
Vipers touch (black hearts MC)

All she wanted to do was come home and see her sister. She didn't want to come home and believe the rumors but a early arrival, a brawl and a few sexy bikers later she realized the rumors were true. Now all she had to do was make sure that her sister quit that life just like she quit hers but will it come and bite her in the ass when she falls for one sexy biker.

FaeLover25 · ファンタジー
19 Chs

Chapter Seven


One Week Later

I was going fucking insane, Rosie and everyone else had vanished off the face of the Earth my men could not find them and Jose was no longer in touch with. My sister was the only one working her ass off in trying to find anything she could after she heard that the Don had flown back to Italy. Belle was not with him but it did not mean we could find her either, she never called or came back and after what Emily saw i am sure it was that reason. Beth had left and i made sure she knew she was not fucking welcome in my town or my club, call me petty but i fucking hated that she could of cost me everything. Poison had his own stick up his ass and was constantly fucking around with any club slut he could get his hands on, he was even drinking away every day and night. It was like we were in our own personal hell and no one not even club business could pull us out from it. This is what hell felt like i fucking hated it, i missed her attitude and sass but now it was unbelievable hell. Natasha came running in her hands holding the laptop in her hands, her hair looking like a rats nest from the days she frantically typed away on the laptop trying to find out everything she could about Belle and Don.

"She texted me!"

"Who did?"

"Belle she texted me saying that the Don is holding a party here in California on the beach private event but she wants us to crash it."

"Why the fuck should we crash it?" Poison stated.

"Because if we don't you ass, its the last chance we will get to break her out. After that the Don is going to be taking her back to Italy."

"Taking her back to Italy?"

"She is the one that asked for us to be there that she even texted Jose and told him to bring the rest of her group. Look you asked me to find her bro and i did either tell me yes or no and that's it."

I nodded and stood. "Tell my girl we will be crashing the party Biker style."

Natasha smiled happily and nodded walking away. I looked to Poison and smirked.

"Get your head out your ass poison...i need you to help me with this." Poison sighed and stood up as he tossed the empty beer bottle.

"fine...i will help you get your girl prez. If she is with you then that means she is with us."

"Thanks Brother."

I grinned like a fucking nut, that Don was get the scare of his life and to top it all off he was gonna see that he fucked up taking away what was mine.


I paced in front of the full length mirror, my hands balling the handkerchief in my hand as i waited for Giovanni, my brother. It was weird saying it out loud but all week i followed the perfect example and did as my "Father" told me, sure i did not obey right away to give off the impression that i was not so trusting but in time during the week i made sure that it looked like i followed every single thing. Giovanni was the only one helping me to make sure that i broke out of this place, he was able to secure a laptop for me and that's how i was able to send out the message to both Jose and Reaper, it was hard but it was easy enough that it would not be traced. This week Don was grooming me to be the perfect daughter that he could present to his friends, his rivals, his competition, his enemy's and even his family. I was nothing but perfect in his eyes except for the tattoo, lack of Italian roots and fact that i fell for some common biker. My brother was the one that was more understanding then him and he was the only one willing to help me get out of here before i was taken to Italy where from then on it would of been even more harder for me to escape.

I looked at myself, i wore a long black flowing gown that covered my feet and even the black leather tights i wore underneath along with the 9mm i had holstered on my lower thigh, the shirt was not long but flowed outwards like a tulip so that it swayed at my feet, i traded my heels for ankle boots and styled my hair into a very high ponytail, my hair straightened as it swayed from side to side with every turn of my head, my make up was done something i loathed but here i looked extremely different. My greenish blue eyes looked more bolder as they were framed with a cat eye look and eyeliner, my cheeks flushed with the light blush and my lips had a dark red that reminded me of the color of blood. I looked like a girl again. My chest was covered thankfully in the corset like top that connected with the skirt i wore because this was not a dress but a outfit i put together and altered for my escape, Giovanni walked in wearing a suit and smiled as he tilted his head, taking me in.

