
Villainous Young Master's Otherworldly Harem

Jumping From World to the world: Intergalactic or Urban, World of Cultivation or Continent of Magic, Fighting other protagonists, hooking with beautiful heroines, plundering treasures, and suppressing a myriad of people, Our Protagonist(Villain) can do it all. After living an ordinary life for years, a man finally got transmigrated to another world. He woke up in the body of a boy named Jun Tianyun. " A world which got its own protagonists and villains, am I just a side character?" Jun Tianyun mumbled. Thankfully, he activated Heaven's Fortune System. " Jun Tianyun! You crippled my power and stole my wife! You villain! You will be punished by heaven!" A protagonist screamed as he coughed a mouthful of blood. " I didn't do anything. It was your fate!" Jun Tianyun explained kindly. " Brother Jun! Because of you, I am still alive and living a normal life with my wife and two children. You are a saint!" A villain spoke with an emotional voice. " I didn't do anything. You earned your chance of redemption." Jun Tianyun sighed. [ Ding! A female with high Destiny Point is detected! Whether Host wants to steal her destiny or conquer the heroine?] " This..." Jun Tianyun fell in dillema. " Sigh, Changing the fate, So burdensome." Jun Tianyun sighed as he saw a bunch of heroines fighting for him. .....................................................................................................................................

starry8sword · ファンタジー
489 Chs

Suspicious Villa

" Concocting Body Tempering Fluid will take a lot of time. For self defense, I need to prepare more talismans."

Jun Tianyun thought as he drove the car.

Since they have a Mid stage Martial Apprentice like Liao Yang, Xia Family might even send High stage Martial Apprentices.

Jun Tianyun reached his home as he saw Zi Yanrou getting ready. She already packed her things.

Since this house was shabby, Jun Tianyun didn't need to take anything from here. He will get all stuff ready in his villa.

" Eh? You have dished out so many chapters today."

Jun Tianyun opened the app as he read the new chapters of Zi Yanrou'r novel.


Yu'er bit her lips as she gazed outside the window. It looked like she was mesmerized by the night sky.

However, Mr. Lu knew that Yu'er had many things in her mind.

" What happened? Why are you worried?"

Mr. Lu asked. Although his voice was old as usual, Yu'er could feel the concern hidden in them.

" I... I just don't feel right."

"Sometimes, I just feel inferior. I think I am being a burden on you. If you leave me, You will go much ahead."

" Hah, Is going ahead that important?" Mr. Lu gave a rare chuckle.

" Yu'er, I hope you can believe in yourself. As long as you believe in yourself, Nothing will be impossible for you."

" As for the world, Why do you worry? Since I am here, even if the world goes against you, I will protect you."

" Lu Chang'ge..."

Yu'er blushed when he heard the words of Mr. Lu. They both walked out of the car as Mr. Lu held the hands of Yu'er.

" Yu'er..."

" Say no more."

The stars of the sky brightened as their lips sealed.


Jun Tianyun's expression turned weird after he finished the chapter.

" Wow, Her creativity is... very neat. She used last night's things as a reference as she portrayed the scene beautifully."

" But nonetheless, It still feels so awkward."

Jun Tianyun couldn't help but rub under his nose.

Thanks to his bot army, Zi Yanrou's novel remains in the top three.

Moreover, the reactions of the readers seem favorable. Many new (female) readers screaming for Mr.Lu in the new chapter.

" I am ready. Let's go." Zi Yanrou came out of the room as she spoke.

" Your new chapter looks... Pretty good." Jun Tianyun chuckled. " However, Why do I find this familiar?"

Zi Yanrou blushed when she heard that. " What? It seems you have mistaken."

" Really?"

" I..."

" Fine! Didn't I tell you that you need to help me with this project?"

" That's what I am doing. I am taking reference of our daily life to refine my writing."

Zi Yanrou shouted. Jun Tianyun couldn't help but grin.

" But, Do I look like Mr. Lu? Hey, I am not a cold CEO."

" Well, I don't have to completely copy your personality. Besides, I am also not like Yu'er." Zi Yanrou snickered.

" Alright, Enough bickering. Let's go. I will show you our new residence."

Jun Tianyun and Zi Yanrou sat in the car as they drove off.

After ten or some minutes, a few black cars approached the neighborhood of his house.

" According to our news, Xia Yanrou was seen here. And, This is the place where the strange accident happened to Liao Yang."

" Everyone, Go and find that girl. Otherwise, Miss Xia Ling would punish us severely."

A man shouted to a dozen men as they dispersed across the neighborhood.

" Boss! It seems there was someone else living with Xia Yanrou."

" Moreover, They have left the house."

" What? When?!"

" Today."

" Damn it! I don't think they had gone far. We must capture her in three days."

" Alright, I will inform every gang in the city."

Jun Tianyun didn't know that a bounty already started to circulate around the city.




Jun Tianyun and Zi Yanrou reached their destination as Zi Yanrou's face turned bright.

" Wow, Are we going to live here?!" Zi Yanrou asked in an excited voice.

