
Vincent's Survival

Having just been reincarnated, Vincent was almost torn to shreds by a werewolf. After surviving this, he vowed to kill all supernatural creatures in existence and ensure mankind is safe.

Mys_Terio · テレビ
3 Chs

Familiar Town

Changing the plates of the car was easy. Using my telekinesis, I had taken three plates from some cars I found parked in a camping site, removed the ones on the car and screwed on a pair. Now, as long as I didn't break any traffic violations, I was clear for almost a month. But, a month was all I needed.

What I wanted to do was get to California Los Angeles and from there, get all the weapons I needed and more. From there, I'ld be living incognito, probably a place far far away from anything in existence. I hear the North Pole was nice this time of the year.

It was two days since I robbed the police station and just I guessed, I was famous. Though, the drawing they had of me was off, my car was getting some looks. Seems I had to ditch it earlier than planned. I pulled over in a desolate gas station and started filling my car. As luck would have it, a slightly older model patrol car cruised in too and parked behind me in waiting.

I saw one of them eye my car suspiciously then started talking to his partner. I would have eavesdropped but, I just knew what would happen. Scanning the car, I was relieved they didn't have a dashcam and they weren't wearing a bodycam too, my lucky day. They both got out of their cruiser and walked towards me.

"Is there a problem officers?" I asked them with a disarming smile.

"Your car fits a description. If you wouldn't mind, give us your license and registration, please," one of them said as his partner cut off my escape root, thumbs on his belt just slightly off his gun holster.

"You don't have the car's registration?" I asked, acting angry as any macho man would. I was big and buff, no way I would start acting like a pussy if I was innocent.

"Sir, we are just doing a routine check," the same officer continued, looking alert. His partner now had his hand on his holster.

I knew something was off. I shrugged before reaching to my back pocket as slowly as possible as I analysed the situation. The gas station attendant was in the store, listening to music in his phone while doing some crossword puzzles. So, I had to make sure none of these two fired their guns. When I took off my stolen wallet, I activated the rooster talisman, making all of them seize up. Their eyes widened in shock and fear.

"Well, this is a pickle," I said to them while I moved the second cop right next to his partner. "I didn't think I would be killing anyone this soon." Their eyes shook in terror when I said this.

I went to their cruiser's trunk and tore it off. In there were two shotguns, a box full of ammo, a bag filled with emergency medical supply and other miscellaneous items. I took the shot gun and ammo, put it all in my car's trunk before moving the officers back into their car.

I didn't need to question them why they needed to check me up because it would all be irrelevant soon. I locked the car's door while removing their gun's magazine before releasing them from my hold. Releasing a small grunt, I lifted the entire car, freaking the two cops up, upto twenty feet in the air before releasing another grunt and started crushing it.

The cops tried to break the windows and get themselves out but I was reinforcing them telekinetically, making it impossible. The car started collapsing into itself slowly by slowly until with a last creak, it was but a ball of mangled metal. I let out a small hitch in breath as that task was done then with a mental tug, the ball was sent flying into the distance.

"That was tiring. Seems I need to do more mental exercises," I huffed.

My directives had changed, seems like I will be killing more people before arriving in Los Angeles and I wanted to avoid that. I needed to ditch this car...no, I needed to switch up my mode of transportation. Travelling by road was not an option, too much cops along the way. What I needed was a plane or a boat and thanks to Slade Wilson's abilities, I knew how to expertly operate both. I just needed some directions so I walked into the store, the bell making the attendant look up from his puzzle.

"Hi, I was wondering whether there might be an airstrip nearby or maybe a farm with a plane?" I asked him with my trademark smile.

"Uhm, don't know. But there's a town fifty miles to the east called Mystic Falls, you might try your luck there," he said, disinterestedly. I nodded before giving him a ten dollar note. When he clasped it, I got hold of his hand as my smile slipped.

"Anyone asks, I wasn't here, got it?" He nodded like his life depended on it. I let him go and got back to my car.

I knew a Mystic Falls, only it was in fiction. Mystic Falls was the town the Vampire Diaries show is focused on, a supernatural town where the main cast and most of their villains live. But, it is probably the best place for his start over, a place where he could take roots and operate from.

Furthermore, it was quite a while before the main plot starts, by the time Stefan and his brother start bringing a shit storm to the town, I will have settled down and organized myself, planning ahead.

"This is good," I told myself as I fired the engine, a small smile on my face. "This is very good."