

Betrayal runs unrelenting in her vein, just like her master wanted to rule heaven, taking power over his own creator, she device a similar plan, but his time, Angel Maria had no interest in conquering heaven, rather she wished to dominate earth.

She had spoken of the Vampires and werewolves as blood sucking demon, when in reality, she is beyond that.

Blinded by her thirst of destruction on earthlings and power, Angel Maria prey on the weak, meek. She is the one to be feared, not the Witches, cause with the CIELO sword in her hand, she would be invisible, undefeated and the strongest earthling. Nobody except her knows the full potential and power of that sword.

Her wings were widely spread, as she flew up high, she had her gaze fixed on pinnacle of the castle, if only it had been that easy to just kidnap the girl out of the castle without the notice of her mate, oh how happy Angel Maria would be right now.