door scanning the room and surely Alaric sat there his leg on the other he held in his hand the same cup she had drink from finishing the remaining content. Her brow arch at that but it was the least on her mind.

"Alaric" she called silently hoping he wouldn't hear and step out of the room. But like his nature he caught on the breeze.

His eyes met hers.

She gulp feeling his intense gaze like he could see through the door at her naked form. He tilt his head looking at her.

Mirth played in his eyes and a smirk form on his lips as if enjoying the scenerio before him.

"Are you planning to give me a performance, I wouldn't mind one truly" he said.

"You wish" she replied and a chuckle escape his lips it send delight vibrating through Isleen body wishing he could do that more.

"Could you pass me the towel please" she requested.

Alaric eyes shone in devious delight and he poke at her.

"Sooo...." He drag knowing fully well how much she was getting annoyed with each passing seconds he delay.

He look her up and down like he could see what she was hiding. Isleen almost shrunk at his intrusive eyes.

"Please" she pleaded.

"Not impressed, you would need more than that to convince me" he told her relaxing back.

Isleen patience ran out but not enough to make her walk out naked shamelessly.

"We are delaying the rest" she tried reasoning with his stupid self.

"Am sure they would understand, two people in a room both opposite gender what more could they expec__" he was interrupted by her scream.

"Alaric!!!" She shriek at his unfiltered words.

"Can you have some shame" she said through gritted teeth.

"Sorry to disappoint vampires aren't shameful" he replied standing next to her in a breathe he passed the towel to her.

Isleen glared at him snatching the towel and closing the door shut in his face.

He grin.

Isleen stare at her self through the massive mirror, her skin dried and her hair still wet, she decided to dry off her hair before it dries on it own and stick out like a bird nest.

She comb it through and pack it in a bun.

Isleen step out of the bathroom and Alaric was no where in sight, she sigh and got her things in order before stepping out.

Giovanna walk down the stairs her expression stiff and worry evident on her face, she walk pass Calix who had just grab a little package from the kitchen.

He frown seeing her not acknowledge him.

Giovanna walk further away deep in thought when a canned coke pop up on her view, she paused her head turning to see who it was.

Unlike any other time when she blush upon seeing Calix she didn't give much of an reaction.

"You should have it, you don't want to have a wrinkled face later on" Calix said to her nudging her to accept the coke.

She gave him a small smile and collected the coke which she use to rub her warm palm.

"If you are worried about your friend, she's fine" Calix informed.

A sigh of relieve wash over Giovanna, she has been worried sick about Isleen wondering if her reaction stopped or if she was still at it.

It's sometimes exhausting if Isleen have a vision which hits hard than normal, it triggers some reaction in her.

"We are leaving this place soon would you take a walk with me, just to breathe in fresh air?" Calix asked he has been aching for one since yesterday but things didn't go well.

"Sure I think I need it too, I would love to stretch a little." She replied and they began walking.

"The human world once depend on the supernatural to keep them in order, actually we all live under different rule before the harmonious court was fostered" Calix told Giovanna a story his grand father once shared with him.

"Human, vampires, wolves mermaids and all kinds of creatures lived in chaos fighting the other for dominance, it was a never ending war. The harmonious court came in order creating a balance between both realm."

"My Grandma told me the higher ups are a combination of creatures unknown to us no one knows what they looks like a they have been that way for centuries it like they don't exist and they do at the same time" Giovanna said obviously interested in such topics.

"Hmm human and supernatural realm isn't the only existing one, we have other dimensions that can't be crossed by ordinary creatures like us, crossing it means death and portal simply can't lead you to it" Calix said his brow coming together before smoothening out.

"Then how do one get there, I mean if the higher ups are from there does it mean they are some kind of entities?" Giovanna asked curious.

Calix smiled before shrugging.

"I have no ideas I have never been there" he replied her, Giovanna flushed in embarrassment.

"But I don't care, the less I know the peaceful I am, somethings are best left unknown than figuring out, only the one smart enough will leave things as it is" Calix said.

He turn to Giovanna a smile gracing his plum lips which look rosy like he had an award for keeping them wet by licked it a millionaire times which he have judging by the way his tongue slither out quickly wetting his bottom lips before going back in again.

"You speak so casually to me does it not concern you about my status" Calix ask glancing down at the girl who was barely up to his shoulder.

His slender body lean against a tree as he watch her with knee interest.

"Does your status define who you are?" Giovanna asked tilting her head to the side so she could get a better view of him.

"Not necessary" he replied.

Calix hand reach to his pocket and he brought out a box of cigarettes.

Giovanna look uncomfortably at the box, Calix light the cigar and took a drag from it. He exhale the air causing Giovanna to retch coughing hard.

"You don't fancy smoking do you" he asked .

"Not very much" she said her face squeezing in discomfort.

Calix throw the cigar down and fasten his foot on it quenching the red light burning at the bottom.

"There no more" he said with a smile.

"It bad for your health she said trying to point out her reason for making a face earlier.

Calix laugh his canine peeking out, he's eyes were bloody red as he directed his gaze on her.

"Am very hungry, the humans surrounding the place isn't helping either," he said his nose catching smell of blood as a result of one of the maids being pricked by a rose thorn.

He was pure blooded vampire so he's holding up well, but that doesn't mean he could ignore every situation.

"You deprive me of my little treat and now my fangs are aching badly needing something to suck on, what do you incline I do?" He asked his eyes obviously struggling to focus on her.

"You can try feeding on some animals maybe I can catch you a rabbit to feast on" Giovanna said.

Calix laughed again his laugh hearty and dark all together.

"You really have a way of depleting my mood, how lowly do you think I am to reduce my self to a state of feeding on animals,how silly of you" Calix said licking his fangs in process he drew out blood by doing so and he swallowed.

"Is animal any different?" She asked obviously not getting why he couldn't feed on animal, she feed on them from time to time, it might have a different taste from human it still helps with the craving.

"Very different" he said his eyes shining. Humans are like elixir not all but a good amount of them while animals are cute and innocent they don't deserve such exciting madness our venom would produce them. And the last thing I need is a bunch of them knocking on my door for another bite" he said sarcasm obvious in his tone.

Giovanna almost rolled her eyes at his silly reply.