"I do not ever think i seen you so dolled up Annabelle."

"I only ever get dressed up for my job Giovanni this all feels foreign to me, does Don want me out there already?"

He nodded his head and gave a slight grunt. "He invited our siblings and some rivals and allies...you know he wants to marry you to one of them?"

"It isn't going to happen. I do not know what Reaper and I are but i know that i want to be with him and only him. Everyone else who thinks that they are a match for me will see they are wrong even the Don."

Giovanni took hold of my hands and looked to me as he lifted my knuckles to his lips and gave them a gentle kiss, his own eyes that i never noticed matched mine looked back at me.

"My father should not be allowed to control your life when he was not your father but a boss. He did wrong in keeping this secret not just from us but from you as well and if the one thing i learned from all of this is that you do not force your children into a life they do not want especially when they were never treated as such.....Come on, before he suspects something."

I nodded and walked with him out of the small room that was adjoined to the restaurant on the pier that the Don had rented out along with this section of the beach to host this black tie event, squaring my shoulders i walked forward holding onto my brothers elbow, his arm in mine as we walked further into the crowd of people, offering small smiles and nods of hello to everyone. My father had wanted me to cover my tattoo hence why he gave me black silk gloves, my ink is a sign of pride and also a story and important chapter in my life i do not cover it at anything unless it involves work but very rarely is that ever needed. So as i walked towards him, I waved with the very hand he so desperately wanted me to cover.

His face still held the smile as he saw me but even a blind man could tell that he was not happy about it at all, did i give a fuck? Not really.

He stood wearing a gray tux, in the middle of the crowd of men as he smiled and opened his arms for me.

"Bambina this is who i wanted to present to all, this here is la mia bellissima figlia." (my beautiful daughter.)

"ciao signoris." (hello gentlemen)

They all muttered there hellos as they smiled, some giving me the once over as i squeezed tightly onto Giovanni's arm, stopping myself from saying something snarky to the old Italian assholes.

"Lets get this over with father i have places to be."\

Giovanni was dying to get away from here hell i spent most of the hour in the room while he was out here mingling with not just my father but the other guests that seemed to fill the entire beach and deck.

"Ladies and gentleman, famiglia and friends i want to thank you all for coming." Don said his voice carrying authority. He had managed to make the entire area quiet so he could be easily heard, Giovanni letting my hand go as he smiled at me and passed me to my father.

"You all have met this beautiful girl here before, i took her in as my daughter well it give me great pleasure to announce that she is and always shall be my daughter. She is my biological daughter and until recently i have decided to make her part of la mia famiglia."

There was a few scattered claps and cheers of

congratulations which all was soon drowned out by the loud noise and fierce rumble of Harley Davidson's a smile broke out on my lips as i heard the noise. Reaper came.


More then half of my club rode out with me, Black Heart MC did not fuck around when it came to the Presidents Old lady and the fucking Don was gonna see that now that i am here. Everybody was wearing dresses and fancy tux's but for some reason my baby girl was the only one that stood out even as i approached with my bike on the cleared off pier.

My men flanked me not just in there bikes but in there trucks two, old riders who couldn't ride anymore but that didn't mean the old fuckers couldn't drive, a few scattered trucks behind the bikes turned on there headlight blinding the guests as they murmured and moved away. Some of my men laughed at the squeals and small screams the woman gave as they made there bikes even louder for effect, fuckers knew how to have fun i will give my boys that. I looked to the guests as i watched the Don followed by a few more assholes in tux's trail behind, some had there hands in there jackets while others looked like they wanted to run for the hills.

