
Visions of V

I like devil may cry a little too much and that is how this story gets started. (SI-oc)

Johnathan_Banks · アニメ·コミックス
18 Chs

It pours.


Crimson blood covered both me and the surrounding areas as I plunged the cane into the demons chest. 

"Did you get him?" Asked the bird demon lying next to the broken glass cabinet. 

Unsheathing the cane from the demon's chest, another fountain of blood erupted due to it exploding after it's death. I stepped on it's remains as I walked tiredly to the lounge chair on the right side of the room before plopping my ass down and giving a loud *sigh*. 

"Well I guess that answers my question." remarked the bird as the demons remains turned to ashes and scattered. 

"Why did that thing die? Was it due to the cane?" pretending to observe the cane a little bit, waiting for the bird's response, eventually I got one. 

"Wrong.... That's where your wrong, It's simple really if you think about it." The bird spoke, pausing before continuing " Its not that stupid cane, It's you. I'm just a nightmare, I don't have any substance.... even the worst nightmare is just a dream in the end... no matter how much a dream hurts it can't kill anyone.... so it was up to you to deal the finishing blow." 

Event though I already knew all of this it was still quite the informative explanation. 

"So we'll do it like this, I will weaken them just enough for you to kill them in your current state, and then boom the demons are dead smart idea right?" the bird replied in an excited tone. 

"Smart? I'd say pathetic. Forget defeating him I can barely take down a small fry in my current state." i replied cynically. 

"And that's just fine nothing to be sad about if we're both pathetic." The bird spoke as it started melting. 

"Alright the time limit ends here." the birds spoke continuing to melt into a black puddle of demon juice. 

"Why are you melting?" I replied.

"I am completely out of magic power... for realises this time."

"The window shopping ends here, better to run to the register before the sales over, right my indecisive lady?" The bird mocked before completely turning into a black puddle. 

Using an antique jacket to clean the demon blood off me, I looked at the puddle and sighed. 

"..... There is no choice.... I can't have you disappear just yet, you were right, looks like I do need you after all." 

I knelt down towards the black puddle and put my hand into it. As soon as I touched it I felt the liquid crawl u my arm and around my body. It felt odd to say the least, but it was nothing I couldn't handle. The black liquid eventually swirled around me before settling in a half way absorbed position, just enough liquid remaining for the bird to form its mouth. 

"I'll be honest.. I thought you would just be a burden." The bird stated before hesitantly adding. "I'm not gonna call you lady anymore, sorry for that." And with that last note his head vanished and I spoke up

"Good, cause if you had called me that one more time I would have plucked out all your feathers and roasted you like a thanksgiving turkey." 

The black liquid then began swirling around me before it settled into it's final form. A large tattoo that spread across my chest and forearms. The black liquid then slithered to my left arm before taking the shape of the annoying bird. 

"Phew, I thought I was a goner for sure, alrighty! Contract established, looks like me and you are in this together partner!" the bird exclaimed which was the last thing I heard before the system message appeared before my eyes. 

[Congratulations! You have cleared the tutorial trial of the Tower of Fantasy with an rating of SS!]

[This is an achievement that has never been done before... would you like to register your name in the hall of fame?]

[Y or N]

being transported out of the ruined antique shop and into a small room with a bed and desk, similar to the dorm room from persona 3 reload. {Uh partner where are we?} That is a very good question bird brain. Ignoring the bird and focusing on the system panel I decide to select 'N' as I don't want my name to be broadcasted to the whole world. 

[Due to declining acceptance into the hall of fame bonus points will be given as a reward instead] 

Now that was a concept I had heard of. Points were the currency of the tower, enabling those who wished to purchase weapons, items, tools, medicines etc. able to get access to them both through the [system store] as well as through [Trading]. 

[Rewards from the scenario will be distributed now.] 

[1x Royal Cane (Common)]-story

[1x Book of V (Rare)]-story

[1x bocco fruit (Uncommon)] 

[1x Fashionable hat (Common)] 

[1x Shapeshifting potion (Unique)] 

[1x black hoodie (Common)] 

Aww shit was the reward system gacha, if so I am fucked. {Damn right you are V} Fuck off how do you even know my na..Nevermind I'll deal with you in a minute. 

[Stat increase] 

[ Stats ]

[Str: 8 ] D [+2] [10]

[Con: 7 ] D [+0] D [7]

[Agi: 6 ] D [+1] D [7]

[Wis: 5 #%$@(20)@%@#$$] D [+3] D [8 567(23)3432] 

[Unassigned stat points: 0] 

[Tip: the system randomly assigns the first stat points received by a player, starting from now, the player must assign them themselves.] 

I would have liked to that anyway, but thanks I guess. I have learned many things about the [Tower of Fantasy] today. Unfortunately starting in an orphanage with little to no way of gathering knowledge about the tower, I had to scrounge for any piece of information in general. The teachers at my orphanage barely mentioned anything about the tower at all during their lectures, most likely to discourage us from attempting to climb it. It is dangerous after all, if you aren't me that is. Which is why I need to get more information about the tower as soon as possible, knowledge is another form of power after all. 

