
Viltrumite In My Wife Is A Beautiful CEO

Let's See What A Viltrumite Will Do In A World Full Of Excitement And Danger.

KingSeyer · 書籍·文学
19 Chs

Trouble - One

A day has passed since our shopping spree, currently we are in a tech shop around the Hollywood sign looking for a camera to buy since Sahada was adamant that we need to take pictures at top-rated locations.

After asking the assistant of the shop for a suitable camera, we ended up buying a Nikon 35Ti. We left the store and after a few minutes of walking and climbing we reached a suitable location on the mountain for taking pictures.

In my past life I wasn't a fan of taking pictures so despite her feeble attempt of convincing me I didn't relent and so I took pictures of her instead. After a while we left there took a cab to the Hollywood walk of fame.

We walked on it like those around us and we attracted a little bit of attention due to our high-end clothing and my rare eyes, people were just complementing us and some guys even tried to hit on her.

It was very funny to watch since most of the guys looked like they ate lemons after being rejected. The whole experience was very funny but it got pretty annoying since she had a smug expression on her face.

We spent the whole afternoon going to tourist attractions like Universal Studios, The Musuem, etc. We had lunch in a luxurious restaurant and after that I decided to go to an arcade in the Boulevard to play some retro games.

She wasn't really keen on playing so I approached a "Crazy Taxi" arcade machine which I was surprised to see as I didn't think I would see it in this universe.

I knew this universe was similar to my previous universe but it still shocked me to see that legends such as Pac-Man, Tekken and Street Fighter were present here.

I started playing for while and due to my experience as an avid gamer in my past life I started breaking high scores which gathered attention and thus made a crowd gather around my cabinet.

"Damn! he just broke TrollWarrior's high score"

" Who is this kid? He's got some mad skills but he wont be able to b---- , Fuck he just broke MadTiger's score!!!"

" I think we are seeing the rise of a legend folks!!"

Ignoring the sounds that fed my ego I concentrated fully on the game but not before I saw Sahada giving me a smile and leaving the place probably going the washroom or something.

Right now I have a mission to beat the high score of every single game in this arcade. So I ddnt think much of why she was going out, not knowing something bad was about to happen.




[ Sahada's Pov]

Leaving the arcade and walking around , I couldn't resist smiling when I saw how much fun he was having playing around as kids his age should be.

He is supposed to be our leader and possibly even our God but he is a child and even though he doesnt behave like one its good he knows when to let loose.

I broke out of my thoughts when I sensed someone tailing me, when I turned to look at the person I noticed a caucasian man in dark clothing crossing the street with his attention on me.

I don't know if he is a newbie or not because even an amateur will notice him since he ddnt conceal his bloodlust.

Since he is targeting me it means he probably wants to either eliminate me before going after Arslan or kidnap me to use me as a bargaining chip.

My bet is on the latter reason since to them I'm weak and they have no chance of defeating him.

I left the arcade area and went to a secluded alley a few blocks away, then I waited for him to show up. After a few minutes he arrived and started walking slowly towards me.

"Who sent you?" I asked, taking a fighting stance.

He didn't reply and continued drawing closer to me. I could see his face clearly now, and he didn't look any different from the average American apart from his cold eyes and expressionless face.

I noticed the temperature in the alley was lowering very fast and this made me draw my daggers hidden in my shadow. He is probably a mutant with a Freezing Ability so I can't take any chances.

I waited till he was about 10 meters from me and manipulated my shadow to form tentacles which I made to wrap around his ankles, rendering him immobile.

" Tell me who you are, and who sent you if you want to leave here alive." I threatened.

He ignored me and tried to move which was useless since I was increasing the force around his ankles.

When he saw his attempt was useless he looked me in the eye,inhaled strongly and blew a Freezing cold air at me.

I dodged his attack by flipping backwards but his frost breath had succeeded in making the entire alley foggy and cold. I couldn't see where he was or my surroundings for that matter and I could feel my control over him being destroyed.

I felt danger the next second and tilted my head, narrowly dodging a stake of ice that would've pierced my head.

I immediately manipulated my shadow into hundreds of tendrils and spread them around the alley, I got his position in seconds and it turns out he was still in his previous position which means he is a long ranged fighter.

I tightened the grip on my daggers and coated my feet with my shadow making them stronger and jumped towards his position. I instantly arrived above him, catching him by surprise and swung my daggers towards his throat.

He blocked the attack with his left hand which he coated with ice in seconds but the attack broke the ice and cut his wrist making blood gush out.

' AHHHH!!!'

He exclaimed in pain and moved backwards, creating a distance between as with a vengeful look on his face.

" It seems I shouldnt have underestimated you. I'm going to use my full power now, dont die early" He said as he stretched his right hand towards me with his wound now frozen but his arm limp by his side.

I could feel the already low temperature getting even colder with the ice fog around me turning into tens of extremely sharp ice shards.

I knew if I don't go all out at this moment I will die before I even blink. I could see him looking into my eyes with a grin on his face thinking he had me cornered thus purposely delaying his attack.

I will make him regret this, I didn't want to use this technique as after I use it all my energy would be depleted thus making me defenseless but I have no choice right now, its do or die at this point.

I took a deep breathe and focused on the technique. You could see my shadow shrinking instantly,forming a circular ring around me.

" It seems you wont give up, I have orders to catch you alive but i guess you will be missing a limb or two when I'm done with you" He said calmly as if my resistance is futile.

He then lowered his hand,sending the shards towards me with high speed. But before they could touch me I disappeared into my shadow.


I couldnt hear or see anything while using this technique but I could sense his position. I immediately moved towards his position with inhumane speeds and arrived in front of him.

I got out of my shadow in front of him and kicked his balls with all my strength.

" AARHH!!"

He screamed in agony as he kneeled on the floor in front of me with his hands on his destroyed jewels. I held one of my daggers in a reverse grip and put it on his neck drawing blood as a result.

" I'm gonna count to three, if you dont tell me who sent you I will give you a first class ticket to hell" I threatened coldly.

" Fuck you bitch!! I will make sure you experience worse!!" He exclaimed in anger with tears and snot on his face painting a disgusting picture.

I ignored him and started counting down.

" One.. Two... Thr.."

Before I even finished, a large concussive force hit me which sent my body flying.

I was on the ground the next moment bleeding from my facial orifices.

I was also feeling extremely dizzy but I could vaguely make out a female figure heading towards the man. I couldnt see her face but judging by her clothing she must be with him.

" You told me you can handle her, but look at you, pathetic." She ridiculed with a voice laced with disgust.

I couldnt even hear their conversation anymore but I could vaguely see the man trying to retort but got slapped in the end.

In my last moments I could see her heading towards me with a grin of her face. When she arrived in front of me, she looked at my face and said:

" You fought well, maybe after we are done with Kryllon I can make good use of you" She said while licking her lips.

And that was last thing I heard before I fainted.




The End.

Hey guys it's me again, please leave a comment or review. It really helps to motivate me.

Thank You.

KingSeyercreators' thoughts