What can i say the Black Hearts of California MC was one of the largest biker gangs here in the state and the Don wanted to fuck with me by taking someone that belonged to me. More then half of my men showed up and even a few unexpected guests that being Belles boss and her team mates, all here to pick up the woman who was soon to be my old lady after this. I stood off the bike and from behind me i could hear a few truck doors slam shut, i am sure i already knew who was going to be front and center. Emily appeared at my side along with the older guy known as Anaconda, he was a few feet shorter then me but the asshole was fucking ripped, they should of named his ass bear from how he fucking looked. He wasn't no cuddly bear at the moment though he looked about just as pissed as i was.

"Ronaldo! Reaper, what is the meaning of this?" Don yelled.

"Simple Don. You got my old lady in there now i haven't seen her for a fucking week and a little birdie told me that she would be here. Bring her out."

"Bastardo. The only woman here is my daughter and she is not going with scum like you!"

The men all accelerated there bikes while others just circled around the restaurant yelling and laughing there asses off at the old mans comment.

"That is for her to decide Don. You took someone that does not belong to you blood or not she belongs with me and her friends." Did he really just say she was his daughter? I would worry about that late.

I saw her moving forwards as she stood wearing a gown, she looked out of place but damn did she look beautiful, beside her was a guy that looked nearly identical to her with the same inky black hair and eyes his hand on her waist as he spoke to her and moved forward pushing the men aside. She slithered through them gracefully he eyes focused on me as she gave a small smirk.

"She there she is Don still gonna tell me that my old lady isn't here?"

The don looked like he was about to start shitting out fireballs from his ass he was so angry he grabbed onto Belles arm and pulled her back to his side.

"This is my daughter Reaper she does not belong to some biker gang"

"No." Ronaldo stated as he stepped forward and showed off the giant ink tattoo that was the anaconda head and the rest of the body trailing up his arm and under the shirt he wore.

"See your daughter as you liked to call her is my orphan, my employee, she has no family but a sister who is in this very group and over here with me at the moment. She has been my employee and family since she was brought to my school to train with me and work for me, she paid her debt to you four years ago which means she owes you no ties."

Belle pulled her arm from the Dons hold and nodded. "He is right in the eyes of your law i paid my way out not just the debt my family owed but the one i owed and with interest blood or not i owe nothing to you."

Don glared at me and then looked to Belle. "Your my daughter."

"No i am not. My parents are Esmeralda and Stefano Dragna, your my godfather and always will be but those people there and the bikers you see are my family."

The Don looked to Belle and held the sides of her face as he leaned forward and kissed her head, before nodding. He said something in Italian to her and let her go. She walked towards me and smiled the gown flowing around her before i could reach her though Emily grabbed her and hugged her tightly.

"If you ever play that bloody hero bit again i will shoot you myself you bloody bitch!"

"You know me Cornelius."

She let her go and before i knew it Belle jumped on me her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck, she was grinning from ear to ear like Cheshire cat. "You have no fucking idea how much i missed you Creeper."

I laughed, my hands on her ass. "Best get down baby girl or i might just fuck you in front of your old man."

She blushed and jumped down, looking to her dress she ripped off the skirt and stood in the most sexiest pair of fucking tight as leather pants, her gun on her thigh and my girl was wearing boots not them fucking heels like every other walking princess in the room. Her shoulders were bare and you could see the faint raw pink scab from the gunshot wound and the top of her breasts in the top she wore. She smiled her snake tattoo in full view, walking to the bike i grabbed her jacket.

"Turn around baby girl."

I placed on her leather jacket and grinned as i looked to the patches that i had the other old lady's from the group place on them.

Property of Reaper, Black Hearts MC

"It official baby girl."

She smirked and watched as Ronaldo and Emily went back to the truck there eyes trained on the Don who was staring directly at me, he spoke and narrowed his eyes as i got on my Harley.

"Take care of my girl."

I nodded and watched as Belle climbed onto the back of bike. "I hope you know that before the night is out, i am popping that cherry of yours."

She laughed nervously and placed her hands on my waist.

"In your dreams Creeper."


