

What if you just woke up someday things began to change. The Dream that you're having started to become real like what you've read in the books and watch on the movie. Will you do everything to make them safe or you need to sacrifice something to make things better. Right now looking at the tall buildings in front of me start to fall down, while people start panicking and hearing the cries of everyone's, where there's a big impact of earthquake, a strong rain and hearing the strong sound of the thunderstorm because its already happening the Big One.

WhoKnowsWhatYouDid · 若者
8 Chs

Author's Note

Hi, everyone. I would like to apologize in advance for all the errors you're going to stumble along my story. It's not perfect, it's like an error bin, but I promise you, this story wont fail. This story will surely entertain you.... 

Please give it a chance. Show your support if it's not too much to ask by commenting... 

And I do hope you'll love this story..