
The Return pt 3

Sentry was dumbfounded by the question. Speed of light? No one is that fast except possibly Quick Silver but even then he doesnt have the force to move him.

"What the hell are you on ab-"

Interrupting his speech Damien slowly raised his leg as his eyes flashed pink and before anyone could breathe Damien was in front of Sentry slamming his leg deep into his chest. Shocker by the sudden force Sentry had no time to defend as his lungs were kicked in.

He went flying through the air, unable to stop his velocity when all of a sudden he felt something smash into his face burying him deep into the ground.

Damien stood on the edge of the crater and nonchalantly addressed him, "Is that all you have Robert? I rushed back from the dead for you. The least you could do is entertain me a bit."

The ground started shaking causing a mini earthquake to terrorize the city. Damien looked over his shoulder at the women recovering inside the dome, "You four have done enough. Go home and rest, I'll handle the rest."

He didn't give them a chance to refute and instantly teleported them back to Viltrum. He looked back at the crater to see a golden hand emerge as Sentry pulled himself up.

The two men looked at each other as their muscles tensed. They knew that only one could walk away from this clash so neither pulled their punches. Golden and Pink auras clashed against each other forming giant wind pressures scaring everyone who have yet to make it to a Shield evacuation center.

The two titans were live in their fight. Broadcasted to the rest of the world. Everyone knew Sentry, the strongest man on the planet. They feared him but looking at the unknown man facing him off, the world was silent anticipating the outcome which would determine their lives.

The two men pushed off the ground at speeds too fast to capture. Clashing back and forth exchanging blow for blow the two quickly reduced the entire city block to rubble and debris.

"I'LL RIP OUT YOUR SPINE AND USE IT AS A BELT DAMIEN" Sentry yelled charging an energy beam and launching it at Damien. The beam surrounded him as it ripped through the city leaving a trail of molten cement lining the city streets.

"You know Robert its quite sad," Damien explained calmly walking out of the beam before landing a punch in his stomach easily pushing his ribs into his intenstines. He held his shoulders as he dug his fist in and spoke "You had all that power, but wasted it being Essex's attack dog."

"HAHAHA so what if im a dog?" Robert choked out "At least im a dog who's aware he's on a leash. You thought yourself free? He already planned on you escaping, he planned on you gathering others. Youve been played like a bitch and you dare have the nerve to pity me?"

Sentry pushed his energy to the max and coated it with his aura before counter attacking and aiming to land a killing blow to Damien. The punch landed on his face as the force sent cracks through the ground as Damien stood there unfazed.

"Pathetic, do it more...." Damien started as his arm became coated in a pink energy "LIKE...THIS."

Damien rushed him sending an uppercut into his chin but grabbed his leg before he went flying. He slammed him into the ground several times and left him there the last time. He walked over and put his foot on his back.

Watching the golden glow start healing him Damien got annoyed and his eyes glowed. He covered Robert in his own aura as the golden glow tried to penetrate and make its way to Robert futilely.

"What did you just do....you monster. What are you?" Robert said with fear in his eyes. He's never been this badly hurt and considering his energy wasnt responding to him for the first time in his life he was afraid of death.

"Me? Im just like what you said. Im a monster." Damien said as he pressed down with his leg causing Sentry to yell out, "Now now no more screaming. Its unbecoming of a man as powerful as you."

Sentry bit his tongue as he racked his brain trying to figure out a solution, when all of a sudden.


Damien looked up to see 20 sentinel robots flying above them.

"Hahahaha, look at you now? What next Damien? These things were all made specifically to deal with you. Not even you could break them" Sentry said with a maniacal laugh.

Damien let his eyes gaze over the robots before saying "Oh please," he created a few magical spikes and sent them into Sentry's limbs. Ignoring the screaming man child Damien took off until he was floating face to face with the sentinels.

"Hey Essex, i got to thank you. If you didn't send Robert after me who knows if i would've learned this nifty trick. Anyways hear my words....Before you had my attention. Now you have my anger. I missed my kids birth because of you. So every single clone, every disposable pawn, every corner of yours, will fall by my hands. Start counting Nathaniel. Your days are numbered."

After finishing his speech he clapped his hands as a pink aura surrounded all of the sentinels and started crushing them slowly. He turned around and flew back to Sentry who was struggling to pull the spikes out.

"Robert Robert Robert." Damien spoke slowly walking towards the downed man as the sentinels fell from the sky. Sentry started screaming but with none of his golden energy he was just a normal meta human.

"You just had to go and ruin all that work i put in to this planet. Look around, all this destruction, all the rubble. For what? To cause me to have a headache? I didnt even have a chance to hold my cute daughters yet, so as you can see im pretty angry."

Damien squatted down as he patted Robert's cheek with the same hand used to break almost all of his bones. "I do believe we were in reversed positions last time we met, but still something is off? What was it....."

Damien 'pondered' for a second before saying "Oh wait now i remember" grabbing Sentrys arms and placing a foot on the panicking man Damien slowly pulled upwards as the muscle and tendons in Sentry's arms slowly stretched and ripped.

Ignoring the pain filled cries of the man Damien gave one final jerk and pulled his arms off. "Oh wait? Was it one arm or both? Eh, it doesn't matter anyways"

Damien brought his face close to Robert. Anger and Fear met in the gazes of the two super humans.

"Do it." Sentry said filled with fear and determination "kill me."

Damien just looked at him and said nothing as he got up. He walked away a few steps and looked back at Sentry and said "I don't like fighting people who lost their wills to survive."

Damien dispelled the spikes as Sentry bled out on the ground happy to be alive as his healing started kicking in. He was overjoyed, sure he needed new arms but at least now he can

"But ill make an exception for you," hearing Damien's voice, Sentry gazed up only to see a fist flying towards him. The hand met his face but didnt stop as Damien pushed through his skull.

The world went silent. The execution of the man no one knew how to handle, seemed to stall the world itself.

Damien looked at the nearest camera and just smirked before saying "Tic toc Nathaniel" he grabbed the body and took off into space.

The world was scared and relieved, Sentry was dead.