We had arrived back to the compound, which is there club. Twisters was where they all went for drinking and pool and even to get sec from local woman or club sluts. Explains a lot as to why Rosie had her neck covered in hickeys, nope didn't even want to think why or who or even how Rosie became involved with them. Point was that i was now involved with them and i needed to learn a bit, even if it was happening all so fast the point was that it was happening and part of me all though was afraid was also happy about it in a weird way i didn't expect this, hell i am sure anyone looking at it from the outside didn't expect this but point being it happened and i was going to enjoy every minute of it. I sat at the table with Emily, Jose and Ronaldo all my friends and co-workers the only one who wasn't here was Edward he was the one that was with

Rosie and Julianna some where on a island that i did not want to know about because safe houses and places are just that places where one can stay safe. They were safe and going to stay there for a few weeks till things got settled here in California or until Don and all his men and family left, something i thought was a smart choice to. Reaper was in the basement of this rather large house speaking to the other bikers about what i have no clue but it was business he had to attend to hence why here i am dealing with an angry giant linebacker of a man.

"One fucking rule, we go no where alone. What did you fucking do? Go in fucking alone. Might as well as put a sign on your ass that's says shot me here.. what the fuck were you thinking?"

I exhaled. "Ron-"

"Do not Ron me Bells! Your ass could of fucking ended up hurt or dead or halfway around the fucking world so don't you dare fucking Ron me!"

Yeah he was angry alright and he had every fucking right to be, i was supposed to follow a order but i broke that order and rule. "I am sorry."

"Your the fucking kid in this group aside from Emily since she hasn't fully matured yet but you are fucking smarter then this Viper and know better."

"It was either go or leave a blood bath Ronaldo i choose the better fucking option so don't fucking yell at me when i already have had more then a shitty week to last me a lift time,"

He growled and slammed his fist on the table. "You two girls are gonna give me a fucking heart attack with all the bullshit you bring when it comes to letting in your motherfucking feelings."

"Hey ease up Ronaldo t wont happen again."

"Your damn right it wont happen again because she is gonna take an early fucking vacation."

"what?" i stated as i stood up the anger clear on my face.

"You fucking heard me as did every sorry ass that's works for me here, your off duty starting today until i fucking say other wise Viper. Enjoy your vacation and that fucking biker who raised hell fire for you is probably downstairs making sure thats everyone and this place is prepared for the Dons retribution. Which means that we will be staying the night in the woods and Emily will be staying here with the other bikers, i already spoke to Reaper about this."

I shut up and glared at Ronaldo before sitting down in defeat there was no point in fighting with him because he was right, we all had to keep our eyes open blessing or not.

Reaper walked upstairs from the basement a smirk on his lips, his heavy boots make a thudding noise on the floor, i could actually admire him now and god damn it the fucking creeper made the biker thing rock.

The sides of his sandy blonde hair were shaved, the stop of his hair combed back which looked amazing with the black bandanna he wore on his head. His strong chin had stubble, his chest was bare since he wore no shirt making all those beautiful muscles be on full view, his vest covered in his patches and colors as he walked to me with his black jeans that had a silver chain that clipped onto his belt loops and the other end was clasped behind him since it swayed, his feet were covered in black biker boots and on his fingers he had thick silver rings on his fingers and his height lord have mercy i probably looked like a midget compared to him. He was probably a good 6"1 to my 5"4 yes i am sure i am fucking small. Dios mio, his eyes looked light the lightest green i had ever seen almost like the sea on a sunny day.

"baby girl, come on i need to talk to you." He said motioning for me to follow him, standing i smiled and looked to Emily.

"Your bunking with Poison tonight Emily and you can argue with him if you want but i have my own issues to deal with Belle."

"I did not do anything at all but-"

"shut the fuck up Belle, not here."

Great just fucking great, he grabbed my hand and pulled me up the stairs to what looked like a attic/bedroom. Closing the door behind me i exhaled and moved to stand with my arms crossed here goes round one.