[Points will be distributed based on clear ranking (SS): 6000 points will be distributed.] 

[Bonus points will be distributed due to refusal of the hall of fame : 1000 points will be distributed.] 

[Tip: say store to browse the system store.]


[Points: 7000]





{Wow this store is gonna be super helpful!} remarked the demon bird sarcastically in my head. Deciding to experiment with the store a little bit, as well as to do some window shopping, I clicked on the [Misc] tab of the shop and noticing a search bar at the top right of the screen I searched for an specific item. 

[1x Shapeshifting potion (Unique)] 

[Description: Grants the user the ability to modify their shape and appearance, depending upon certain factors.] 

[Price: 10,000,000 points] 

Holy fuck.... well, looks like luck was on my side with this one. {You got that right V} Please shut the fuck up before I kill myself. {I haven't even talked that much though?} The system is annoying and you're not making it any better, bird brain.

I had always wanted to enter the [Tower] but never this early. Thanks to my "dearest' family, I had no other choice, and was severely lacking information about things that were most likely common knowledge. Yeah fuck those guys... {On god} Continuing scrolling through the shop and questioning the sanity of my bird, I selected the [Medicine] tab, once again looking at another one of the items I had gotten. 

[1x bocco fruit (Uncommon)] 

[Description: restores energy through consumption, tastes bad though.] 

[Price: 250 points]

Not bad, in fact it could come in handy in a dire situation. Selecting [Weapons/Tools], I searched for the final item I had and was curious about. 

[1x Isildur's bane Item rating (Mythical) (Cursed)] 

[Description: I wouldn't touch that if I were you.] 

[Price: unavailable] 

I see that whoever came up with these descriptions had an interesting sense of humor. They weren't very helpful, that's for sure. But knowing the backstory of the ring, I know that I must not rely on it unless it is a scenario in which there is no other option. The only real reason I looked it up was in order to determine it's worth. But it is....out of stock at the moment, priceless perhaps. 

Snapping me out of my thoughts was a system alert. 

[Notice: You have 23:42:12 remaining until you are forced to take a request, or are forcibly expelled from the tower until ready.] 

I see so they force people to take requests in order to stay inside of the [Tower], unfortunately I had no other option as the moment i was forced out of the tower I would be absolutely cooked. I knew I stood no chance against my father's men, considering they had been watching me at all times, even when I thought I had been undiscoverable, if not for the ring and my sibling's arrogance I would have been caught and dead right after I had left the orphanage. Which is why I couldn't afford to waste my time. Dismissing the system window, it was time for that inevitable conversation with the demon bird. 

{Alright then V, you got some explaining to do.} The bird flew out of my chest and onto the desk right of the bed. 

I sighed. This was going to be a long conversation. 


{What the fuck?}




{I get it now.} 

...30 minutes later.....

"So, that's how I am here now, any questions?" I finished as I stared at the demonic bird's confused "expression" if birds can even have those. 

"I have a shit ton of questions but I'd rather just ask one of them." the bird replied, I nodded motioning him to continue. 

"You need my help right?" the bird stated cheekily. 

"Yes, yes I do." was my response. 

"Great when do we get started climbing this tower thingy, after all, we both need to become stronger if we want top rise to the top!" the bird spoke excitedly, and started flying around the room excitedly. 

I nodded agreeing with the bird, there was a long way to go. I had told the bird a quick recap of my current situation, it caught on quick before deciding to help me on my journey, not that he had much of a choice, as we were contracted. 

"We start preparations right away, but first I gotta get ready." Standing up I took off the stupid looking jacket and put on the black hoodie. I then went over to the mirror to take a look at my current appearance. 

White-hair, green eyes, still looking like a twig, but less so as I looked older than 12 now, due to the character inheritance that I received, I finally felt less like a whiny brat. "You may not feel like one but you still are V, that I can guarantee." 

"Please stop your yapping." I replied as I got ready to exit the room. 


Alright then, time to get started. I grabbed the door handle and a system message appeared in front of me. 

[Please choose your destination.]

[Hall of fame]


[Guild hall]

[Auction house]

[Training grounds. Note: costs 50 points per hour.] 

Selecting [Training grounds] I was transported to a large room with gray walls, a door, and a training dummy. The bird flies out of my arm and glides around the room. 

"We just gotta beat up this old thing? Easy!" it remarked charging up a lighting bolt aimed at the dummy. 

"Calm down and come here for a second." I responded as I lifted up my right arm and the bird flew back and landed on it. 

"What's up?" The bird asked. 

Well I had a plan, not a great one, but it was a plan. 


[1st slot: Isildur's bane Item rating (Mythical) (Cursed)] 

[2nd slot: Book of V item rating (Rare)]

[3rd slot: Royal Cane item rating (Common)]]

[4th slot: 1x bocco fruit item rating (Uncommon)] 

[5th slot: Fashionable hat (Common)] 

[6th slot: Shapeshifting potion (Unique)] 





Removing bot the Royal cane and the Book of V as well as the shapeshifting potion, I set both the cane and the book on the ground next to my feet, while holding the shapeshifting potion with my left hand.

"Alright bird brain come here for a sec."