" Well, What o you think?" Jun Tianyun chuckled.

" Ah, You must be Young master Jun! Are you here for this house?"

A middle aged man hurriedly came as he bowed before Jun Tianyun.

" I am Xiao San. I am the one who showed this house to Young master Wang." Xiao San smiled.

" Interesting, This Villa is bigger than I expected. It only cost 30 Million yuan? I thought it would minimum cost 80 million?" Jun Tianyun asked in a doubtful voice.

" Wait, This villa purchased by you?" Zi Yanrou's eyes turned wide like saucers.

" You can think of this as my salary."

" Who gave a villa worth 30 million as salary?"

" You just don't know rich people." Jun Tianyun chuckled.

" So, Is it really that cheap?"

Jun Tianyun asked to Xiao San. Although Jun Tianyun didn't know much about real estate, he still knows a thing or two.

" Ahah, It's not like that. Young master Wang is a frequent person here, So, We gave him a discount."

Xiao San spoke, But Jun Tianyun saw a slight discomfort on Xiao San's face.

" Ah, Discount. I see."

Jun Tianyun nodded. After all, many real estate company gives a huge discount to their wealthy customers.

'' Haha, Mr. Jun, Please sign this paper. We have already installed everything in the villa. All you need is to go and stay with comfort."

Jun Tianyun nodded as he signed the paper. Xiao Sn breathed a sigh of relief as he took his leave quickly.

" What a hurried man." Jun Tianyun commented.

" Bruh, Why do you care? I can't wait to go inside." Zi Yanrou wave his hands as she rushed inside.

" And, Don't forget to bring our luggage!"

Jun Tianyun smiled as he shook his head. With a thought, he activated his Eyes of Fortune.

Suddenly, the world turned chromatic as various colors appeared in his vision.

" Huh?" Jun Tianyun's eyes squinted as he saw the villa from afar.

It was shrouded by a green radiance along with a yellow layer.

" Hmm, It seems the house is mostly safe. However, there is also something suspicious in it."

Jun Tianyun recalled the expression of Xiao Shan as his doubts grew deeper.

" What kind of problem could a villa have? Wait a second?"

Jun Tianyun's vision turned deep as he looked at the Astral Projection of his villa.

Suddenly, a darkish purple smoke rose around the villa as the sunlight around it dimmed. Jun Tianyun could see a faint humanoid figure appear on the upper floor.

However, it seems like the figure noticed Jun Tianyun's gaze as it suddenly disappeared.

" Fuck, This house is haunted."

Jun Tianyun sighed in his heart. However, It seems like the shot here isn't have much power to harm them.

" Oh well, One Evil Dispelling Talisman should be enough."

JunTianyun probed as he carried the luggage inside.

" Whoa! It is so big."

Zi Yanorou screamed in happiness as she jumped on the bouncy sofa.

Looking at their previous house and this villa, the difference is like heaven and earth.

" Well, I guess your rent also increases. Living in such a luxury villa, You surely don't want free load, will you?" Jun Tianyun chuckled.

" Rent? What rent?" Zi Yanrou pretended to know nothing.

" Hmm, I think, 20,000 Yuan a month should be fine. Not to mention it's already a discounted price."

" What? 20,000 Yuan? It's too much."

" You know about the cost of this villa, Right?"

" I..."

Zi Yanrou turned speechless when she saw Jun Tianyun's grin.

" Hmph, Calling me sister first then taking advantage of me? Jun Tianyun, You are not a man!" Zi Yanrou rebuked.

" Oh really? I haven't even taken off my pants. How can you say that?"

Jun Tianyun cackled.

" Even the Yu'er in your novel has some etiquette and moral."

Zi Yanrou blushed when he heard Jun Tianyun. She couldn't help but sigh at Jun Tianyun's plan.

" Hmm, You don't have money. I wonder if you are going to pay me any other form?" Jun Tianyun hummed.

" Yo-You!"

" Go to hell!"

Zi Yanrou shouted as she took her bag and went upstairs. Jun Tianyun couldn't help but laugh at her cute reaction.

" It's been a while since I took a good bath." Zi Yanrou mumbled as she entered the bathtub.

It was big enough to accommodate two people.

" That Jun Tianyun is such a leecher. Pah, Does he think I don't know about his intentions?"

Her face turned hot when she imagined the scene where Jun Tianyun was slowly undressing her.,

" Bah! Evil thoughts! Go away! Evil thoughts go away!" Zi Yanrou hurriedly shook her head.

" Well, This house is good. Let's check the garden. I think the Yin Qi is dense in the garden."

" Maybe there is something hidden."

Jun Tianyun used his Eyes of Fortune to observe the garden. All the dark purple mist gathered there.

" Anyway, Ghosts couldn't do much in the daytime. It means I have enough time to prepare."

Jun Tianyun sat on the sofa and entered God's Space.

" Whoa?!"

Jun Tianyun became surprised when he saw the changes inside God's Space.

[ Ding! New System function Activated!]



Dear Fellow Daoist, If you have any confusion regarding the story or have your own thoughts, Please comment and let me know! :)