
Villains Are My Sponsors!

*** [ is pleased with your ruthlessness!!] [ grants you his Mangekyo Sharingan !!] --- [ is smiling because of your intelligence!] [ grants you his Immense Strength!!] --- [ is grining as he is watching you manipulating others!] [ grants you his Conqueror Haki!!] --- [ is impressed with your resolution of World Domination!] [ lends you his Blood Vein Ring!] --- And so, the story of the World most powerful Villain start! First world: Overlord! (Mc won't join Nazarick just so you know, he will be in the New Worlds from the start) Second world: Solo Leveling (for one vol) It may be a multiverse story, but that will later be decided on how this story progresses. --- Read my Review, for more details of the story. Thank u

Dark_Crown98 · アニメ·コミックス
71 Chs

Chapter 36: The End!

Sup guys! Crown here! I actually want to say something!

The End!

This is the last chapter of vol 2! from next chap vol 3 will start!

Thanks for your support upto now!


Soon, Viscount Zesch announced the ending of the Execution.

*Plop! Plop! Plop!

Crimson droplets of blood fell on to the floor, Alard gently raising up his hand, he brought his hand near his eyes, wiping his wet eyes. His fingers soaked red with the blood that bleeded out from his eye.

"Brat! What happened! Why is your eyes bleeding!" when Fluder shouted as he saw Alard eyes bleeding blood.

"I.. I am fine." Alard said unconsciously, his heart still in the grievance of loosing his parents. He was all alone again, the memories of his 10 year with his dad and mother flashbacked inside his mind.

The fun he had with his mom, the training with his father. The sweet and gentle calling of his mother, the strict yet caring instructions of his father. The laughter's he shared with his parents, the warmth he never felt in his entire life. The cuddles, pat's of his mother, the hugs and dotting from his dad.

He remembered all the care he was showered with his parents in this past Ten years!

And, it also was the reason they had to die today! Why did they they had to let Alard feel the warmth when he already was used to the cold solitude!

Why do they have to show Alard the feeling of care, when he forever knew only to kill or die.

'Please forgive me, Mother... Father.' Alard apologized, when he finally realized he was gone too deep into his thoughts.

When, turning to his right. Alard saw Fluder, who was looking at him in confusion.

"Hey brat! what happened to your pupils? It's shape has changed?" asked Fluder curiously, when for a second he had caught an glimpse of Alard Mangekyō Sharingan.

"I also don't know, I think my talent had mutated for some reason." Alard replied, while Fluder was about ask more. When the door to there room opened, revealing the majestic figure of Emperor Robin Rūn Fārōdo Eru Nikusu.

While behind him, followed the Empress. She was a beautiful women with curly sparkling blond hair, she was wearing a long gown, while she had a bountiful bust.

Following to her side, was the Crown Prince Nobody.

"Alard, Are you okay? I am sorry. But I had to fulfill my duty as the Emperor of this Empire and punish the law offenders." Emperor said with an apologetic tone. While, Empress behind him just gave a slight bow to Fluder as a greeting.

"No.. Your Majesty, You don't have to apologize. It was my parents who had taught me, the offender's should always be punished according to the crime they have committed. Raising a revolt against the Empire and getting punished for it, they must had died happily." Alard said with alittle forced smile.

"Brat! I think you need to take a rest. Maids lead him to the carriage and escort him to my mansion in First District." when Fluder spoke, when two maids in there middle 30's came inside the room. Bowing down, they waited for Alard to come with them.

"Thank you, Teacher. I really do need rest. You Majesty, you don't have to apologize to me." Alard said, before giving his farewells to Fluder, Emperor, Empress and Crown Prince who looked at Alard with a hidden disdain.


After around 5 hours, Alard carriage stopped near the yard of a gigantic and luxurious Mansion that outshined all its neighbouring mansions in the First District of the Capital.

"Young Lord, Lord Fluder hasn't used this Mansion for almost 6-7 years. So, It may be a little dusty, with all due respect please adjust for today. Tomorrow the mansion should be perfectly cleaned." a maid said respectfully, while Alard nodded in agreement.

Soon, walking inside the mansion. The maids escorted Alard to the master room.

"Please summon us if you need anything, Young Lord." the maids bowed, before leaving the room.

While looking at the back of the retreating maids, Alard suddenly thought of Nakia the masochist elven maid of his.

'I wonder where she is, when I asked Fluder if they find any elven maid while raiding my home. He said, there wasn't any elven maid there.' Alard muttered to himself, but didn't think to much about it.

'Though sad, I still am still glad that I atleast have unlocked my Mangekyō Sharingan through this incident.' happy about it, Alard soon opened his system.

[Congratulation Player! Your Left Sharingan (Third-stage) is awaking to Left Mangekyō Sharingan!]

[Congratulation Player! Your Right Sharingan (Third-stage) is awaking to Right Mangekyō Sharingan!]

[Does Host want to unlock the ability of your Left and Right Mangekyō Sharingan?]

'Yes please.'

[Left Mangekyō Sharingan ability ‹Tsukuyomi› obtained!]

[‹Tsukuyomi›: Tsukuyomi is a Mangekyō Sharingan dōjutsu and one of the most powerful genjutsu in existence. Said to represent the "Spiritual World and Darkness.]

Nodding my head in approval of this ability, I opened my Right Mangekyō Sharingan ability.

[Right Mangekyō Sharingan ability ‹Daikoku› obtained!]

[‹Daikokul›: Daikoku is a Mangekyō Sharingan and one of the most powerful space-time ninjustsu. It is unique Mangekyō Sharingan ability only you have obtained.]

