
Vipers touch (black hearts MC)

All she wanted to do was come home and see her sister. She didn't want to come home and believe the rumors but a early arrival, a brawl and a few sexy bikers later she realized the rumors were true. Now all she had to do was make sure that her sister quit that life just like she quit hers but will it come and bite her in the ass when she falls for one sexy biker.

FaeLover25 · ファンタジー
19 Chs

Chapter Five (part one)


After a few hours of sleep and a hour of cold showers i was ready to deal with the day ahead of me, i walked into belles room to only see two bodies in bed, my fucking anger getting to me thinking it was Jose but as i stepped closer i saw it was Emily and Belle in bed. Exhaling quietly i stepped back out slowly seeing that they were still sleeping. I groaned and scratched the back of my head, my hair going all over the place when at the table in my kitchen was Poison, Jose and Rosie.

Rosie's face was bad, her sister had a good few hits on her, her lip was cut and swollen, her left eye had a dark swollen blood clot formed at the top of her eye lid and her nose had a bandage across the bridge of it but what caught my attention was that she was actually dressed normal. Jeans a sweater and no fucking skin showing, even her hair pulled into a ponytail.

"good afternoon, sorry i was just leaving here in a bit."

"Yeah, I am taking her to get her things from Anna's house and since Emily had a very long and opening talk with the Bambina i think you can expect no more trouble."

I glared at Rosie not fully believing what he was saying and tilted my head. "Is that so Rosie?"

Rosie nodded as she looked back at me. "I did not know that my sister did all those things...pay off our debit, took on my fathers debit...she kept all of that part of her life hidden from me the least i can do is go back to nursing school and finish if not for me but her."

I nodded and looked to her as Jose stood. "Vamnos."

Rosie nodded and grabbed her duffel bag as she gave Poison a hug and then a smile to me.

"Your still part of Rosie....i expect to see your ass at the compound for your shift on Friday."

She laughed and nodded as she left with him, my own eyes turning around to look at Poison before i slammed my fist onto the counter top "Explain to me right fucking now why i shouldn't drag your ass outside and fuck you up for bringing her here?"

He sighed and looked to me as he stood. "Because you know i am fucking right that girl is like his fucking daughter and if you think the old asshole is gonna be okay with you dating her then your wrong and your sorry ass knows it Reaper."

"Am i not your fucking president?" i said pulling rank as i gripped him by the front of his vest.

"yes your my prez."

"Then don't ever fucking go behind my back again brother or i will put the bullet in you myself."

I shoved him back after seeing him nod when Emily rounded the corner.

"Since your both done measuring your cocks could one of you give me a ride to get my little sister some clothes since she will be staying here for a few days."

Poison stood up rather fast and looked to her.

"Since we got so close yesterday might as well as go sugar."

"I prefer to be called by my name. Not sweetener."

They left and once the dying of the Harley was gone i turned towards the hallway to see Belle stare at me before quickly going into the bathroom, i smirked as i watched her. We still had to talk about that little kiss and i sure as hell wasn't going to let her get away with it, i walked down the hall and closed my door but quietly made my way into her room as i waited behind the door a smirk on my lips. No way in hell was she gonna ignore me, not when it was my house she was in.


I watched as he closed the door and realized that he was shirtless, the only thing he had on was jeans that rode low to his waist and all though his muscled back was amazing to stare at i realized it was just us in this house and i only had a shirt and panties on. He turned and looked at me, i froze for a moment my eyes taking in his muscled chest and the gorgeous V that dipped into his jeans, on his chest he had a black bleeding realistic tattooed heart his eyes on mine as he smiled which like a coward i was i ran into the bathroom across from me and slammed the door my heart hammering in my chest, my cheeks flushed and face red as i looked into the mirror. After relearning to breathe i winced seeing my face, my left cheek was bruised and my lower lip was more swollen, even the cut looked horrible. I groaned and washed my face and looked myself over seeing that i only had another one of the borrowed t shirts and no pants on.