Motioning to the shapeshifting potion, the bird understood my intention. 

"Nope, no way I refuse to take any drugs from you!" the bird replied as it flew off my right arm. and started flying around the room in a panic. 

"It needs to be done, having the shapeshifting ability would be far more helpful to you than me, I have little to no power after all." I tried to reason with the bird, but it kept flying around. I was getting a little angry, so I spoke in a loud tone. 


Now normally I would take the potion my self, however I knew that was not the correct play here. You see, if my bird could become a bee or a fly, and sneak up to an enemy and perhaps lets say hit them with a big ass lighting strike, it would be very easy for us to tak eout threats with such a strategy, the bird however didn't see it that way. 


"If you don't take the potion I'll kill myself!"

"Dammit... I can't argue with that." 

New strategy acquired!

...Time skip 1 hour.....

This potion was better than I thought. The bird was no longer a bird, but instead a coin! Or a necklace, or a bug! The first hour or so of experiments went well enough. This was truly the greatest decision I have ever made. Or I would of thought that if the damn bird hadn't outsmarted my dumbass and figured out a way to use it in its favor. 

"V come to mommy!~'' The bird had transformed into a *cough* well endowed woman and was chasing me around the room saying disturbing shit like this. This is quite possibly the worst decision I have ever made. 

All this running better get me into better shape. 

"PLEASE STOP CHASING ME!" I screamed as I ran for my life. 

"Never~!'' the crazy bird lady replied in an actually nice voice." 


..........Time skip 30 minutes.......

I sat across from the bird demon in front of me, locked in an eye contest.

"What did we learn?" I asked in an stern voice. 

"Don't be a dick?" the bird replied sarcastically in the same voice. 

I grabbed the cane and jumped at the damn bird prepared to beat the shit out of it.

"You wouldn't hit a girl would you?~" the bird replied once again. 

"Yes yes I would." I replied without hesitating even for a second. Apparently not expecting that answer, the transformed bird failed to dodge the cane. 

"Oh shi..! V Wai.. *SMACK* ow... *sniffle*" the transformed bird now looking at me teary eyed spoke.

"WHy *sniffle* would you do that? Take responsibility!" The transformed bird switching from its tear eyed demeanor, started chasing after me once more, lighting crackling around it. Goddammit this damn bird was going to be the death of me. 

Continuing my running skills that would have made any track star proud I eventually remembered that we were wasting time. Stopping for a second, I spoke up

"Hey bird brai...*Crash*" and immediately got glomped. 

"What were you about to call me?"


"That's what I thought, you can call me Nue." 

What the fuck...? Where was Griffon? Why did I get stuck with this bitc....? *AZap*

"What was that?" the bird demon replied with a scary smile on its face. 

What had happened that made this night mare so different? 

[System note: Familiars gained from Character Progression scenarios are not the same as the ones in the Character Progression scenarios Instead, they are new beings formed with the same knowledge and abilities as the familiars in the scenarios and have the same status as their contractors.] 

Huh? It's almost like the system is a sentient being designed to explain stuff to me. Anyways this information is good to know, does that mean Nue can see status screens as well?

"No shit sherlock, of course I can." replied the demon bird how the fuck does it know what I am thinking? 

"Then do you have one?" I replied. 

"Yes, and I am not an "it" I'm a she." was the bird girl's response. 

I'm gonna fucking shoot myself this trope fucking sucks and now I have to deal with it.

"Can I see it?" I asked

"Sure.... *mumbled* godamn perv.." Replied the bird mumbling the last part under neath her breath. 

What the fuck did I do? It's not like I wanted the demon bird to turn into a woman? All I wanted was an electric fly instead of an electric fly swatter, sometimes things just don't go my way. The bird then spoke. 

"Status." the bird then proceeded to show me her status screen. 

[Familiar linked to climber "V"] 

[Name: Nue]

[ Race: Demon ]

[ Gender: female ]

[ Age: ??? ]

[ Inherited character: A-rank (Griffon)]

[ Stats ]

[Str: 55 ] C

[Con: 250 (100000)] SS

[Agi: 100] B

[Wis: 65] C

[Unassigned stat points: 0] 

Uh... I was confused and apparently it showed on my face. 

"Alright let me explain 'cause you're clearly confused as shit..... I amo not griffon, I am different from that bird bastard.... I simple acted like him for a while before I decided I hated it and became Nue got it?" explained the Bird girl closing her status window. 

Ok I think I finally get it now. So this bitch didn't like the idea of copying Griffon, most likely because he was an annoying little shit, and decided to become different from him do to the privilege granted by the system to familiars. 

"So uh.....do you still want to work with me to climb the tower or not?" I asked still confused on how and why I got into this dumb as hell situation. 

"Yes, yes I do, when you gave me that potion you gave me the choice to change who I was and so I did, if you don't got a problem with that, I meant what I said about helping you climb the tower earlier." Replied the Bird girl staring at me neutrally. 

"Alright then Nue, we better get to training for the request...but first....please get some clothes on." I replied awkwardly. That was the reason I had been running away from her in the first place....it was embarrassing to say the least. 

...................................end of chapter............................