'Ability to control time?! That is an really useful skill for me! but first I have to find a way to use my Mangekyō Sharingan. If I ever use my Mangekyō Sharingan ability, the curse will activate making me blind. I don't wan—wait!' suddenly realising something, Alard thought about it for awhile.

'I will confirm it later, if it will really work or not.' he quickly thought. While, he soon got inside the bed in the master room. It was a huge king-sized bouncy bed.

Soon, Covering himself in the quilt. Alard fell asleep, he was mentally too exhausted. He wanted to have a good rest to calm his mind down.


*Thud! Thud!

"Young Lord, Lord Fluder has arrived. He wants to see you in hall room." a loud bang to door echoed the room, making Alard who was asleep to wake up.

Alard ruffling his hair by his hand, he three his quilt. While, getting up from his bed.

He walked toward the door. Where he saw the same maid from yesterday.

"Lead the way." Alard said, while because he had slept with his clothes on. He didn't have any need to wear dress.

Soon, Leading Alard to main hall room. Alard saw same old Fluder sitting on the couch, he had his magic staff in his hand.

"So, how was your rest? Are you any better now?" Fluder asked, while playing with his beard.

"Yes, I am much better then yesterday." Alard simply replied, taking his sit to a couch infront of Fluder.

"Good good, Then I am here today to take you to court. Today is one of your most important day in life." Fluder said mysteriously.

"What is it? Is it about getting attending the Academy? What is so great about that." I asked Fluder, while he laughed.

"Fuhahaha! Brat! It isn't about that. Since your House Auguste has been removed from the Empire. Today, you need to choose a new family name for you, by yourself."

"Wha—What! Choose a new family name? Can't I choose it later?" I asked to Fluder.

"It is your choice brat! You can either decide it today, or after five year. When you will receive your noble rank." Fluder said, while I agreed on the latter. I don't have time to think about my family name for now.

"Then brat, You won't need to attend the Imperial Court today."

"Oh! Also I have already prepared the registration form of Imperial Magic Academy for you. Here fill it and give it to me." Fluder said, handing him a form.

"Sure, Teacher. I shall fill it."

"Fuhahaha! Sure brat! You can live in this mansion as much as you want. I don't use it anyway." Fluder said, before leaving the hall room.

'Sigh! I need to overcome my emotions and train more, using the status of direct student of Fluder. I can skip those useless lectures of the Academy giving me more time to train, and also there is this.' Alard opening his inventory, looked at the item infront oh him.

[‹Racial Change Card› (Divine)]

[Does Host want to use the item ‹Racial Change Card›]

"Yes." Alard said, while a bright light illuminated the entire hall room.



[Name: Alard von Auguste]

[Title: Death Prince, ]

[Class: 4th-Tier Spell Caster, Shadow Swordsmen (mid-level), Paladin: Holy Death, ]

[Sub-Class: Shinobi (Jonin).]

[Talent: Magic Talent, Five Elements Control, All-Seeing Eye ( more Talent are accessible)]

[Race: Human]

[Affinity: Darkness, Transmutation (can gain more)]

[Special Power: Mangekyō Sharingan, ]

[Age: 10]

[Attack: 440 ↑30 (damage he can give with his normal attack)

[Magic Attack: 600 ↑20(damage his normal spell can give)]

[Defense: 80 ↑2/ average 10]

[Mana: 170 ↑1/ average 10]

[Ki: 900]

[Chakra: 320 ↑10 (Jonin-level chakra)]

[Health: 4550 ↑50/4500]

[Strength: 100 ↑2/ average 10]

[Agility: 100 ↑8/ average 10]

[Intelligent: 50 ↑2/ average 10]

-Equipment: [Cotten Tunic (rare)] [Pant(low-class)][Invisible Mithril Armour (middle-class)] [Excalibur (Divine)]

-Inventory: [Steel Sword(rare)] [Steel Dagger (rare)] [Necklace of Fire God (low-class)] [Message Scroll x20 (rare)] [Teleportation Scroll x5 (low-class)] [Healing Potion x100 (rare)] [Invisible Mithril Armour (middle-class)]

>Passive Skill:

-Killer God Aura


-Nen Manipulation


—Martial Arts:

-Shadow Possession

-Shadow Slash

-Hundred Stabs

-Brute Force

-Iron Fist

-Huricane Kick

-Shukuchi Kai

-Cut of Light


-Sharingan: Attack Prediction

-Sharingan: Genjutsu

-Coercion Sharingan

-Mangekyō Sharingan: Tsukiyomi (left)

-Mangekyō Sharingan: Daikoku (right)


-Maximize Magic

-Twin Magic

-Over Magic


-Magic Shield (2nd-tier)

-Wind Lance (2nd-tier)

-Summon Angel 2nd Tier (2nd-tier)

-Fly (3rd-tier)

-Holy Light (3rd-tier)

-Summon Angel 3rd Tier (3rd-tier)

-Ice Javelin (3rd-tier)

-Ice Pillar (4th-tier)


-Body Replacement (E-rank)

--Fire Release: Dragon Fire Technique (C-rank)

-Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique (C-rank)

-Lightning Sword (C-rank)

-Fire Release: Great Flame Flower (B-rank)

-Shadow Clone Jutsu (B-rank)

-Chidori: Thunder (B-rank)

-Lightning Release: Lighting Chain (B-rank)

—Ki Skills:

-Death Beam


-Eye Laser


—Nen Skills:



So, the vol 2 is finally over..

Vol 3 is definitely in another verse.

While Vol 4 the canon of Overlord begins!