Looking out the door i saw that his door was closed so i quickly ran into the room i was currently using as i slammed the door shut only to jump as i saw him waiting for me, he smirked and took a step towards me, his green eyes filled with humor.

"Hiding baby girl?"

It wasn't a question but as i starred at him i swallowed pushing away the nerves i was clearly feeling, my voice slightly shaking.

"Shouldn't you be in your own room?"

"After yesterday i just want to be in your room..we have to talk."

He walked towards me and all though i knew he wouldn't hurt me, i couldn't help but take a step backwards, my back hitting the closest door.

"I do not want your sister...I never did yeah the occasional blow job and shit but i have never wanted someone the way i have wanted you...you don't have to fucking believe me Belle but i been wanting you the moment i saw you come down those stairs."

I blushed, he had saw me before i even approached him and my sister that night. I swallowed nervously and looked to him unsure of what to even say, his hand moved into my hair as he gripped onto it and pulled me slightly against his body, his eyes on mine.

"Don't care how fucking long it takes me to prove it or to make you mine but its gonna fucking happen."

His lips were on mine, he kissed me roughly his mouth pressed hard into mine that it caused me to gasp from the slight pain, the slight part of my lips was all it took for him to shove his tongue into my mouth and explore though explore sounded to nice it was more like he wanted to brand me. My hands moved to grip onto his chest, my nails digging lightly into his skin as i pushed closer. I did believe him when he said that there was nothing going on between him and Rosa because Emily was the one that told me before she left and woke me, that Rosa and him had never even once had sex. Confession from my sister after Emily sat down and told her everything but why was i nervous? Right because i had never had sex in my life and here i was with this tall ass biker who probably knew more tricks then the kama sutra.

"I never..." pulling back i looked to him eyes wide, my thighs pressed together to stop the building pressure i felt.

He looked at me confused his eyes then registering as he chuckled and kissed along my neck, his teeth giving a hard bite to the soft spot of my neck causing me not only to moan but to grow wetter.

"That's alright baby girl. I won't fuck you right now but that doesn't mean I'm not going to taste you."

Taste me. i was confused at what he said but soon saw him kneeling down in front of me his hands pushing my legs apart that i slightly froze but let him curious to what he was even doing. His hands pushed at the shirt holding it at my sides, even kneeling he still looked tall his head leaned forward as he kissed at the top of my abdomen in that moment i did not even care about being practically naked in front of him or even the fact that my body was not model skinny. I wanted more kisses and more of his touches, my eyes looked down at him his head in view as i saw him lean forward and kiss my pussy over my panties the feeling causing me to shiver even more, it was driving me crazy.

"So wet baby girl.." he said his voice slightly huskier.

Swallowing i jerked slightly as i felt him rip the lace panties off, my pussy bare to him and the cool air. I sucked on my lower lip ignoring the pain as i felt his tongue lick over me slowly at first, his eyes on mine till he groaned the vibrations causing me to press into him slightly, my hands moving to hold onto his hands at my hips. He drove his tongue into my pussy like a starved man, his tongue flickering and wiggling around, his mouth pressing harder into my pussy as he sucked the sensation causing me to lean my head back as i moaned loudly. My left hand moving into his hair as i gripped onto him tightly pressing my hips forward as i moaned out his name softly.


He growled against my pussy, his right hand moving my right leg over his shoulder exposing me more to him, his hand gripped my thigh as he pressed harder into my pussy, his nose rubbing slightly on my sensitive nub with each hard push of his tongue and face it made me grow wetter. The feeling of pressure was building more intense then anything i had ever felt and i think he knew because he removed his mouth as shoved two fingers into me slowly not deep but deep enough that it helped push on the pressure i was so close, just a little more.

"So fucking beautiful...come for me baby girl."

Breathing heavy i looked to him with hooded eyes my lips parted, his tongue flicked over my clit while he moved his fingers the feeling causing me to suddenly cum all over his mouth and hands a scream leaving my throat as i threw my head back. My body convulsed in his arms, the feeling caused me to hear my heart pounding away in my ears.

