
Visionary - The Blank

This is a rewrite of my previous work with the same name. I will change quite a few things and the Bleach part might not be as long as it was in the other one. Gremmy Thoumeaux will not live as a Shinigami. He is armed with the Essence of the Blank, so he has limitless potential. What he does with that ... well you'll have to see.

Cedric_7512 · アニメ·コミックス
15 Chs

Royal Guard vs. Royal Guard

(3rd Person POV)

"Hm that's quite the view from up here. I guess we better make this quick so that we can enjoy it.", Gremmy says.

"Agreed! If you don't make yourself useful, I will slice you down myself!", Gerard says.


Gerard grabs his sword and rushes towards Senjumaru. She holds her slightly bigger needle and tries to block Gerard's strike. It doesn't work however and she is wounded by him.

"A woman's slender arms ... cannot hope to halt a strike from my blade!", Gerard states.

"Ngh ... Second-class Divine Soldier! Shield of the Soul King! Halt these miscreants!", Senjumaru calls for a giant Divine Soldier that drops from the sky and shields her.


"Well aren't you big!"


"What is it? You look like oyu have something to say.", Senjumaru asks Pernida who was mumbling.

"'So what if he's big?', is what he said.", Lille says.


Lille's 'eyes' shine brightly and suddenly the Divine Soldier begins to be twisted and turned. Every limb and his entire body is slowly crushed into one small ball.

"Just now ... did the thought 'the Royal Palace might actually fall' go through your head? Too late. The losing side in a battle is always slow to understand, and slow to react. From the moment His Majesty entered this place ... the Royal Palace had already fallen.", Lille declares and aims his gun at Senjumaru.




"YOU FOOL!! What kind of idiot leaves a body lying in a place like that?! It's in His Majesties path! Clear it away at once!", Gerard shouts at Lille.

"Well, you heard him. Help me out here ... Gremmy.", Lille says and looks at Gremmy.

"Hm? Sure sure.", Gremmy says and in the next moment the body of Senjumaru and the blood disappears.

"But you know this wasn't-"

"That was over pretty quickly. Is this all Squad Zero have to show?", Gerard interrupts Gremmy.

"Has there ever been anyone who faced us and was not defeated too easily or quickly?", Lille asks.

Lille aims at the four platforms in the sky and shoots them all down, bringing them crashing down and 'clearing' a path for Yhwach.

"And with that ... all obstacles in our path have fallen.", Lille says and kneels in front of Yhwach.

"Ahhh, not quite Lille.", Gremmy remarks and points to the front.

Linen are lifted and reveal a new scene all around them.

"What is this? All around the Royal Palace is ...?! What is happening? Where the hell is this place?!!!"

From behind the drapes, a very much alive Senjumaru appears.

"This place is a false Royal Palace created to welcome your ilk. The true Royal Palace ... is concealed over there by Manako Osho."

Lille tries to shoot Ichibe who is revealed sitting where the true Royal Palace is located but surprisingly his shot is stopped or rather absorbed by the wooden cage that rises and connects at the top, creating a complete cage.


"Yes yes yes yes. I made it in time! It's been quite some time since I arranged a birth confinement of this scale, though ... so it wasn't easy!", Kirio Hikifune says.





"Even multiple attacks to the point are unable to destroy it. And aiming through the gaps causes branches to instantly extend."

"Haha! So much for your all-penetrating 'X-Axis' title, eh? Lille?!"

"Oh, but you're penetrating it all right! To control food is to control life itself, you see! I create my dishes to foster life ... and I create the ingredients from my own body. This tree of life would never let such a delicious morsel go to waste! And even if you penetrate the tree's surface, it will regenerate faster than you can destroy it!", Kirio explains.



Oetsu Nimaiya appears in front of the Sternritter with a Zanpakuto inside some special gel.

"You be lookin' at da no. 1 Zanpakuto cre-ay-tor!! The name's Nimaiya Oh-Etsu! And I ain't lettin' no trash get past me here.", Nimaiya says and takes the Zanpakuto.

"So shut up, buckle down and give it your best shot. 'Cause you're about to taste a real Squad Zero battle."

"Oooohhh, how exciting.", Gremmy says like a little child.

Nimaiya begins to mumble to himself as Gerard flashes towards him and swings his sword powerfully in a horizontal slash. But to his surprise, Nimaiya manages to dodge the attack by tilting his body backwards.

"Nice dodge!"

"Hugs from men are meant to be dodged."

"Is that right?! Then next, I'll have to ..."

"I think you'll find it's my turn.", Nimaiya says and interrupts Gerard.

To everyone's surprise in the Schutzstaffel, the heavy body of Gerard falls to the ground lifeless and a fountain of blood shoots out of his back.

"Booo, that was lame! Give us a longer fight.", Gremmy says disappointed in what he just saw.

"Who the hell d'you think I am? I'm Nimaiya Oh-Etsu! The coolest dude in Squad Zero. And my blades can kill in a single swing."

"Oi, Lille. Shoot him, shoot him. Let's see what he can do.", Gremmy asks Lille and nudges him with his elbow.

"A sword like his, soaked through and through in that jelly-like substance until its blade is so damaged as to become unsteady, cannot possibly cut through Gerard.", Lille says annoyed about Gremmy and aims his gun at Nimaiya.


But surprisingly nothing happens.

"What did you just do?", Lille asks.

"Nothing. I just readied my blade, see? And your perfect-accuracy, never-missing bullet just happened to hit it and slice itself in two."





Nimaiya cuts apart all of Lille's bullets and uses Flash Step to appear in front of Lille.