"That's it baby girl..." He moved his fingers slowly before he pulled them out and licked the wetness off of them like a cat with cream.

"Just like fucking apples."

He kissed my pussy and smiled as he stood facing me his hands still holding my hips, my eyes looked to the bulge under his jeans it was clear he was extremely excited. I licked my lips and undid his pants my eyes up on him showing him i was nervous but i wanted to see him, to feel him. I freed his cock and watched as he spilled out in between us. He was thick, veiny and long not stupid large but large enough. The head was leaking as my hand wrapped around him barley, my thumb rubbing over the head of him slowing moving the small bead of precum around him. He groaned and looked down at me.

"Grip onto me baby girl...move your hand."

Listening to him i sucked my lower lip and did as he said, my hand holding him firmly as i moved my hand back and forth his eyes closing as he rested his head against mine, his hand that was still wet from my juices came over the head of his cock as he rubbed the wetness on him.


I gripped onto his cock and moved my hand faster, my wetness letting me slide easier on his length my hand moved faster and harder as i watched him, his lips crashed mine as he suddenly spasmed in my hand and came in thick white ropes. I could feel his wetness against my lower stomach and abdomen his breathing heavy as he looked down at me.

"Fuck! That was better then the shower."

I blushed and looked to him as i licked my lips, his eyes were on me as he smiled and kissed my head softly, the moment was ruined as we heard the rumble of the Harley. Pulling his pants up he looked to me and smirked as he walked to his room and came back with another black shirt.


"I been wearing your shirts this whole time?"

"First and only girl who is ever allowed to baby girl."

Blushing i gave him my back and cleaned my hands on the shirt along with my stomach and thighs before tossing it onto the bed and slipping the other one on, it reached my thighs and Reaper growled before running out the room and returning with a pair of black boy shorts clearly they were for men but he tossed them my way. "Put those on baby girl...i don't need anybody else staring at what's mine."

His? I was his? No one had ever talked about me that way it was in a way a nice feeling but a little scary as well, i slipped on the shorts and walked out the room after tossing the shirt in the closest and watched as Poison and Emily walk in with bags.

"Hey mamas, did you sleep good?" Emily asked as she held up a few bags.

"yes...do you need help?"

Before i could walk to her Reaper pushed forward and grabbed onto the bags as he walked them to the kitchen my eyes following him as he gave me a wink while he passed me. Emily was watching me before smirking and looking to me a glint of mischief on her face before she walked away and then turned to me.

"So did you kill the bloody vampire that did that to your neck?"


"Your neck darling, the very apparent bite mark that bloody vampire left you but apparently not me?"

"She means the hickey on your neck." Reaper answered.

"No vampire that was all me."

I blushed and looked away as Poison began putting away the food i went over to help when i realized that he was the one who's windpipe i practically crushed.

"Your okay?"

"Darling you don't know me but i had worse choking then that you little shit."

Reaper laughed and pulled me against his body as he held my waist the movement causing me to squirm uneasily, it wasn't till then that i had noticed Emily had left the room. Her hand shot out quickly from the hallway with my ripped lace blue panties.

"'Oh Bells, i think you dropped your knickers?" she said waving them around.

My eyes widened as I pulled away from Reaper and chased after Emily not giving a damn that the stitches hurt, i was going to beat her once i caught up with her. Fucking Cornelius. To think this was the woman that was raising my sweet little god child.


Emily and Belle were in the room while i was out here with Poison in the kitchen my shirt and vest on, my mind going back to what had happened in the bedroom a smile coming to my lips as i still tasted the apples, my mind more on Belle then what Poison was saying until he sighed and tossed me a beer.

"I never seen your ass so pussy whipped brother."

"Easy brother. Its different that's for sure but it ain't no game Poison that girl...i am not fucking giving her up not after today."

"You keep her then brother, don't let the old man try and rule her life then"

"Amen brother. Are the men aware we have church on Friday at Twisters."

"Yeah Zed and Rex are making sure to inform the men. You bringing the girl?"

"If things keep going the way i want them to? Yes to introduce her as my Old lady."

"Alright brother..."

"What's with you and Emily?"

"Nothing." he said quickly, but hell i knew better when they both left the fucking sexual tension was to much you could choke on that bitch but now looking at him i was stupid. He fucked Emily and now she was treating him like he had a STD something that Poison loved doing with every girl who's pants he got into. Now though it seemed the tables were turned, looking up i saw Belles truck come into my driveway and out of it came Jose, he slammed the door shut as he turned off the engine a look of anger on his face as he walked towards me his lower lip swollen.

"We have a fucking problem Gringo."

Poison stood and looked to me then at the drive thru scanning the area his hand on his gun.

"What's up?"

"Ronaldo our leader is pissed because i left Belle with you, word is that the Don wants her in his suite at the Ritz so that he can introduce her to potential esposos. Husbands. Apparently hes invited a few of the mob bosses here to meet his adopted daughter."

My hands balled into fists at my sides as i shock my head.

"The fuck he is...poison get the men i want Rosie picked up and taken to one of the safe houses, get the men at Twisters for an emergency Church and Jose your helping me move her right fucking now. She is not fucking go to marry no god damn Boss shes done with that life. Everyone here and in your group fucking knows it."

"Pendejo why do you think i am here? I made sure no one was following me the Don already has people at her house waiting for her and i made sure to erase everything about you that was traceable. Just get her and i will get Emily...my sister is going to live her life the way she wants we been taking orders for a long time but the moment mi hermana joined us she stopped being part of the Mafia."

I nodded and walked inside and looked to Belle who was standing in the living room her eyes on me as she smiled brightly she was dressed in a pair of jeans, a blue tank top and the leather jacket she had left behind at the club which i had brought after two club sluts wanted to fight over it. She looked fucking gorgeous but dangerous once the smile left her lips.

"I heard what is going on. I know the Don if he sees me as a daughter that he can marry off then i have to go and face him myself. Jose knows this and so does Emily."

"The hell you are baby girl. Your not gonna go see that fucking geezer. He wants to marry you off like if he controls your life and i am not letting that fucking happen."

"This is my life Reaper. I face my problems alone i don't drag in other people. My life is my own and not you or any other fucking man has a say in it."

"Belle i had a say in it the moment i fucking kissed you! Your not fucking going and that's it i don't care if i have to carry your ass and tie you up, your not fucking going and that's it."

"The gringo has a point. Don sees you even if you tell him no he is gonna use us or your sister as leverage now us we can handle ourselves but what about your sister or Emily's daughter?"

Emily stiffened as she narrowed her eyes who knew the crazy one had a kid but judging how she paled she nodded at Belle who looked to her.

"How much time do you need to get everyone safe?"\

"At least three days Belle, once we get the girls far away and moved somewhere safe we will go and handle the Don but for now you need to hide."

Belle looked to me, my arms crossed over my chest as i nodded.

"Fine, damn it" She stated and walked to the room.

I looked to Jose and nodded.

"Emily you look like Belle so you will be the decoy with me once we hit the highway they will follow after us it will give them a chance to get away on the bike."

Emily nodded and pulled out her cellphone "I will call Edward and tell him to get Julianna to the safe house on main." with that she left and began talking to fast.

"This better fucking work."

"Trust me it will if it dose not well you wont be going unarmed."

I nodded and looked to Belle as she walked towards me with her hair tied on top of her head in a high ponytail, her eyes on mine and the smile she had was gone. She looked to me and tilted her head.

"Never seen a woman before Creeper."

I laughed at the nickname and moved towards her as i pulled her into a hug.

"Laugh it up baby girl by the end of this week your gonna be screaming my name."

She blushed and looked away as she swallowed nervously, badass little assassin was still a virgin how the fuck does that even happen? Hell at least it reassured me knowing i would be the only one she would ever sleep with.