Lille is cut deeply by Nimaiy and falls to the ground ... dead.

Nimaiya is on a killing spree. Before Pernida can do anything, Nimaiya's sword is impaled into him. Things go far too fast for most people.


Oetsu's sword slashes and cuts Gremmy in two. This is the second time today, that Gremmy was cut in half.

"Oh, man. What was that all about? You didn't split any of the others, so why me?", Gremmy asks.

"But didn't you move towards me, to cut you in half just there?"

"Ah, you noticed that did y-"


Oetsu flashes towards him, cutting off his head.

"This blade, 'Sayafushi' is one of my failures. Its blade is too sharp and its edge too smooth. No matter how much you use it. It'll never chip or scratch and not a single drop of blood will stick to it. Hell, this thing would put professional blade sharpeners out of a job.

But the worst part is I can't make a scabbard that'll hold it. Without a scabbard, it hardly qualifies as a proper sword, so I couldn't send it down to Seireitei. That's why I'm pretty happy you've come all the way up here to the Royal Palace! Thanks to you, I got my chance to use this little fella. I really appreciate it ... Y.H!"


Yhwach takes out his medallion and throws it outside of the wooden cage and then switches places with it. He appears right above Ichibe looking down on him and preparing to move on to the real Soul King Palace.

"Well, what do you know? You have the power to escape the womb, huh? Impressive I must say.", Ichibe comments.

"Gotta hand it to the king, that was definitely dope.", Oetsu says.

"Aren't you going after His Majesty?", Haschwalth asks.

"We should be asking you guys the same question. I know Osho must be up there somewhere, I can smell him from here. Even my hot springs can't wash off that stench.", Tenjirou says.

"He sure does like to talk trash about me when he thinks I'm not around. What are your thoughts on that?", Ichibe asks Yhwach.

"You will let me pass, Hyosube Ichibe."

"Ha. I've warned you many times, and yet you still speak that name so lightly. You've got yourself to blame if you lose your voice.", Ichibe says with a rather menacing voice.

"Not a very kingly king, is he, running away like that? I guess, I'll settle with his successor. Remind me again which one of you is the successor?", Oetsu asks.

Meanwhile Ichibe and Yhwach have started their fight, leaving the two Royal Guards to fight it out amongst themselves. But right now, it looked like the Shinigami were winning easily.

"Okay, I'll wait while you two decide who's gonna go first. Makes no difference to me which one of you it is.", Oetsu says and points his Zanpakuto at Haschwalth and Uryuu.

Haschwalth unsheaths his sword and holds it in a horizontal position.

"You will soon come to regret your good fortune at not having to fight His Majesty.", he says.

After saying this, the woomb begins to crack and the tree branches break in the middle. Kirio Hikifune moves to the top and blows at seeds and having them connect the two halfs of the womb again.

"Ok, my turn.", Tenjirou says and uses his water to attack both Uryuu and Haschwalth. Uryuu moves out of the way and in front of Senjumaru.

"The water's nice and warm. It seems a waste, not to take a quick bath.", she says and attacks Uryuu.

So with Tenjirou fighting Jugram Haschwalth and Senjumaru fighting Uryuu, this leaves Oetsu Nimaiya with nothing to do.

"Damn, my first time on stage in years and my own teammates go ahead and snatch all my opponents away. And Y.H. is all the way up there fighitng Osho, whatever will I do?"


Oetsu looks down and sees a blade pierced into his side with a hand stuck to the blade.

"I'm not done yet. You'll have to do better than that if you want to kill me.", the voice of Gremmy is heard.

"...what's with this guy ...?!", Oetsu starts to feel strange.

Gremmy meanwhile has started to try and put himself back together. His upper body which is missing one hand grabs his head under his arm and then positions itself on the lower body. But he puts the legs in the position where his head should go, making for a very ... strange sight.

"You gangster until some badass like me comes along. Do I look like a joke to you ...?"





"What is going on?"

"Oh, that blade was poisoned. It causes haemolysis which slowly destroys your erythrocytes. But that's not really my ability. You see, my Schrift is 'V' - The Von't Vork. Basically, anything you try just won't work on me. I'm like a slippery fish, you can't touch this."


"What? Wasn't that clear enough?"

"No, what you're saying is stupid. You are clearly lying.", Oetsu says.

"... alright you got me. It's actually not 'The Von't Vork'. Instead, it is 'V' - The Video Game. By using my Schrift, I can turn anything into a game.", Gremmy says with a smile.

"Game? What are-"

"As the one developing the game, I can naturally say what the game is about as well as the rules. Just now, I made the rule 'no sword does damage'. This means that you can still cut me, but it won't do damage. So your fancy sword with the cool blade, won't do any damage. Of course, this goes both ways, as I also can't hurt you with a sword. But that's alright with me."

"Is that so ... then why could I kill the others?"

"I didn't use it before. I'm not their supervisor. They are big boys and hands and can take care of themselves."

"I see, I see ... Well, that's that then. Whatever am I going to do? EH?! TENJIROU!!!", Oetsu shouts and is covered with blood-red liquid.

"Were you watching from inside old YH's shadow? Tenjirou's hot spring water has the power to drain blood and Reiatsu.", Oetsu starts to narrate.

"But that's just the white water.", Tenjirou comments.

"This red water ... replaces that lost blood with brand new blood that's completely different.", Oetsu says and flashes towards Gremmy again.




"Now that I've been reborn, do I look extra cool?"

"NO! Why are you cutting me? I told you it wouldn't do anythi-"

"No, you said cutting you with swords wouldn't do anything. But Tenjirou doesn't have a sword."



The next one will be a cool one.